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Old 08-06-2009, 10:22   #1
Baby Bore
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Default BNP Gain two seats in Euro Elections

I'm a pretty lenient guy and I would never move to ban a political party, I believe that everyone has a right to express their views. However I also believe that the public have a right to show that they don't believe a political party represents them.

Of course I'm talking about the BNP gaining two seats in the European Elections, I can't say I'm suprised, but I can't say I'm happy about them proporting to represent me or the country I live in.

If you feel the same way you can let people know


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Old 08-06-2009, 10:27   #2
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I feel the same way as you, i don't want to ban them as a party as it would be encroaching in free speech, something i very much value about our culture. But then, to me, they also represent several of the things i very much don't like about our culture, whether it be deliberate or accidental association.

I also lack a digital camera :/

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Last edited by Streeteh; 08-06-2009 at 10:39.
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Old 08-06-2009, 11:05   #3
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Snap. I could never agree with banning a party, but it is distinctly worrying that they got so many votes :/
I guess many of them were probably protest votes, which imo are an incredibly short sighted way of voting. Or I'm being excessively hopeful and there are that many people that actually think the BNP aren't just a bunch of racist thugs!

Worrying times politically I was quite annoyed I was too tired to keep watching the results by about 2am last night.
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Old 08-06-2009, 11:48   #4
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Originally Posted by Haly View Post
Snap. I could never agree with banning a party, but it is distinctly worrying that they got so many votes :/
They actually got LESS votes than before.

They got higher proportions of votes due to other voters deciding to protest by way of not voting rather than voting for other smaller parties. That or sheer laziness.

Either way, the BNP got their seats not from directly increased support but decreased turnout affecting other parties more.
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Old 08-06-2009, 11:49   #5
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Originally Posted by divine View Post
They actually got LESS votes than before.

They got higher proportions of votes due to other voters deciding to protest by way of not voting rather than voting for other smaller parties. That or sheer laziness.

Either way, the BNP got their seats not from directly increased support but decreased turnout affecting other parties more.
I would think that a campaign like 'Not IN My Name' makes even more sense then


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Old 08-06-2009, 11:22   #6
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See, now for me I think it's quite welcoming to bring MORE views to the table. The fact of the matter is, this country as a whole are that desperate for change that they've gone to the most extreme measures they can in the hope of trying to change somethings which need to be changed.

I'm not a BNP supporter by any stretch of the imagination, but I do know quite a lot of people who are, but given the area I live in, that shouldn't surprise anyone.
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Old 08-06-2009, 12:24   #7
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Originally Posted by NokkonWud View Post
See, now for me I think it's quite welcoming to bring MORE views to the table. The fact of the matter is, this country as a whole are that desperate for change that they've gone to the most extreme measures they can in the hope of trying to change somethings which need to be changed.
The major problem I've got with the idea of the BNP as a protest vote is that their main differentiating point from any other party (apart from even more fringe parties perhaps) is their policies on race and immigration so anyone voting for them is tacitly, if not explicitly, giving their approval to such policies. I know that people don't have to agree with every policy that the political party they vote for espouses but when the distinguishing feature is such as this then a vote for any of the other smaller parties would do the same job if there was not agreement with their policies on these areas at some level.

I'd never want the BNP banned but it doesn't half make me feel a bit uneasy that they've achieved any measure of power.
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Old 08-06-2009, 11:27   #8
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I guess this is a shot across the bow for the main parties.
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Old 08-06-2009, 11:46   #9
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Originally Posted by NokkonWud View Post
See, now for me I think it's quite welcoming to bring MORE views to the table. The fact of the matter is, this country as a whole are that desperate for change that they've gone to the most extreme measures they can in the hope of trying to change somethings which need to be changed.

I'm not a BNP supporter by any stretch of the imagination, but I do know quite a lot of people who are, but given the area I live in, that shouldn't surprise anyone.
Originally Posted by Desmo View Post
I guess this is a shot across the bow for the main parties.
I don't disagree, but a protest vote this exteme brings inherent risks. I myself made a decision to vote based on one area of policy in the Euro elections rather than for a main party, because my feeling is that by doing so the main parties will take notice of that policy, however in the case of the BNP this is a risky strategy as there are other parties with similar leanings coming from other countries for them to band together with.

It does strike me as odd that parties such as the BNP and UKIP who are opposed to European rule would run for the European elections, surely better to show your lack of faith in the European Union by not running and expending your energies on the UK Elections and then pulling out of Europe should you gain power?


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Old 08-06-2009, 13:03   #10
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Originally Posted by Desmo View Post
I guess this is a shot across the bow for the main parties.
Indeed. A real wake-up call to the main parties that they need to get their **** together.
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