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Old 12-01-2010, 15:15   #1
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Default Interactive White Boards

Hello all

I have been asked to get some prices for these... does anyone have any experience of them? Practical or purchasingwise?


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Old 12-01-2010, 15:28   #2
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If you get no other leads you can always try PMing 'mininik' on here. He's not posted much so may not see the thread but he's a good chap, local to us and we know him from OcUK. He has a PC repair business and he's mentioned before that he supplies these to schools and the like around here so should know about them.

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Old 12-01-2010, 15:32   #3
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Thanks K

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Old 12-01-2010, 17:34   #4
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We have one in work, use it a fair bit. Very useful for printing out brain dumps!
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Old 12-01-2010, 18:00   #5
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They are loads of fun
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Old 12-01-2010, 18:04   #6
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I've fair experience with SMART Technologies whiteboards: though I haven't used them in about 4-5 years now.

I'm not particularly fond of front projection ones. Whoever is writing on the board is in between the beam and the board so forever having to work around their shadow, plus any time you turn to your audience you've got a projector beaming bright light straight into your face.

That said, they're awesome. The teachers that had them in their classrooms all became very enthusiastic about them and kept coming up with some pretty nifty ways of using them. Most resisted getting them to start with "We'll never find a use for it", but the ideas soon started to flow (e.g. Geography using Google Earth for a fully touch interactive, zoomable globe with all the links and data Google provides with it)
Great for brain storming sessions too, nice and quick to save and e-mail copies of the notes off to colleagues or print them as necessary.
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Old 12-01-2010, 22:22   #7
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We use the Promethean Activeboards in work, they're absolutely fantastic and really easy to use. If you'd like I can get the details of our supplier tomorrow along with a rough idea of price?

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Old 12-01-2010, 22:36   #8
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Hello! Yes I do supply SMARTboards, they are sweet!

In what sort of situation is it going to be used? Does it need to be height adjustable? The two main options are a fixed board with seperate projector on either a boom arm (mounted on the wall) or ceiling mount (where applicable), OR a board and projector on a sliding wall bracket. Standing in your own shadow isn't too much of a problem nowadays with ultra-short throw projectors, especially in the boards with integrated projector.

There's plenty of teaching resources available from the net for SMART Notebook software.

I supply and install these to clients around East Anglia, but can always at least supply to further afield!

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Last edited by mininik; 12-01-2010 at 22:39.
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Old 13-01-2010, 10:13   #9
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Originally Posted by mininik View Post
Hello! Yes I do supply SMARTboards, they are sweet!

In what sort of situation is it going to be used?
Mainly in Boardroom/Meeting Rooms

Does it need to be height adjustable?
Not really. They will probably be fixed (less chance of it getting broken?!)

The two main options are a fixed board with seperate projector on either a boom arm (mounted on the wall) or ceiling mount (where applicable),

OR a board and projector on a sliding wall bracket. Standing in your own shadow isn't too much of a problem nowadays with ultra-short throw projectors, especially in the boards with integrated projector.
Please can I have a price for both?

There's plenty of teaching resources available from the net for SMART Notebook software.
Cool - will pass that on to IT

I supply and install these to clients around East Anglia, but can always at least supply to further afield!
We are London based - Liverpool St
Really dumb question alert: These are replacing whiteboards and chalkboards right? Would they be replacing projectors to. I.e. I have a lot of website meetings so need to see the www up on the screen and would want to use it in the same way we use computer/projector.

If everyone could supply details/prices that would be brilliant, I need to present 3 options to my Director.

Thanks everyone

BB x

Last edited by BBx; 13-01-2010 at 10:39.
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Old 13-01-2010, 16:52   #10
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Originally Posted by BBx View Post
Really dumb question alert: These are replacing whiteboards and chalkboards right? Would they be replacing projectors to. I.e. I have a lot of website meetings so need to see the www up on the screen and would want to use it in the same way we use computer/projector.
They just make your whiteboard one large interactive touch screen for the computer that's hooked up to it. The computer that's hooked up to it will still be running Windows, still able to do everything it's always been able to do. If you want to go browse a website you can do. You can use either a keyboard hooked up to the computer for the typing or use the onscreen keyboard (not recommended myself, no matter how good you are at it it's still fairly slow typing that way!)

The SMART Notebook software primarily serves as being a Whiteboard application. e.g. you get a big white screen with multiple pages, that you can write on and erase to your hearts content, and save for later use etc.
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