11-06-2008, 20:25 | #1 |
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Liverpool/Edinburgh
Posts: 4,817
Airport express questions...
I know theres a lot of you macites on here, so i'm hoping you can answer a few associated airport express questions, since im considering one.
Basically i want a wireless printer and audio, this seems to fit the bill and not be too expensive. Can i run more than one at the same time, so have two airports running, how do you connect to different printers/speakers if so. I can see it can piggyback off my network via ethernet and i like that, but can it connect to my network wirelessly too? Its not a big deal if not but its something that would speak in its favour. Bonjour (the windows software version of zeroconf) does this replicate everything the drivers normally do as if the printer was connected naturally, or is it just basic ass printing (again not really a deal break just nice). What happens in airtunes if two people connect to the same speakers? I thinking of buying one for home too, should keep my mum happy and stop me having to troubleshoot over the phone |