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Old 16-07-2008, 19:37   #11
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Originally Posted by Justsomebloke View Post
I'd get a lock for it mate as anybody that knows owt about bikes will rob it for a winter road trainer.
Nice find & well recycled (see what i did there )
No they won't it really doesn't justify anything, it has very little resale value. It would barely buy someone who nicked it a packet of fags. I'm not saying its not worth anything, but its not worth a thief's time, there much better stuff out there.

Get a cheapo lock only to stop scrotes just nicking it because they can. Just need a smallest of deterrents.
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Old 16-07-2008, 20:02   #12
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It's not about resell value it's about finding the Ideal Winter training bike for nowt.
A winter trainer is hard to find at a reasonable price & once that price is payed people don't like to use them during winter J69's is the perfect Winter trainer & if left unlocked anywhere somebody will chore it for themselves not to resell on.

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Old 16-07-2008, 20:11   #13
semi-pro waster
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Your chopper/cruiser looks pretty cool but I'd be slightly worried about all the stress on the extended frame as those fold-up shoppers aren't exactly very sturdy to begin with.

Well done on the third bike as well, I think you're right though about Reynolds 531 being a bit of a bitch to weld and that's a damn funky pump you've got there too.
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Old 17-07-2008, 09:11   #14
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I'm with M... er I mean Justsomebloke. Anything left in a position that makes it even remotely easy to steal will get stolen round here. Leave a bike D locked to railings round here and you'll come back to find the saddle and wheels missing. I certainly won't be leaving it anywhere out of my sight and it's locked in the garage most of the time.

However, it's only a bike and as nice as it is it still only owes me £30

Originally Posted by semi-pro waster View Post
Your chopper/cruiser looks pretty cool but I'd be slightly worried about all the stress on the extended frame as those fold-up shoppers aren't exactly very sturdy to begin with.
Two things: 1. I have leant it up against a wall and jumped on the frame and it barely flexes, it's not going to break. New steel and sound welding. 2. It's not very far to fall because it's so low
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Old 30-01-2009, 18:59   #15
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I'm still bumming around off work and glued to Freecycle like a junk hoarding jippo. Today I managed to score a junked mini moto

It's pretty snotty but it's almost complete and the engine turns over. Plenty of rust so I reckon it's been at the bottom of someone's pond or shoved behind their shed. More pictures...

Clutch is a bit snotty but sort of moves and I think a bit of WD40 will free it up:

Rear gear and er, stuff, really rusty but nothing a bit of WD won't fix:

Ah well you can't see down here but it's full of stagnant water, mayonnaise and a snail:

The pull start is missing which is a bit of a jip but it looks like you can get them on eBay for under a tenner delivered. Foliage came free with the bike:

Front brake is present and looks like it'll work with a bit of fettling:

Back one is missing the caliper but I can work around that and just use one brake

This is the bit I'm interested in, the engine. Turns over, seems to be complete apart from the pull start and has a little compression:

I haven't had the carb apart but my first worry was the tank being full of slime and all that being in the carburettor. I may have got lucky because there's a fuel tap on the carb and it was in the off position, so you never know...

It even has an exhaust with a little expansion chamber :

Anyway plans are to chop it up and make into an ultra cheap two-wheeled terror to take to Lemans in a few months. I'll try and get the engine going but if it won't run then no loss, I'll use some of the other bits and make a push bike instead.

So far the plans are it'll use the 4ft ape hangers off a small blue chopper bike I made and I think it has to use the wheels off the mini moto. Need to get my sketch book out...
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Old 30-01-2009, 21:03   #16
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This the fella donating the handlebars:

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Old 30-01-2009, 23:40   #17
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Looks like a cracking little project. Keep meaning to check out Freecycle, could probably shift some stuff on there.

I'm off to Lemans as well this year
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Old 31-01-2009, 00:24   #18
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I think you take on some brilliant projects Jonny
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Old 31-01-2009, 13:06   #19
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Bit of a result with the bikes! I asked for junk bikes because I'm just going to be chopping them up and robbing bits off them but these aren't as bad as the owner made them out to be and were only 10 minutes away from me!

First up is the SPACE ATTACK! Apollo kids bike:

It's just a mini mountain bike but has some funky shape frame tubes that I can use for something and seems to have massive adult handlebars which will come in handy. It's also got these grabby end bars which I've been looking for to put on my racing bike:

I'll cut them down so they're real narrow, satin black and they'll go on my black racer.

Second bike is quite a cool chrome BMX:

Again seems to have ultra wide adult bars but it's in good nick apart from the grips and saddle and has those spinny roundy brake things so you can do stunts. Or get twisted up and eat tarmac in my case.

I'll just clean the decal adhesive off the frame, polish it up and leave it as it is. Good little bike that, too good to chop up. Or is it...?

Last bike is the parts bin, missing a front wheel but it's a good size steel frame in good condition that will donate its tubes to the project:

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Old 31-01-2009, 21:11   #20
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Is that why they call it freecycle?
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