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Old 01-01-2009, 11:32   #111
Vodka Martini
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Different controllers for different games IMO. Wipeout is easily best on a PS pad. FPS is better, faster, more accurate on a PC keyboard and mouse. I don't see any argument over this TBH.
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Old 01-01-2009, 13:57   #112
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Faster and more accurate definitely. So it's 'superior' in that aspect, I wouldn't say better though as over the last couple of years I'd say I prefer to play games with a pad.

However no one can argue that a M&K isn't faster and more accurate.
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Old 01-01-2009, 14:06   #113
A Place of Light
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Originally Posted by NokkonWud View Post
You have misunderstood what I said.
well, you said that a proper PC gamer needs both a joypad and keyboard+mouse, and that the gamepad will do a solid job on all games.
Where I disagreed was when you try to play certain PC games on a PC using a gamepad, where the gamepad certainly will not do a solid job at all.

Try it for yourself.
Play something like Unreal Tournament on your PC and play using a gamepad.
You will be crucified by players who are less able than you but are using the keyboard/mouse control system. Ergo, using the gamepad has put you at a disadvantage. This doesn't mean that playing the same game on a console using a gamepad will give the same results however, as the coding pertaining to "aiming" on console FPS is written to be a little more forgiving than that of a PC version due to the lack of absolute precision of the gamepad that we're all in agreement about.

You're spot on about things like driving games though, as the gamepad "involves" you so much more than a keyboard/mouse ever can.
As Phykell pointed out, the type of game tends to dictate which is the better type of control system to use.
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Old 01-01-2009, 14:20   #114
Vodka Martini
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Originally Posted by A Place of Light View Post
well, you said that a proper PC gamer needs both a joypad and keyboard+mouse, and that the gamepad will do a solid job on all games.
Where I disagreed was when you try to play certain PC games on a PC using a gamepad, where the gamepad certainly will not do a solid job at all.

Try it for yourself.
Play something like Unreal Tournament on your PC and play using a gamepad.
You will be crucified by players who are less able than you but are using the keyboard/mouse control system. Ergo, using the gamepad has put you at a disadvantage. This doesn't mean that playing the same game on a console using a gamepad will give the same results however, as the coding pertaining to "aiming" on console FPS is written to be a little more forgiving than that of a PC version due to the lack of absolute precision of the gamepad that we're all in agreement about.

You're spot on about things like driving games though, as the gamepad "involves" you so much more than a keyboard/mouse ever can.
As Phykell pointed out, the type of game tends to dictate which is the better type of control system to use.
Just because something is 'easier' doesn't make it better per se.

I could devise an eye tracking system that would crucify a keyboard/mouse user but it wouldn't make it more enjoyable or 'better'. It would be 'better' re. easier to be more accurate but it wouldn't be 'better' re. an enjoyable user experience.

As long as the playing field is level, which it is on a console, I've found playing fps with a controller to be as much, if not more, of a fulfilling experience as I used to with mouse/keyboard.
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Old 01-01-2009, 14:29   #115
A Place of Light
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Originally Posted by Abooie View Post
Just because something is 'easier' doesn't make it better per se.
No, you're absolutely right. Sometimes the opposite is true, in that something more difficult feels more rewarding. But that's not what we're talking about here.
The FACT of the matter, is that you have far more dexterity, muscle control and thereore, precision, with your entire hand than you have with one finger. I can't see anyone disagreeing with that one. This means that the same level of precision the "mouse" gamer has simply isn't acheiveable by the gamepad gamer. It's nothing about easier/harder at this point, it's a fundemental shortcoming of the pad itself. To compensate, the software on console versions of FPS games "helps" the player with his/her aim.
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Old 01-01-2009, 15:56   #116
The Night Worker
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As a nub to the HD scene I have to say that adding a 40 inch HD to my 360 set up has put it into a class of its own. It's one thing chatting 360 & another chatting 360 + large HD. I am a bit embarrassed to write that I haven't switched my Quad core Crossfire system on since getting my forty.
Once my head & body has got used to this working malarkey I'll use it for my BF2 fix but apart from that 360 + Large HD + Leather easy chair reclined slightly with feet on matching poofay Wins Every single time

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Old 01-01-2009, 20:01   #117
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Originally Posted by A Place of Light View Post
well, you said that a proper PC gamer needs both a joypad and keyboard+mouse, and that the gamepad will do a solid job on all games.
Where I disagreed was when you try to play certain PC games on a PC using a gamepad, where the gamepad certainly will not do a solid job at all.
What I said was that there are a lot of games unplayable with *just* mouse and keyboard and to play some you need a joypad too (beat-em ups, platformers, racing games) where as a joypad can play all games to a really good standard bar perhaps RTS (though Civilization Revolution plays outstandingly well).
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