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Old 09-02-2008, 12:46   #1
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Default Creative Zen Firmware problem, help!!


Im trying to sort out a problem with an old (un used) creative zen.

Basically the original owner when he first bought it tried upgrading the firmware to a "homemade" version he found of a download site. AFAIK he tried installing it but when he turned it on it came up with the "recovery mode screen" and he couldnt get it to work.

So we have inherited it...after my boyfriend tried, his friend tried, and now its my turn to try.

Its turned on and gone to recovery screen, I formatted it, re set it, erased the firmware and have gone on to download an official firmware update. I also tried downloading a driver aswell.

This has all downloaded but now when it asks me to plug in the device, even though the pc knows Ive got the Creative plugged it the firmware installation comes up with the message:
"Your player is not connected. Please connect your player"

So now im stuck! Any ideas?

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Old 09-02-2008, 13:19   #2
Screaming Orgasm
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Found this with a bit of Google-fu...

So it doesn't like WMP11 or Vista.
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Old 09-02-2008, 13:38   #3
Snuggle Ferret
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I had the same problem, and you have to get to a machine that is Windows 2000 or less, and download MP less than 9 and download the firmware on there and then it should work on Vista.

Hope this helps.
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Old 09-02-2008, 14:07   #4
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Thanks for the tips, I tried the link it seemed to make sense but its not recognising it so thats sucks.

We have Windows XP so that could be a reason it wont follow those instructions. We cant try it with Windows 2000 as we dont have any pc's with that OS hmm silly mp3 players!!

Its good to know we're not the only ones with the problem

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Old 09-02-2008, 14:48   #5
Dirteh Kitteh
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I've got two with much the same problem. Not entirely sure what to do with them now...

If you decide to give up on yours, I'll buy it off you for parts.

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Old 10-02-2008, 14:08   #6
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Is it possible a VM could work? Or are there such things as windows 2000 Bart PE boot CD's?
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Old 10-02-2008, 14:12   #7
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Had the same problem last year with my Zen Xtra, contacted Creative customer support and this worked:

Dear Richard

Thank you for replying to Creative Customer Support; we appreciate the opportunity to assist you once again.

As regards to your issue, I understand that you are still unable to upgrade the firmware of your player.

I would need you to try the following:

Please backup your data first before proceeding.

1) Uninstall ALL the Creative software and drivers.
2) Uninstall WMP 11 and runtime.
3) Re-install the latest driver and reboot your computer.

- JB3MV2_PCWDRV_US_2_01_00.EXE

4) Plug the player into the back usb port of your computer.
5) Download the updated firmware from our Creative download page,

- ZenXtraP4SAudible_PCFW_LB_2_10_03.exe

6) Start Firmware update - but don't select Language option yet.
7) Select "reload OS" on player.
8) When "reload new firmware now via USB" appears click Language selection on Firmware upgrade.
9) "Upgrade" button no longer 'greyed-out' (player recognised) and Firmware loaded.
10) Restart PC.
11 ) Reinstall WMP11

After trying the troubleshooting, is your player detected by Windows Media Player 11 now?

Please do not hesitate to contact Creative Customer Support again should you have any clarifications.

Thank you and have a nice day.

Please retain all the previous correspondence when replying to this email.
Best Regards
Creative Customer Support Services
Creative Labs Europe

Khef, Ka and Ka-Tet....
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Old 10-02-2008, 14:18   #8
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Oh yeah, and this was the first support mail I got (which didn't help but you never know...)

Dear Richard

Thank you for reaching us at Creative Customer Support; we appreciate the opportunity to assist you.

As regards to your enquiry, I understand that your player is not detected by the firmware upgrade program.

May I know what version of Windows Media Player are you using currently?

Is your player detected by the computer in the device manager?

You may wish to run the firmware again and do take note of the

1. There may be interference from third party applications that are running in the background.
Applications that have been known to cause such issues are anti-virus software, anti-spyware software, and certain firewalls.These programs protect your system by blocking access to the same files that your hardware installation needs to access in order to install correctly.
Before installation of the firmware, please disable any anti-virus program as well as any programs that are running in the background before attempting to load software.

The easy way to do this is to click on Start, Run, type MSCONFIG in the box, and hit OK. Put a check mark in "Selective Startup" and then uncheck the box that says "Load Startup Items".

Note: After the software is all loaded and working properly, you can go back in and change that back to Normal Startup.

2. Before updating the firmware on the player, please ensure that you have disabled the "Detector" option in MediaSource, otherwise it might interfere with the firmware upgrade while the player is rebooting as a part of the upgrade.
To turn off the Detector:
- Start MediaSource
- Go to Tools-Options-Detector
- Uncheck the option for Enable Detector

You may visit this knowledge base article below for more information:
Title: Disabling Creative Disc Detector

After trying the troubleshooting, are you able to upgrade the firmware now?

May I have a valid serial number of your product?

You may refer to this link for Serial number:

Please do not hesitate to contact Creative Customer Support again should you have any clarifications.

Thank you and have a nice day.

Please retain all the previous correspondence when replying to this email.
Best Regards
Creative Customer Support Services
Creative Labs Europe

Original Message Follows: ------------------------ ================================== Subject: CLE - Technical Support Request Name: Richard Bond
E-mail Address: Self
Description: Advanced PC User
Region: Europe
Country: United Kingdom
Support Inquiry: ID(3) My Creative hardware stopped functioning correctly Product: Jukebox Zen Xtra Serial Number:
**** Purchase Date: 6/8/2004 Operating System:
Windows XP Creative Model Number: DAP-HD0011 Computer Brand/Model:
Processor/CPU: Athlon XP 3000+ Memory: 1.5GB BIOS Type/Revision: System
Board/Chipset: Detailed Problem Description: Whilst updating the
firmware on my Zen Xtra the player crashed before completion. The player will now only boot to Rescue Mode. Whilst Windows can still pick up the player the firmware update executables claim that it is not connected to
the PC and refuse to re-install the O/S. Regards Richard

Khef, Ka and Ka-Tet....
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