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Old 25-11-2007, 09:46   #1
Deep Throat
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Default Hosting...


GUess what guess what guess what guess what!!! I nearly have my website finished! YAAAAAAAAY!

Well... the design...! I'm having a friend put it together for me as a proper website that you can clicky and things move and stuff... that's just a wee bit too complex!

I've managed to secure my domain name ... ... but have been told I need to get it hosted asap with "key words" on it for search engines etc (fankoo muchly Lozza! )


Could anyone host me a one paged webby for now or suggest where I could get it hosted just so I can get it onto search engines until it is fully made and I can get a bigger hosting space?

I'm not that sure about hosting space either. I know my friend whose putting it together will help me but how do I figure out how big-a-hosting space I will need and all that technical gumph?!

Wubble wubs wub wubs! Very very VERY extremely excited - it looks AWESOME!

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Old 25-11-2007, 09:50   #2
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Can someone move this to compooters and consoles for my blond-haired better half?

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Old 25-11-2007, 09:51   #3
Deep Throat
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*edit* OOPSY! Sorry! Wrong thready bit thingy-ma-bob! Pwease can it be moved as my perfect-better-other-half-whos-browny-coloured-haired has pointed out! Fankoo! Wubs!

Oh yes... and how would I make a straight forward front page for the webby if I were to get it hosted now?

I've been doing all my drawings and designs in Photoshop CS3... so I don't have even the foggiest how to make a plain webpage?

It only needs to be my logo and a wee note saying "coming soon"

I'm ghey I know Sowwy!

Oh yeh. And same goes for key words! Where do I type in the key words for searching and things?

*confudderling all this nerdy business*

All worth it in the end!
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Old 25-11-2007, 17:50   #4
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Talk to beansprout, some pretty competitive hosting and he's in house
Is the SEO really necessary for a site that will probably go up in a few months? Where will it get here, from 1,000,000 in the google results to 750,000?
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Old 25-11-2007, 21:49   #5
Screaming Orgasm
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Beansprout's your man, and he's done a bit of SEO stuff too, though whether it'll help in this case would remain to be seen.
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Old 26-11-2007, 08:24   #6
Deep Throat
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*eak* I don't get most of the above!!!

I know what will be on my holding page... I just don't know how to make it into a webpage (I hope that makes sense!)

Bear in mind I have physically drawn _all_ of my website so not put linkys in/done any coding or anything. It currently is a PSD file which my friend is going to get and stick together to form a webby!

I genuinely know _nothing_ about webpages and how to host one and enter these "keywords" people are talking about

I'm sorry to be soo soo dumb
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Old 26-11-2007, 12:22   #7
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I would say focus on the content over the keywords. From everything I've read Google ignores keywords. I'm usually on the first page for most of the search terms I want, but "liverpool photographer" is proving tough to break in to. #1 for "hdr guide" though But things to focus on are the page names and the content. Put the keywords you want in the url, the alt attributes and text. So like for my hdr guide its with that all in the body of the text. Google likes urls.
Thats no hamster, its a space station!
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Old 26-11-2007, 14:39   #8
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Pheebs do you know how your friend will "stick this together" i just hope to god he doesn't use tables (we've already drilled this into you right?). Makre sure he does a good job
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Old 26-11-2007, 16:28   #9
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Nope Not the foggiest! Hehehehhehehe!

He's a good chap though - did P&O's webby so I have a feeling he kinda knows what he's doing

I plan on invading my school tomorrow to poke him (he's the techy there) so hopefully he can sort me out and talk me through what I need to do

Here's a couple of widdled down jpegs of the website so you get a general idea!

I don't think it's going to be too complex... it's just going to hold an awful lot of pictures (albeit teeny sized)! The most complex thing on there is the Cabbage Power game (which, is GENIUS... even if I do say so myself!)

Fingers crossed it'll be up and running soon. I'm so excited about having my own website. I hope it will be easy for me to update it. I'm sure Duncan will show me how to if needs be!
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Old 26-11-2007, 17:43   #10
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I'm sure he'll be able to work something good out then by the sounds of things . Lookin good, if he can make that accessible andSE friendly i'll be impressed (doesn't mean its very difficult, but i can see why i could be a bit of a pain).
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