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Old 28-10-2008, 16:26   #1
Vodka Martini
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Default Resistance 2

Ok, i know there aren't too many PS3 owners here but i thought i'd start a thread on this one anyway. IGN have posted their review (9.5/10), i don't typically give reviews any notice these days, however the video review contained some incredible footage so i suggest anyone interested gives it a watch here.

The online beta coop mode was incredibly addictive, despite only having one level i've played it at least 10 times through. What really grabs me about it is that the objectives are performance based, so depending on how good your team is they may up the ante a bit on your next objective. There have been cases where i was with a particularly good team and enemies would just continue to flood towards you in an almost endless stream, incredibly tense.

Anyone else looking forward to this one?

PSN & Live! ID: Streeteh
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Old 29-10-2008, 12:56   #2
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Oddly enough, me. I am thinking of importing it in if I can find it cheap enough.
Multiplayer should be awesome.
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Old 29-10-2008, 13:12   #3
Vodka Martini
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Shopto are doing it for £32.99 but you also get a £3 off voucher on your next purchase, so effectively £29.99, not bad tbh.

PSN & Live! ID: Streeteh
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Old 29-10-2008, 13:22   #4
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Hmm, that's probably a little better. Guess I don't need it in *that* much of a hurry.
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Old 04-12-2008, 17:56   #5
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Not one post about this from anyone who owns it?
How is it?
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Old 04-12-2008, 19:30   #6
Vodka Martini
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Haven't posted about it as i've been too busy playing it

Best shooter of the year for me (this wasn't difficult however as it's been quite a dry year for shooters), haven't given gears 2 a proper try yet however (only 20 mins in a cave :/) so obviously that isn't included in my opinion. I'll describe it mainly by drawing comparisons to the original:

Graphics: It's hard to believe this game runs on the same engine as the original. It looks so much better in every single way, more colour, more detail on the guns, more detail on the NPCs, more varied enemies, better weapon effects, higher resolution textures (or rather, just that it has textures, unlike the rather bland Resistance 1 ). IMO, best looking game to hit the PS3, i'm tempted to say best looking for all consoles however as i say all i've done in gears 2 is an underground cave; not the best basis of comparison.

Gameplay: Better than the original in nearly every way. One complaint is that they've replaced the marginally original health system with the oh-so-overused regenerating health. For those that don't know, resistance 1 had a health system where you would have 4 'bars' that would regenerate, however, if one of those bars became completely empty you would need a health pack to replenish it. Another complaint are the enemies known as 'chameleons', i won't say much about them in order to not ruin it however i will say this; beating them is largely based on luck or knowing exactly where they're coming from. Fortunately there's only around 3 short sections where you will find them so it's not a game breaker.

Compliments of the gameplay would be that they've notably improved the AI and added a few extra rather original guns (the pistol with remotely triggered explosive bullets is my favorite, shoot and enemy then blow his corpse up as his allies run over it for example) and they've kept all of the best from the previous game though nearly all of them have been tweaked, for example the auger (a gun capable of firing through walls) now has the ability to see through walls thus upgrading the gun from near useless in Resistance 1 to one of the most powerful guns in the game. Boss fights are generally huge and in one instance MASSIVE though most don't require much creativity and are defeated by sheer brute force but they still work brilliantly.

The game starts slow (but nowhere near as slowly as the original, this is still a good game in the early stages) but really picks up after the first chapter. While later parts of the final chapter get a bit repetitive, it's a good formula so it works. You're looking at 8-10 hours on your first playthrough with an unlockable difficulty level after you're finished, i'm already on my second playthrough and still loving it.

Multiplayer: As with its predecessor, this is where Resistance 2 really shines. The competitive multiplayer is very similar to the original, just bigger, boasting 60 player deathmatch or capture the flag. There's also a rather interesting skirmish mode where teams are split up into squads of 5 or 10 and given different objectives, each squads successes are then aggregated to an overall score for the team.

However, what really makes this game stand out for me is the 8 player coop. There are several missions (8 iirc?) set in different places along the single player campaigns storyline. In each mission there are anywhere from 6 to 20ish different objectives, a few of which which will be chosen according to how well the team performs. So for example if a team completes the previous objective quickly and with few casualties then a harder objective will be chosen for them. In a playthrough typically 4 of the objectives will be chosen so multiple playthroughs of each mission are needed to see the whole thing.

There are three different classes, Soldier, Spec Ops and Medic, the soldier is a gung-ho chaingun wielding mentalist, spec ops has a sort of sniper rifle and the ability to dish out ammo and the medic has the ability to leech health from the enemy and dish it out to his teammates. Each class has 8 unlockable upgrades that can be purchased with 'grey tech', the game currency, at certain levels. The mechanic chosen means that unless the team works together they will surely fail, without a spec ops feeding soldiers ammo they will run out very quickly as they chew through that stuff very quickly, and the importance of the medic is obvious, especially considering that in coop players health no longer regenerates.

The graphics have been downgraded for the coop (but it still looks better than resistance 1), partly because of the fact that it allows split-screen play, which was removed from the single player campaign to allow for mega eye candy, and partly so they can put a stupid number of enemies on screen at once. This is similar to left 4 dead in terms of the swarms that will attack at once, but these enemies are smarter and have guns so it's rather interesting to take on some of the really hard objectives.

In case you hadn't noticed, i love this game, very much so. Two weeks ago i would have said LBP was the game to buy on the PS3, now it's this, it really has blown my socks off.

PSN & Live! ID: Streeteh

Last edited by Streeteh; 04-12-2008 at 19:39.
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Old 04-12-2008, 23:43   #7
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It's not been a dry year for shooters? I've hardly had change to stop playing them!

You best still be playing it after Xmas when I get it. . Fancy loaning me Resistance so that I can complete it first?
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Old 05-12-2008, 00:53   #8
Vodka Martini
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Originally Posted by NokkonWud View Post
It's not been a dry year for shooters? I've hardly had change to stop playing them!

You best still be playing it after Xmas when I get it. . Fancy loaning me Resistance so that I can complete it first?
I can't think of a single FPS that has remotely entertained me this year aside from maybe Crysis: Warhead, however a year is a long time and i imagine there are a few i forgot. With that said, if they were as good as this, i would have remembered them

It's most likely i'll still be playing it, if not just give me a shout and i'm sure i'll pick it up again. One of the best elements of playing the coop is playing it with friends so having a friend wanting to play with me would be all i needed to get back into it.

And yeah, i can loan you Resistance, drop me your address to my blueyonder email (i've lost your address from when i sent you the 7800GTX) and i'll post it to you sometime next week. Sorry, i know i offered ages ago but i completely forgot.

PSN & Live! ID: Streeteh
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