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Old 01-07-2007, 21:08   #1
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Default The Beigemobile - AKA Bluey

I think it was Leon asking about Bluey at the Essex meet. Well I'm bored (read should be doing paperwork for work ), so here's the story of how I ended up with the thing, and what I've done with it so far...

As you know, I've got a black turbo. The weak link on these cars is the gearbox, and as I'm a hooligan, I wanted to collect a few spares. So I stuck an ad up for a gearbox for a turbo. I got one response, from a Scottish chap living in london who said he had a car with a turbo interior so it would have a turbo gearbox. Er, ok I said, not convinced. He said he was going to scrap the car as the headgasket had gone, did I want it. I asked for details, any other problems etc. None reported. So unseen, I agreed to pay £50 for the car and £50 for delivery - for the whole car! A 1983 Saab 99 GL in babypoo brown, and 170,000 on the clock.

And so it arrive on 6th Feb 2005.

Something struck me as familiar - turned out that the car used to belong to one of the East Midlands branch of the owners club and was famous around that area, I'd seen it mentioned in the past.

Anyway, first clue all was not well was when I put some water in the coolant tank. And it all came straight out the exhaust. Hmm, head gasket VERY gone then:

But that was minor compared to the real problem:

Ouch. I rang the previous owner and pried a little. Turns out when the HG went, he kept driving. At 90. For 40+ miles. Yup, that'd kill the engine

So I went on the hunt. Do you think I could find a replacement 8v locally? So I ended up buying a 16v injection engine and gearbox with 160,000 miles on it from Witham, that came home in the back of the turbo:

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Old 01-07-2007, 21:33   #2
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Before I go on, I'd better add a note about the name Bluey. Yes it's from the numberplate, yes it confuses the hell out of people, and no I didn't name it! The daughter of the previous keeper but one named it thus, so who am I to take the name away

Anyway, I had a decision to make. The replacement engine and box in theory should just drop in, with minor alterations to the mounts, despite 8 extra valves, a different model of car and 11 years of development. But the amount of work to convert the car to work on electronic fuel injection was a LOT - including totally replacing the fuel tank and a heck of a lot of wiring.

So I decided to see how easy it would be to convert the 16v engine to an 8v. Turns out it's childsplay, the blocks are identical But I needed an 8v head - I happened to be going up to Aberdeenshire so what better place to find one and bring back. Hmm.

So the rebuild commenced. New timing chain and guides, new gaskets and that was about it.

And in the new engine goes:


But there was a problem. When I got the engine plumbed in and running, there was a strange scrubbing sound. After a bit of hunting I found that the bolt that holds the crank pulley on was JUST contacting the bulkhead. After some homework, it turns out that from about 1990 Saab made the crank a teeny bit longer for some reason. Fine for the longer engine bay 900, but no good for the 99. Grr!!! So out the engine came, and a bit of bodgery was implemented

Engine back in, connected up, and all's good Off for an MOT. Failed in rear brake pipes and rear discs excessively corroded. Simple job to do, back in and a pass
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Old 01-07-2007, 21:34   #3
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Used the car for a while all was good And then took it to Coventry for a big Saab meet, so thought I'd best give it a bit of a scrub:

I even got published!

Had a few adventures since - took the car up to Aberdeenshire to my friend's place - 1,120 mile round trip, mostly at 90+ and didn't skip a beat. I did have to change the coolant tank afterwards though as the heat had cracked it

And also for grins took it round Castle Combe:

Almost caught up a 175bhp T16 - not bad for a 100bhp carb car

But the miles are taking their toll - the carb is knackered and spares are nigh on impossible to find, and the rust it taking hold underneath So currently the arse is in the air whilst I strip all the suspension off, change the 24 year old springs, shocks and bushes, swap the tank for a fuel injection tank, get some welding done, and then convert Bluey to K-Jet fuel injection. Should be about 110bhp then. MAYBE aftr that a low pressure turbo converision......!
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Old 02-07-2007, 02:38   #4
Vodka Martini
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hahahah your face in that last pic is classic

Sweet car, love the colour!
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Old 02-07-2007, 09:19   #5
The Mouse King of Denmark
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That upholstery is pure Austin Powers. Very groovy.
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Old 02-07-2007, 16:48   #6
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I had a choice of two pics from the day - that one and a "normal" expression one. No decision to make as to which to buy

The original interior was probably a dull blue, that's a turbo interior, orange dreylon and deep red vinyl. Yeah baby
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Old 02-07-2007, 17:24   #7
The Night Worker
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Originally Posted by Belmit View Post
That upholstery is pure Austin Powers. Very groovy.

I didn't know what to say so have quoted you for truth
The pics were saved for me by the last one. I can imagine a ride out in it & the training procedure.
"Right then Everybody lean left when i go right, Ready Now ? Buckle up babys"

Top motor, i feel the love

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Old 07-07-2007, 08:21   #8
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Poor car has been abandoned since Monday (see thread about soggy nut hut, been busy). But next week I'm working lates so weather permitting should get a fair amount done
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Old 27-08-2007, 12:20   #9
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Remembered I'm supposed to be heading up to Castle Combe again on the 8th for "Euro Fest" or whatever it's called. Poor car hasn't been touched in weeks!

Over the last couple of days I've stripped out the inlet manifold, carb, airbox, some of the plumbing.

And using bits from at LEAST 8 different cars, I've put a new inlet manifold, throttle body, k-jet metering unit and airbox, all sorts of random plumbing to bodge it into shape, a different thermostat housing as the original didn't have the bracket for the warm up reg. Problem is, the outlet to the rad on that thing points right at the radiator fan, so some jiggery pokery needed. Probably a couple of plumbing copper elbows

Almost ready to put the back axle back on. I'm HATING the last couple of bushes though, doing my head in, hence starting on the engine bay. Then a little bit of plumbing round the tank, and it's good to go

Turns out someone else is doing the exact same conversion at the same time. Mine is a suprise for combe though, so I've been dropping hints on how to do it without (hopefully!) giving the game away
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Old 01-09-2007, 19:43   #10
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Got a bit more done today, but not looking that hopeful

Old brake pipes are cut off the rear axle, ready for the new ones.
Last bush is in, so can start assembling the axle as soon as the fuel line plumbing is done.

But there lies the problems. I have a wide selection of fuel lines to make what I need from, but nothing so far fits right, so I'm going to have to either buy new (£££) or cut fittings from what I've got and try and re-use them. I think a combination of both... So I'm making up a list of bits to "VOR" from Sweden, and I'll get hacking about tomorrow. Unfortunately, most of the fittings I want to reuse are seized, so they don't swivel. But to replace those with new would cost over £40! Fine if I was planning on keeping the car, but I'm not... So I'm going to cut the old pipe off and see if I can free them up and fit a new bit of pipe. Not fun!

In the engine bay, one of the two coolant plumbing issues is sorted, the other not yet, I need to find a 32mm 90deg elbow to join two hoses. I might have to buy a flexi hose from halfords, but that's nearly £13! Then I think it's just one gasket, and then some wiring.

I'm hoping for some easy work days in the week so I can get some done in the evenings!
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