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Old 05-08-2008, 11:30   #1
The Stig
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Default Wireless keyboards and mice.

Anyone here know much about how these work?

I've had a logitech MX610 wireless left handed mouse for a while and I've carried on using it with my new laptop as I find it much nicer to use than the trackpad, i'm now also thinking of getting a wireless keyboard to give me the ability to use a full keyboard on the occasions when it is preferable to do so however for ease of use I'd like to only use the 1 wireless dongle for both, is this possible?

On the one hand I've got the idea in my head that the dongle needs to be in some way coded to the device it's supplied with otherwise in a busy office where more than one person are using wireless you'd all end up controlling each others computers but on the other hand this would be a nightmare from a manufacturing and support point of view so it might be possible to either repair the devices or to mix and match.

Anyone know enough to give any useful advice? My laptop has bluetooth so it might be that I have to go that way but they tend to be expensive for something that would only be used occasionally.

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Old 05-08-2008, 11:39   #2
Rocket Fuel
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The days of all wireless keyboards being on a single frequency are gone. We've got an office full of people using the same model of wireless keyboard and mouse and there's no issues with cross control. You pair the base with the devices and then forget about them.

To use one dongle with both devices is possible but to guarantee they'll all work you would normally need to buy a desktop set which is the receiver, keyboard and mouse.

Bluetooth is a nice option, but as you said, can be expensive.
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Old 05-08-2008, 12:23   #3
Screaming Orgasm
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The MX610 dongle definitely won't work with any keyboard - it's mouse-only. I know this because I have a dongle that looks the same (different mouse).

You don't necessarily have to buy a desktop set to get a dongle that'll work with more than one device, but it is the only way to guarantee getting one.

Most of the bigger dongles used in desktop sets can be paired, but the ones used for devices like your MX610 are permanently paired to that one mouse and that's it. This doesn't present any problem for manufacturing, but for warranty support you would have to return both parts.
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