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Old 09-06-2008, 10:51   #21
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Originally Posted by Kell_ee001 View Post
Good luck! I can't open the link here at work though - how far is the move?
Roughly 1,400 miles. Just down the road
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Old 09-06-2008, 13:34   #22
I iz speshul
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Best of luck with it Darrin, hope it all goes well

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
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Old 21-06-2008, 16:11   #23
Dirteh Kitteh
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Well, we're in Utah. Still need to get checked into the apartment and move the bare necessities in, but we survived the drive.

I'll try to get a picture of the behemoth we crammed all our stuff into. 26 foot U-haul truck with a tow dolly on the back dragging Tina's Neon with the cats in it. It was a bit of a challenge to navigate that thing around parking lots, let me tell you!!

Anyways, must go take care of more details. I'll talk again soon when it's not from a hotel room on Tina's laptop...

A bullet may have your name on it, but shrapnel is addressed "to whom it may concern".
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Old 21-06-2008, 16:14   #24
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Glad to hear the move went well. I know alot of people were asking what happened to the cats
"Dr Sheldon Cooper FTW!"
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Old 21-06-2008, 16:16   #25
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Great to hear from you fella! Hope you get all settled in soon, must be a big relief to have arrived safe and sound

...faster you naughty little monkey!
Running through hell, heaven can wait!
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Old 21-06-2008, 16:20   #26
Do you want to hide in my box?
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Glad to hear things are going well, hope the unpacking goes smoothly
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Old 21-06-2008, 17:32   #27
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Glad you are almost there. Hope it's not a Motel 6. The last one I stayed in I think there was a triple murder in there
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Old 21-06-2008, 18:30   #28
ex SAS
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Good to see you back and how was the drive itself?
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Old 22-06-2008, 20:44   #29
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Well done Darrin, glad to hear the news
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Old 24-06-2008, 16:32   #30
Dirteh Kitteh
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To answer some of the questions (if I leave any out, I apologize. I just finished unloading the truck, so I'm a little knackered right now) we brought 4 of the 8 cats with us. The little orange and white tabby went to a friend, the deaf black one went to another couple, and the two sisters went to a girl I worked with. So that left us with Kitty, the big fluffy one (also called Momma). Tigger, the black and white one. Shadow the little grey Russian Blue, and Scrappy, the tiger striped one.

The two dogs went to a family that owned a farm out in the middle of nowhere (like my place) about 10 miles away. Within 30 minutes of dropping them off they ran away. 12 hours later Caramel showed back up in our driveway. No idea what happened to Pepper (Caramel's sister). Another family that lived 19 miles away agreed to take Caramel. We took her over the night before we left. Two days later a friend dropped by to check our mail for us and said Caramel was back sitting on the porch. So now I have no idea what's going to happen to her.

As to the drive? It was the definition of HELL!! Road construction on all the freeways, everyone wanting to do 75-80mph and the truck I was driving had a 74mph limiter on it. Every bump in the road jarred the teeth out of our heads. Navigating parking lots for food or lodging was an hour long affair. None of the hotels we'd booked reservations with had them, and they were all full by the time we got there.

We finally get here to the apartment on Saturday, get a portion of the lease filled out only to find that the price they quoted us had gone up by at least $150 a month plus the deposit had gone up by $400. The garage we had rented to keep all our extra stuff in couldn't be opened because the remote was broken. So now we've got a rented truck stuffed with all our crap costing us $99 a day that we can't empty. And the day we CAN get a working remote? Tina's due at her new job at 5AM. There's several pieces of furniture there's no way I can even move myslelf, so I have to schedule a moving helper's company to come unload the truck with me. Today. So there's $250 for them, another $200 for the truck rental, yada yada yada.

Oh, and the internet is a shared cable connection. Meaning that in the evening there are 252 apartments sharing one cable internet connection that doesn't allow java so Tina can't play her favorite site,

Needless to say I'm not too impressed with the place we moved into...

Anyways, I need a smoke. And I'm about ready to take up drinking again after 15 years sober.

Oh, and I need to go find myself a vehicle before tomorrow night when I'm expected at work. That is if I can get Tina to be able to drive herself to work. She got lost three times this morning, so I'm going on 36 hours without sleep right now...

A bullet may have your name on it, but shrapnel is addressed "to whom it may concern".
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