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Deep Throat
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 6,512
I went to Tescos on Halloween to pick up a few bits and bobs. Chocolates for Trick or Treaters, Salad, Tomatoes, Cucumber, Fish, Cereal and some Condoms. Normally I'm fairly un-embarrasable but for some reason today I just was all shy about grabbing the latter on my list of things I needed to pick up. This probably was because I wasn't shopping at my normal store so wasn't aware of where everything was. When I had discovered where the condom section was, there in the way was a lady and her trolley. So. I just figured I would wait patiently until she moved on (she was quite old and looking at vitamin pills). Lady with Trolley: "Oh I'm sorry dear, am I in your way" Me: "No not at all!".... *suddenly looks panicy* Lady with Trolley: "Ok!" *looks at me as if "well why are you still there"* Me: *runs off elsewhere* So yeh. I wondered off thinking "WHY did you say NO!!" and think "ahh well I'll go back for them, I'll grab my cereal first.". Cereal is grabbed and so I trot back... where this woman STILL REMAINS!! So I walk past her (she notices me) and pretend to look at the toothpaste... and then the liquid hand soap... (of which I put some into my shopping basket)... and then back to the toothpaste and EVENTUALLY she goes! YAY! So I tootle over there, grab the condoms I want and wonder off all relieved. At the checkout the lady behind the till is an ancient looking delicate thing but all smiley and nice: Me: "Hello!" Checkout Lady: "Hello there my love! Would you like a hand packing?!" Me: "No no thank you!" Checkout Lady: "Pardon?" Me: *louder* "No thank you, but thank you!" Checkout Lady: *scans through cereal box* *scans through cucumber* "So dear, do you have any plans for tonight then with it being Halloween and all?!" *scans through chocolate* *scans through condoms* Me: "No not really - we're planning on staying in tonight! Kind of veg out in front of the TV!" Checkout Lady: *pauses scanning* "Pardon?!" Me: *a bit louder* "I think we're going to veg out tonight! Just relax kind of thing" Checkout Lady: "Did you say 'veg out'?!" Me: "Yeh! Veg out - relax" *smiles* Checkout Lady: "Veg out?"*looks confused - double takes the condoms* Me: "As in... relax... chill out... not do a lot!" *smiles* Checkout Lady: "OooH my child!! What a funny thing to say! I was quite shocked as I thought you said 'get his veg out'! Hahaha!" Me: *zomgwtfyouCRAZYWOMAN* *bright red* "Hahaha! No! It's a saying! Oh dear" *looks at people in the queue behind her laughing* *NoOOOOOoOO* Was so embarrassing. Due to it being busy and noisy she said it really loudly too. I just wanted the world to open up and gobble me down. Seriously. That's the last time I'm buying condoms. I think it might be karma from when I was younger and thought it would be hilarious to slip a packet of condoms in an old grannies basket when she wasn't looking in Boots. That'll learn me ![]() |
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