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Old 27-08-2008, 12:37   #11
Combat Spanker
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I remembered sitting by a swimming pool with my little bro, (who was about 2 at the time) at the deep end. He was only allowed to sit on the side, but of course, he jumped in.

I made a right song and dance about it, jumped in like a lifeguard and dragged him to the side of the pool. I was a hero
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Old 27-08-2008, 13:57   #12
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Bit like Pheebs story. Me and my friend Jenny, had a couple of skateboards that we would fashion together with some rope and go down the hill really fast.

It was called a MeiJen :/


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Old 27-08-2008, 14:36   #13
semi-pro waster
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It's not quite my earliest childhood memory but it isn't too far off.

I was in Primary 1 and we were at the stage where the teacher would write down sentences we dictated to her telling her what we'd done at the weekend. I'd recently had my Birthday at a local farm which was quite a big event* with loads of my class/friends invited - anyway the next day in class I decided that couldn't be bothered waiting for the teacher to become available so just wrote the short story on my own. It was hardly a work of literary genius (much like anything I still write now) but apparantly this was a very big deal at the time because the next day it was announced that everyone should try writing their own stories. I somehow contrived not to do this and I believe fell asleep by the sandpit instead leading to a telling off by the teacher for not carrying out instructions. Highly unfair - I'd clearly tired myself out the previous day by writing for myself when the rest of my class were just playing about with their toys, the bunch of lazy sods that they are.

*I also got my finger bitten by a rabbit on that Birthday, blood gushing everywhere - cute little bunny rabbits my arse.
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Old 27-08-2008, 23:33   #14
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I remember riding down the hill by my house when I was about 7 and trying to make the turn at the bottom, but the wheel turned too sharply and I ended up being flug upside down in a somersault over a garden fence, over some stinggies (thankfully) and landing on my back loking up at the sky. I remember it all happening in slow motion and thinking how lovely it was laying down on this lawn.

Another time, I remember climbing a wall which is about 7 foot high and falling off, it took the wind out of me and seriously shook me up because I couldn't breathe. Fortunately, I didnt fall the other side as thats more than a 20 foot drop.

I remember when I was at my 4th birthday party and it was at the church hall, I stuck my fingers in a mouse trap.

Originally Posted by Piggy
HAHAHAHA !!!! .. perhaps I should try my bum instead *ponders*
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Old 28-08-2008, 00:05   #15
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My earliest memory had to be of looking at the gap between door, and erm, door frame (where the hinges are), and then seeing if my finger could fit into it.

It could (loose door), and then for some reason I tried shutting the door on myself. Mom stopped me. I never really understood why I did that.
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Old 28-08-2008, 05:59   #16
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Hehe some of the things we do as kids It's lovely reading these.

One of my first memories is when I was in the loft with my big bro. It was way past my bedtime and I was about 3-4 at the time. My banny (comfort blanket) was over the other side of the loft so I walked over to get it and speared my head on a tv arial (me and bro knew it as the nappy arial for some reason). They had to rush me to the out of ours doctor because there was blood pouring everywhere. I still have the scar. My Mum & Dad have always maintained that I fell and hit it on an old typewriter which was up there, but me and my brother have exactly the same memory. Very odd!

When I was about 8-9, I was riding my bike with 2 friends Sally and Nicola down to our 'den'. As we came out of a little ally way, they were both making comments like "maybe he was asleep in the puddle", which I thought was really odd. A few hours later on the way back just as we were about to turn back into the ally way, we were confronted by a huge growling Alsatian guarding a man who was lying face down on the ground. We went round to the local retired police man's house and told him. He didn't believe us, but went to have a look and sent us home. The next day at school, he came into assembly and told everyone what heros we were and then took us to one side and told us that we'd done the right thing, but sadly the man had died on the way to hospital. He'd had a heart attack Wish I'd seen him on the way to our base. I still can't believe that my friends didn't force us to stop and help.

I also remember cycling up the back roads with a load of mates, doing a 'road hog' (zigzagging back and forth across the road), then my wheel sliding off the tarmac and propelling me sideways onto the road. It was my brand new bike and although I was beeling from my knee, elbow and hand, all I was interested in was whether my bike was OK. My Mum absoutely bollocked me when I got home because she'd told me I wasn't allowed down there. I was a right state though and had taken all the skin off my elbow and had massive deep holes in my hand/knee.

Oooooh Cecil, what have you done?
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Old 28-08-2008, 06:06   #17
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Ohhh I remember being Sleepy out of the 7 dwarves on the Brownie's carnival float one summer. I just lay down and watched the world go by. My best friend was Happy.

I remember the school Playschemes that used to run for about 2 weeks every summer at primary school. They were AMAZING! You could do arts and crafts, sports or just bounce on the bouncey castle all day. My Mum was always leader of the art/craft/pottery part. There were also special days where someone came in from the circus, or a band and you got to learn tricks or lay down a track with them. They did trips too, like swimming (where they had a tuckshop, where I bought flumps), roller skating, bike rides, stately homes etc. It was all SO exciting and the highlight of the school holidays. I remember them having those Calypso drinks too. The ones like this:

I ruddy loved Playscheme. They stopped it soon after I left

Oooooh Cecil, what have you done?
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Old 28-08-2008, 09:31   #18
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Aw Kate, that second story was awful

I remember something else... one of my first nursery schools (was called Jumbo Nursery ), we all had coat pegs with pictures so we knew which one was ours. I was a late starter having just moved to the area, so I was stuck with a tortoise when I wanted the star. We even had our own towels hung on pegs in the toilets with the same picture above it, I can remember waiting for someone else to leave before I used the star towel out of spite
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Old 28-08-2008, 09:41   #19
Admiral Huddy
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Good thread How weird, I was thinking this just yesterday I was thinking that if only Daniel could remember the things going on...

My earliest memory I can recall was was walking to my JMI school in Cheshunt walking though the alley ways. However, I have two i really recall:

1. I remember winning the overall school athletics day
2. I remember my mum picking me up with a white patch on her eye. She had an accident with some glass.

I just got lost in thought.. It was very unfamiliar territory.
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Old 28-08-2008, 18:00   #20
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OMG we had those little pictures above our coat pegs too. No idea what mine was, but I know we had pictures and our names in a teeny little cloakroom near the infants area. My first teacher was Mrs Heath, then Mrs Woolaton, who had a Peugeot 205 with a numberplate that was 1 number off my Mum's. Must have been next one to be sold at the garage because they were both Peugeots.

Well done on the athletics front Huddy I was always good at the obstacle race... and nothing else

Oooooh Cecil, what have you done?
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