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Old 13-02-2008, 11:15   #1
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Default I love my new Job !

I started this job a month ago as a Legal Assistant in a Civil Lit and Personal Injury department in solicitors practice doing mostly defence work for Road Traffic Accidents stuff who's biggest client is a major insurance company and some reason I really really like it !

Every case and file is different and just as interesting, be it from serious accident to the run of the mill whiplash (which I've not come across any strangely). I can't go into too much detail about the cases are they are all on going thus confidential but it is amazing to see this all works and feel useful being a little clog to in this big legal wheel.

I even got to do some instructions to barrister too since the time i've been here and just got his reply back in regards to that on the case from last week and it's going to trial (actually criminal for this one) this month. Even thou the commute is a hour each way I actually look forward to work and the day goes past pretty quickly. I can't wait until I qualify and this is the area I want to get into.

Anyone else really enjoy their job?

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Last edited by Mondo; 13-02-2008 at 11:18.
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Old 13-02-2008, 11:20   #2
The Mouse King of Denmark
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Originally Posted by Mondo View Post
a little clog to in this big legal wheel.
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Old 13-02-2008, 11:47   #3
Stan, Stan the FLASHER MAN!
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That's great. It's always a help when you actually enjoy what you're doing.

I don't know if I'd say I enjoy the job I do but I don't dislike it. I would say I was content - it has just the right level of responsibility and can be interesting now and then. The crew on board the rig are generally quite friendly and we have a laugh most of the time. Also, the guys in my team are, for the most part, good at their jobs and fairly conscientious so supervision is less of a chore than it could be.

Out of all the jobs I've had, this is the only one where I don't dread going to work - even though when I go away to work, I don't come home again until 30 days later

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Old 13-02-2008, 11:52   #4
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I love my job. Senior people ask me for technical input, and with a company as big as ADP it means a lot to me. I was uber-stressed yesterday, so everyone is being uber-nice to me today.

Sure, I'd like to be flying, but then proper flying jobs are getting rarer and rarer these days.
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Old 13-02-2008, 11:41   #5
Dr Cocktapuss
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I found PI cases pretty interesting (I deal with the costs side of things), always something different coming up, did RTAs, employers liability and public liability mostly, but also the occasional industrial disease cases. Could probably run a straightforward case just based on the number I've seen by now

Doing costs on more heavyweight stuff now though, bit of a change - used to have about 50 files of PI natures of about £10k-£30k each now have two or three but from £500k - £1million costs

I like the legal stuff though, is interesting stuff and like I said always seems to be something new or a different angle to use


Although at times I wish I could do the simple stuff, having spent last night in bed poring over transcripts and judgements which I swear actually made my brain hurt

Last edited by Rich_L; 13-02-2008 at 12:29.
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Old 13-02-2008, 12:44   #6
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Originally Posted by Kitten View Post
I love parts of my job, and others I'm not so fond of. The level of security is a pain sometimes, and things seem to go round in circles at times, but they do everywhere I've found.

My other job - I love, although it's hard to write each night and weekend when you're knackered from your real job. I'd like to do it f/t but when I did I turned into a bit of a hermit and I didn't have the security I have now (which helps me sleep at night). Maybe in the future.

Good to hear you're enjoying it - I remember a thread where you felt out of your depth. Funny how quick that turns into an obstacle you've overcome huh?
Oh yeah, that was conveyancing ! lol PI is much more less forms and more dealing with the other side.

Rich, we do a whole range, from scaring to serious head injuries to even death. There is an on going case now where if it goes well, the case will be worth 5 mill, if it goes badly (for the Defence), it'll be worth 7 million !

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Old 13-02-2008, 12:46   #7
Vodka Martini
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My job is awesome. First job I've ever had that I really like.
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Old 13-02-2008, 12:57   #8
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I'm loving my job. There are some real pains about it though. Client calls, says they love my work, have an exciting project I'd love to work on and then we have to haggle over costs to get something we both agree on. Takes its time, but once its done I can then enjoy the work. Then theres the little things that make it all so worth it. I was out yesterday grabbing random people off the street for portraits and one guy I nabbed had heard of me, and used my work in his GCSE's. That was just awesome. I also love it when I get to show someone their photo on the camera. They instantly go from a little worried to so flattered. Then of course theres joking with rather attractive girls about shooting porn
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Old 13-02-2008, 13:02   #9
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I love and hate my job in equal measure I think. I love the responsibility I have with regards to the servers and I love the fact I'm trusted enough to be left alone to fix important problems without people breathing down my neck. I hate the fact I'm grossly underpaid for what I actually do, and the job has no promotion prospects here whatsoever.

Hopefully leaving soon anyway, the support for schools in Liverpool is heading down a road I don't want to go down.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
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Old 13-02-2008, 13:06   #10
Lynnie_pitch nee Leigh
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I love my job, I love the teaching part of my job. I don't like school politics and I hate admin! (the bits they don't tell you about when you train!!)

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