23-05-2009, 22:24 | #1 |
ex SAS
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: JO01ou
Posts: 10,062
Shooting, yay!
It's been a couple of years since I did any proper competition shooting for a number of reasons but I managed to get to Bisley today and take part in an Iron Plate match for the first time in *thinks* over two years.
The format of IPAS (Iron Plate Action Shooting) is simple. Start position is standing, gun holstered with hands in the surrender position. On the start signal, draw pistol and engage the iron plate targets in front of you, ending on the specified 'stop' plate. The time taken is from the start signal to the final shot. There are penalties for missing a plate or missing the stop plate. You're allowed to fire extra shots to top up if you do miss a plate. Each stage is shot five times with the longest time being discarded. The first stage was a very simple one. Two plates at 10 metres distance with about 3ft between them with the higher one being the stop plate. *beep* draw, *bang* *bang* Time - 2.5 seconds. Not bad, I'm sure I can improve on it though. By the time I got to the final run on this stage *beep* draw *bangbang* Time - 1.4 seconds. As I unloaded and showed clear, the Range Officer said to me with a smile on his face "You've not lost it then, that was quick". Remember that I shoot revolver so it's all double action, none of your semi-auto 1911 style pistols here. To say I was pleased was an understatement. The results won't be out for a few days because it's being shot over the three days of the Phoenix meet at Bisley but I'm quite happy with my performance. This thread was brought to you by the words "smug" and "git"
26-05-2009, 17:16 | #2 |
Rocket Fuel
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 7,826
I miss shooting!
26-05-2009, 19:26 | #3 |
The Last Airbender
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Pigmopad
Posts: 11,915
Me too
My best was 298 out of 300 max at Police Pistol