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Old 05-01-2009, 18:36   #1
Long Island Iced Tea
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Default Moral Dilemma and a Tattoo

Ok, well, happy news (for me anyway) first. I finally got my tattoo done I was really, really scared but it didn't hurt very much and I'm happy with the result. Will post a pic when I can find the charger for my camera.

On a more unhappy note (prepare for a huge rant!) I witnessed the most horrendous act of animal cruelty 2 days ago.

Iain and I were round at my brother and girlfriends house to let us see the dogs. They have a staffie girl (Tia), a staffie boy (Ty) puppy and a jack russel boy (Titch). The boys are un-neutered and are quite prone to starting a fight with each other when riled. The boys kicked off and Denise (bro's gf) grabbed Titch by the scruff, pushing him into the floor and hit him about 3 times, picked him up above her head (still by the scruff) and again hit him a fair few times. She then shouted "Where's his belt!" and led him into the kitchen with a leather belt (at this point I had to leave as I was ready to kill her).

Worse still in the next few days they're supposed to be getting another dog as "they can look after it better than it's current owner can"

I am so tempted to call the SSPCA but not sure how much power they have to actually take the dogs away from her. They are also my brother's dogs and he would never forgive me. In my eyes she is not fit to be a pet owner and this is the 2nd time I've seen her be unecessarily violent towards her pets. I've also seen her belt her son with the buckle of a belt and know she hits her daughter.

I've been telling them to get the dogs neutered but she won't even though she was supposed to be getting Ty done for free when he was old enough. It would stop the fighting to a degree. She also claims that Titch is untrainable even though I had him sitting down beside me nice and calm until she riled him up again.

My brother seems to be turning a blind eye to this. I text him saying what I though if her and he text back "Stargate is on" and has ignored any subsequent texts.

My dog lived with them for the last year of his life and I hate to think how he was treated while there.

Any advice on how to proceed? Should I speak to her or is my only option the SSPCA?

Sorry for the lengthy post.

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Old 05-01-2009, 18:46   #2
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Originally Posted by _dogma_ View Post
Should I speak to her or is my only option the SSPCA?
Will she listen?

If not, then the only option is the SSPCA.

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Old 05-01-2009, 18:47   #3
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P.S. Grats on the tat, I'm hopefully getting my first done at the end of the month!

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Old 05-01-2009, 19:00   #4
nipples lol (o)(o)
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Personally I would report her, only thing is, if you describe the incident to them, and they then go round there, is that not likely to cause you aggro with your brother. As in you will have to be specific and then shes going to know its you.

Its a hard one because if they went round on the pretence of "having a report of hearing someone shouting at the dogs" then she will just play nicey nicey in front of the inspector.

Difficult one really. I still think i'd report it though. Sorry to say, but she doesnt sound like a very nice person if she can beat her kids and treat her dogs like that.
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Old 05-01-2009, 19:06   #5
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She is a horrid woman and I have no idea why my brother stays with her.

She's had complaints before about the dogs whining (not sure if it's abuse related or not) but that was from the council before they bought the house.

A lot of my family think she's a saint but is incredibly back stabbing when they're gone. I can't stand her and she control my brother a lot and so we aren't as close as we used to be.

Does anyone know if she was reported would someone definately go round or is it a case of "we'll look into it" but never follow it up? I know sometimes charities are not quite what they seem.

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Old 05-01-2009, 19:10   #6
nipples lol (o)(o)
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I reported one of my parents neighbours (when I still lived at home)a few years back for leaving their dog outside during the day in all weathers with no shelter.

I said I wanted to remain anonymous but asked if they would call me back when they had done the visit so I knew how it went.

A couple of weeks later, I heard via another neighbour how the person I reported had been mouthing off that "some *insert expletive here* had reported them about their dog"

The RSPCA rang me back shortly after this to say they had followed up my call but apparently as long as they have access to food and water, and are being let in at night (which this dog was apparently) then they couldnt do anything.

Dont know if thats of any help, but just to say in my case, they did follow it up.
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Old 05-01-2009, 20:17   #7
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Originally Posted by Knipples View Post
I said I wanted to remain anonymous but asked if they would call me back when they had done the visit so I knew how it went.
I've done the same thing when we lived in the flat. Our kitchen window looked into a "garden" which was just mud and this puppy was left outside yapping 90% of the time. We knew they had an older dog who lived inside.
The puppy didn't have food, water or shelter. The couple got given a warning and ended up putting a temp shelter up but the puppy vanished not long after - don't know if he moved inside, got taken away or given away.

Animal cruelty is animal cruelty - if they won't take advice or suggestions or change the way they treat the animals, report them.
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Old 05-01-2009, 19:59   #8
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I think the RSPCA have to follow it up if it sounds serious enough (and to me, it does). I'd have absolutely no issues with reporting her. Be her your brother's gf or not, that's simply unacceptable treatment of an animal. Poor thing

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Old 06-01-2009, 08:17   #9
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Congrats on Tat

As for the dilemma... Its a really tough one
It needs reporting but it will probably cause you a lot of trouble eh?
Does your brother hold grudges for long? I would suggest talking to him about this alone and see what he says and atleast he has had a warning upfront about it.
As for her children thats child abuse and if I ever saw someone treat kids like that I would report them.
Although thats easy said than done, I have reported someone in the past and they ended up having kids taken off them and went to prison for a few months too because of the abuse they caused.
Its never easy reporting family/friends for something but if you really feel that it needs reporting then you will only beat yourself up over it if you don't

I really hope you manage to sort this out by talking to your brother
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Old 06-01-2009, 08:26   #10
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I would definately report it, that should not be allowed no matter who is she going out with. If your brother is ignoring then he is also being cruel to the animal. To be quite honest I don't know how your brother can love those animals and watch that happen.

Disgusting behaviour.
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