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Old 15-10-2008, 12:39   #31
Nice weak cup of Earl Grey
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Well said person who is looking for house has been with us for just over a Year now. And its not one of the trainees.
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Old 15-10-2008, 13:17   #32
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Work people + pretty girl = rumours

'nuff said


Originally Posted by Piggy
HAHAHAHA !!!! .. perhaps I should try my bum instead *ponders*
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Old 15-10-2008, 21:10   #33
Reverse SuBo
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So this colleague.. B she has an ocd she pushes the cuticles back on her nails like... every 10mins.. its really annoying :/

Her nail beds are red raw as a result... gross!

BB x
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Old 15-10-2008, 21:26   #34
Wants Big Meat
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I'm having a bit of a tough time putting up with work atm and the people are driving me mad. I mean I get on with my team in general but on a standard day, let's take today for example...

N - cancels our meeting 10 mins before the start and reschedules for a day I'm not in.

Boy L - goes off on 1 because he needed to standardise his email sig (just like the rest of us) which I wrote the code for so all he had to do was copy and paste.

Girl L - disappears every 10 minutes all day and when she is there complains Karl isn't dealing with the stuff she's given him... her work, not his I might add.

M - wants praise, constantly, even though he's not doing half of what he should be.

E - ok, he's not been with us that long but he's not learning. He is really willing but has to ask about everything, even if you gave him the same answer 2 minutes earlier.

And today was a good day
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Old 15-10-2008, 21:39   #35
Nice weak cup of Earl Grey
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Sounds like theres too many very frustrating and annoying people there!
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Old 15-10-2008, 21:39   #36
Penelope Pitstop
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I have this problem where I work really really hard, so work have started to take advantage of this, and pile work onto me The other lady in accounts has children so doesn't work full time, and does the bare minimum so I usually end up finishing her jobs as well as mine. She complains if she has to do any of my work from time to time though

I have decided when I go back next week I'm not going to work at full 100% capacity. I have an excuse not to anyway so I'm not going to wear myself out :/
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Old 15-10-2008, 22:13   #37
Preparing more tumbleweed
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Originally Posted by Kell_ee001 View Post
E - ok, he's not been with us that long but he's not learning. He is really willing but has to ask about everything, even if you gave him the same answer 2 minutes earlier.
We've got one like that. I've talked him through investigating and solving all sorts of problems, step by step, explaining everything in detail and he seems to understand it all. You can even quiz him on points and he'll answer it successfully. 5 minutes later a similar (or even the same) question will come up and you have to start from scratch again.
I went out of my way to help him, even seriously hampered some of my work because of the amount of time I spent one week explaining stuff to him, and it was all wasted time. Gave up in the end and just started asking him to escalate anything he didn't have a clue about because it was quicker to do it myself than keep explaining it to him.
Mal: Define "interesting"?
Wash: "Oh, God, oh, God, we're all gonna die"?
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Old 15-10-2008, 23:33   #38
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Garp he's so sweet and he is trying so so hard, but it doesn't stop it getting frustrating does it? It might be a confidence thing with E when he's put on the spot, but he's only dealing with the very simple stuff... what's going to happen when I have to leave him going solo or when he gets to the real work?
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Old 15-10-2008, 23:42   #39
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Originally Posted by Kell_ee001 View Post
Garp he's so sweet and he is trying so so hard, but it doesn't stop it getting frustrating does it? It might be a confidence thing with E when he's put on the spot, but he's only dealing with the very simple stuff... what's going to happen when I have to leave him going solo or when he gets to the real work?
Our guy is too. Offered to pay for lunch towards the end of the week when I went all out to help him, all sorts.. it's just. Well.. yeah. What more can you do?
I don't like doing the cruel to be kind routine, but it got to be the only way I could deal with him and remain sane, let alone get any of my own work done.
Mal: Define "interesting"?
Wash: "Oh, God, oh, God, we're all gonna die"?
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Old 16-10-2008, 11:01   #40
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I work with a man who not only is THE most dull person on earth but also has the worst breath. Sitting in a car with him on earlies is just toture, I have to open a window and keep my hand over my face so I can smell me rather than his breath And yes, he knows.

...faster you naughty little monkey!
Running through hell, heaven can wait!
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