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Old 08-04-2007, 15:18   #21
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Supermarket shopping used to be one of my ultimate hates, it really used to stress me out. Its not so much the shop, it was the constant "**** you" attitude displayed from the moment you walk through the door.

The number of times I got smacked in the legs. A good example is some old biddy stops at the front of the isle, causing a traffic jam. At which some evil person comes and rams their trolley into the back of your legs. I used to return the favour with twice the force, it got the message across.

Today I just amble round and don't get stressed about it. For instance someone dives in with their trolley and gets to the baked beans first .... bah I can wait for one of the other 300 tins on the shelf It might take 20mins longer to get around, but i'm still smiling at the end of it. The advantage is that i'm friendly at the checkouts and they always pack my bags, without me asking or even them mentioning it

A little side diversion if I may here and chat about the underground. I plain flat refuse to stress out about the underground. For instance is getting the 7:50 underground really matter compared to the 7:53 or 7:55?? A good example is on Thursday I had a very important meeting at 9am with the head of SI UK. I was late due to the underground, nobody was worried as they all know what the underground is like.

My colleague was on the same train and sprinted to the meeting. He arrived a state, bright red sweating all over the place. I arrived 5mins later and immediately dived straight in and hit the point. Maybe i'm too late but a 5-10min delay isn't the end of the world. Hell, even 30mins is fine really :/
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Old 08-04-2007, 15:23   #22
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I HATE being late and I HATE the underground with a passion, so I'm disagreeing majorly with you Zirax.

I had to be in surgery for 8am last friday and got on the tube at Mile End to get to whitechapel (2 bloody stops for god's sake!) at 7:40. "Signal failure" kept me on the train until 8.05 and we got to Stepney green in that time, so I had to get off and get the bus to whitechapel from stepney.....
I got in at 8.20 after leaving soooo much time! I was actually ready to kill somebody!!!
Aiming high....
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Old 08-04-2007, 15:41   #23
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I drive past Waitrose on the way home from work so I find it quite easy to do. It's usually relatively empty to and the people who shop there just seem to get on with it rather than dawdle. It doesn't bother me as I know exactly what I want and go straight in get what I want. The selection is great too and I find it fun as I often get inspiration for what I want to eat when there. But I tend to do 2 or 3 little shops rather than 1 big shop as I don't know when I'm away etc... Though obviously if my folks go shopping then I have less to do myself. But sometimes we go as a family which is quite nice. However I prefer going by myself - it gives me time to think and escape a little.
No No!
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Old 08-04-2007, 16:40   #24
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Supermarket shopping itself is alright, it's just the hordes of bellends there at the same time as me that cause the problems.

I have to agree with Belmit and his wonderful blog excerpt - people have absolutely no self-awareness, no spatial awareness, no awareness full stop it seems.

I can't go shopping in the day, I'm at work.

I can't go at night, there's no stock on the shelves, it's all spread through the aisles on trolleys and in outers.

I can't go on Friday night or the weekend, because the shops are packed with mongs.

When I do go (10pm on Tuesday night seems to be a good slot) I'm pretty crap at it. I forget what I needed and buy wine, brie, smoked salmon, cheese, biscuits, pringles and peanuts instead of stuff I require.
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Old 08-04-2007, 17:01   #25
Dr. Z
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I dont find supermarkets too bad, but thats probably because I tend to go at 1am Almost totally empty which is good, and with it being a stupidly sized asda, I find that there are plenty of people about stocking the shelves etc so most of the stuff I buy is in stock. The only thing that I do find irritating is the fact that they only seem to have one or two checkouts on at that time - which means that invariably there is a gigantic queue. Totally senseless.

No, what really gets me riled is the sort of person that willingly shops at places like the Trafford Centre. At no time of the day can you go there and not come across literally hundreds of doddering old people with hundreds of screaming/running small children orbiting them. So, you are trying to get to a shop to get the one thing that you need and before you know it you are stuck behind a roadblock of old people stopping you from moving at a decent pace whilst kids pound into your legs from all angles.

ARGH! all of the shopping is getting to me - lets go take a break and get some food. WRONG! Bad idea - the whole of the food court area is swarming with people that are even more indecisive than the cretins in the normal shopping area - only this time they are out to splatter the floor with your freshly bought food. Thats assuming that you actually GET to the food counter before you expire - the queues of people umming and aahing over which type of quarter pounder they should buy are bad enough, but the little chinese girl that arrived in the UK just moments before starting her shift that cant understand a bloody word is even worse...

If it wasnt air conditioned, the next Hungerford-style massacre would take place in there, I'm sure of it.
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Old 09-04-2007, 07:37   #26
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Don't really like food shopping because it's just an inconvenience and takes time out of my day that I'd rather spend doing something else. However, I'm more likely to come back with what's actually on the list than Leon is and always make a list because I'm useless at remembering stuff.

I also hate all other shoppers. They're so slow and block up the ailses. Anyone would think they go and do it as part of their leisure time... it's like old people and garden centres Bah!

I've used Tesco Direct a few times and it way pretty damn good!

Oooooh Cecil, what have you done?
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Old 09-04-2007, 10:07   #27
Von Smallhausen
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Any professionalism and restraint goes out of the window when in a supermarket when some granny is in front of me with a trolley travelling at 12 nanometres per hour ....

HOW MAN ....... SHIFT !

I get my pasta, tuna, pesto and chicken then vamoose. I do like old people but they always seem to get to the checkout before me and take 3 hours to pay for some mints, tissues, Whiskas biscuits and teabags.

There should be special supermarkets for the elderly with travellators and seats ... like the Jetson's. ASDA, Tesco etc take note. I will settle for use of copyright for a riverside apartment, an Audi RS4 in black with red leather seats and the Auf Wiedershen box set.

" Well, old bean, life is really so bloody awful that I feel it’s my absolute duty to be chirpy and try and make everybody else happy too."
David Niven, 1910-1983.

Last edited by Von Smallhausen; 09-04-2007 at 10:09.
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Old 09-04-2007, 11:35   #28
semi-pro waster
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I don't mind the idea of shopping particularly, in fact if it wasn't for people I'd be fine with it. As it is I try and go shopping late at night or in the middle of the day when most people are working but that still leaves me with all the pensioners who seem to have decided to take advantage of the free bus passes and the fact that the store is warm to spend all day inside.

The best solution I've yet found is to wander about with a slightly glazed look on my face, head down and ignoring everything. The amount of times I've walked past mates in the street for this reason is embarrassing though.
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Old 09-04-2007, 12:39   #29
The Night Worker
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Personally i quite like going shopping but then i am a sociable kind of guy who chats to anyone & everyone.
I love creeping up behind old biddys and then shouting Oi come on Girl get a Move on will ya, then laughing in there faces as they turn round.
I daydream a Lot & find myself bumping into people and crashing into things quite a bit. This is ammusing for me and whoever i am bumping in to. I chat to all the girls in the shop and flirt a lot hoping there may be some new riding material about.
Life and everything that it involves is an experience to me, I try to enjoy whatever i am doing at the time no matter how mundane. I use the local Co-Op shop which is full of grannys, we have old women behind the tills, filling shelves & generally getting in the way. I shout at them for getting in the way i shout at them for having a Que at the tills, then i just piss myself laughing & others join in.
Good looking women get jumped on and have to avoid me blocking there path so i can compliment there norks or legs or whatever it is that has caught my eye. If they are proper ladys then just a cheeky smiley & a Loud "Bliiiiiiiiinding" will do, if i think they are up for a laugh then i'll make some brash comment and give my bestest cheeky grin.

Now having said all that i don't get to go shopping much these days as my current woman has been doing my shopping for me. She does it all and just brings it round leaving it in her car for me to go out & collect.
Nice people say Wow what a woman, you lucky git but synical people know she only does it to stop me going out and Flirting as much as i do

Nowadays i can be found wandering around town Daydreaming and flirting and generally pestering sexy looking women.
The shops i use miss me when i don't go in so a visit to the Co-Op to freak a few old grannys out is not uncommon whether i need anything or not. As soon as i go in they shout at me and ask where i've been, then take the piss out of me for having a woman doing everything for me.

I have always found supermarkets great places to meet women & socialise which is probably why my shopping privilages have been denied. I like women & there are loads in supermarkets.
One of my oldest and favourite tricks for an introduction is Putting my WTF am i s'posed to do with this **** look on my face then looking completely helpess at the closest sexy women to me, holding the product out in a sad i need help kind of way of course

See, some people look for air miles or rewards when they shop, I look for women. No better reward than coming home with a few phone numbers with your Eggs & bacon

Polite note.
Don't disrespect grannys, they were quite shaggable twenty years ago +

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Old 09-04-2007, 13:00   #30
Von Smallhausen
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Polite note.
Don't disrespect grannys, they were quite shaggable twenty years ago +

" Well, old bean, life is really so bloody awful that I feel it’s my absolute duty to be chirpy and try and make everybody else happy too."
David Niven, 1910-1983.
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