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Old 13-06-2008, 07:29   #201
Deep Throat
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Originally Posted by Takhisis View Post
Erm...why not?
*make me feel bad*

Because I don't like being watched when I work out and that's what my gym felt like yesterday. Plus, it takes me long enough to get down there and back when being nice and sunny, I can just jog around with the dog outside.

They've only got it on today so it's not like it's going to stop me forever. I just don't like to be dragged into competitions on things I *know* I will look super poo at and feel super poo about and then that will make me not want to go back as I will be remembered as the super poo one.
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Old 13-06-2008, 08:17   #202
BBx woz 'ere :P
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My gym's been rammed most nights this week Still hasn't stopped be from going, I get there early and basically try and hog a bench - sounds really selfish, but the thing is we get a lot of kids there now who should theoretically leave by 530 (it's a school gym) - and they just get in the way. I'm lucky in that people all know me at the gym (I almost live there ) and tend not to bother me - in fact I've become almost a part of the furniture! lol! However I don't like having to muscle my way in, hence why I get there early. It makes training hard though when you're trying to keep to a strict routine and people start helping themselved to your equipment - grrrrr.

So Pheebs I know how you feel, but you've just got to be bloody minded and jsut get on with it else I'd never spend time there.
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Old 13-06-2008, 08:53   #203
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I will go down there but not on competition days I am so so happy and proud of you to have the confidence to hog an area and get on with it - I wish I could! It's taken me so much to get to the gym in the first place... if I can't be on a treadmill away from everyone else then I will find something else to do until I can Personally I just can't do it I suck - booo! Weights wise I am fine with other people about and around me... not bothered at all... but when they're pulling people into competitions and groups of people are watching others and dragging them to do it... I just can't do it as I feel super silly!

Been told I sound like I thought doing a small amount of cardio work was pointless (in general) and it made others feel bad because sometimes that's all they can do. I am so so sorry and completely gutted if that's how it came across - it's literally because it does take forever to get to my gym and I would only go there, be uncomfortable and do a minimal work out and go away again feeling poo about myself. For other people I'm sure it works and is beneficial, but for me it is pointless - I'm better off running around back home.

I am so sorry for hurting peoples feelings
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Old 13-06-2008, 09:01   #204
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Something is better than nothing Pheebs don't be disheartened if you can't do your full routine.

I get annoyed if I have to be in a meeting and have to cut short, unfortunately my conscience doesn't let me get away with it and I end up making up for what I haven't done.

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Old 13-06-2008, 11:42   #205
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I don't think you said anything out of line at all Pheebs. I would feel the same if I had a long distance to travel to my gym to only do a bit of what I would normally do, I would do just as you did and do it at home instead. X
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Old 13-06-2008, 12:15   #206
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That kind of thing used to annoy me too. I personally don't feel the need to compete to prove myself, my battle is won or lost in the mirror or on the scale I don't need to know I can bench more than some musclehead to feel good about myself (I also get some pleasure from the fact afore mentioned musclehead is a moron).

My new gym has a weight pit but the machines are in a different place and there are two different areas of machines both of which are really cool. The first is light and airy with 4 42" TVs, no sound is on and you can plug headphones into the machines and tune to any of the 4 channels showing. The second room is amazing , it has no windows some very low overhead lighting and a MASSIVE projector screen (the whole front wall) showing music videos . They also have a rotating climbing wall and a spin area which is set out much like the dark cardio room.

I'm really looking forward to starting going but want to be ready.

What were you going to do in the weights area Pheebs, I'm a great believer in lifting weights, I've seen people do cardio for an hour a day every day and not get the changes they want but the ones who lift get much quicker results and as long as they don't drop to stupidly low BF% look and hold themselves better. Lifting is the way forward, and I'll be starting when I get back from the Scotland meet


"we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two"
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Old 13-06-2008, 12:23   #207
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Fankoo Roberta x

Originally Posted by Matblack View Post
That kind of thing used to annoy me too. I personally don't feel the need to compete to prove myself, my battle is won or lost in the mirror or on the scale I don't need to know I can bench more than some musclehead to feel good about myself (I also get some pleasure from the fact afore mentioned musclehead is a moron).

My new gym has a weight pit but the machines are in a different place and there are two different areas of machines both of which are really cool. The first is light and airy with 4 42" TVs, no sound is on and you can plug headphones into the machines and tune to any of the 4 channels showing. The second room is amazing , it has no windows some very low overhead lighting and a MASSIVE projector screen (the whole front wall) showing music videos . They also have a rotating climbing wall and a spin area which is set out much like the dark cardio room.

I'm really looking forward to starting going but want to be ready.

What were you going to do in the weights area Pheebs, I'm a great believer in lifting weights, I've seen people do cardio for an hour a day every day and not get the changes they want but the ones who lift get much quicker results and as long as they don't drop to stupidly low BF% look and hold themselves better. Lifting is the way forward, and I'll be starting when I get back from the Scotland meet

Wooow a huuuuuuge projector! Amazing! I love watching music vids at my gym whilst treadmilling it up - but annoyingly Fitness First have a loop of choons and they're starting to tire! Boo! I'll have to revert to watching Will and Grace and make sure I don't lol too much I can't actually run!

Weight wise I do quite a range but try and alternate between upper body and lower body! I love love love chest presses and bicep curls and arm extension thingy0ma-bobs (I'm so up with the lingo ) LOVE love LOVE leg abductors and the other leg thingy and leg presses and the squat machine! I tend to do 3 sets of reps of 12 and make sure I'm slightly struggling by the last set of reps - I'm not really there to build muscle so just keeping toned!

Weights machines and stretching mats are my friends (unless silly moos are there doing competitions!)

So glad you're excited by your gym Matt It does sound superb!
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Old 13-06-2008, 12:26   #208
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I am a MASSIVE beliver in weights... by building muscle you will not only get a better shape when the BF drops ( " toning " ) you will also help to burn fat !


I don't think you've said anything out of line at all so don't apologise silly ! * snogs*

BF% 28/08/08 - 21%
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Old 13-06-2008, 12:30   #209
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The more muscle you have the more your body will use your energy/food efficiently to feed them and maintain them. Lifting weights and doing a proper weight lifting routine DOES help to shed fat, doing cardio along side accelerates the process.
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Old 13-06-2008, 12:31   #210
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Originally Posted by Pheebs View Post
Fankoo Roberta x

Wooow a huuuuuuge projector! Amazing! I love watching music vids at my gym whilst treadmilling it up - but annoyingly Fitness First have a loop of choons and they're starting to tire! Boo! I'll have to revert to watching Will and Grace and make sure I don't lol too much I can't actually run!

Weight wise I do quite a range but try and alternate between upper body and lower body! I love love love chest presses and bicep curls and arm extension thingy0ma-bobs (I'm so up with the lingo ) LOVE love LOVE leg abductors and the other leg thingy and leg presses and the squat machine! I tend to do 3 sets of reps of 12 and make sure I'm slightly struggling by the last set of reps - I'm not really there to build muscle so just keeping toned!

Weights machines and stretching mats are my friends (unless silly moos are there doing competitions!)

So glad you're excited by your gym Matt It does sound superb!
Sounds like you have a good routine there, a combination of weights and cardio is the way to go I beleve. Muscle burns more calories than fat when at rest so the more muscle you have the faster you will burn fat when you exercise and even when you don't. I think people underestimate how hard it is to become big (buff) and are afraid of it, believe me it takes a long time to get big unless you are genetically predisposed to it and most people can lift to failure at around 6 reps without putting on a lot of muscle mass, some people are lucky, unfortunately I'm not one of them, I'm a hard gainer, which is annoying but I'm not looking for huge amount of muscle this time, I'm more interested in a leaner look which I know I can achieve.

The new gym is cool but despite joining I'm not in a position to start just yet, soon though, very soon.


"we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two"
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