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Old 12-01-2009, 13:37   #11
Vodka Martini
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What game do you wish could be remade using todays technology, and why?
Ultima IV. I lost so much time to this game as a wee nipper and would love to see a Garriott do a beautiful HD version of this isometric classic.

What game do you wish you could forget, just so you could experience it again like new?
Everquest. That first 6 months was pure magic. The wonder of seeing new sites and meeting new friends. A time when it was an achievement just to get to level 20 and embarking on a big journey was a major upheavel. Once The Shadows of Luclin hit and fast travel was common place the game lost this magic but I'd love to do that first 6 months again.

What game do you wish you could forget simply for how bad it was?
LOST. I have mental scars.

What game do you wish was available on your format that currently isn't?
If we're talking pie in the sky: Super Mario Galaxy. The only Wii game I'd come back to time and again.

What game do you wish would just hurry up and get released?
Dragon Age: Origins on the 360. Ok, we'll meet in the middle and I'll take Mass Effect 2.

What game do you wish you were playing instead of reading this thread?
Not Last Remnant... I'd be playing Prince of Persia though I'm still not sure what I think of it.
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Old 12-01-2009, 13:42   #12
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I'm really torn on the FF7 issue. A remake would be brilliant, no doubt, but.... well, it wouldn't be the FF7 we remember. A modern one wouldn't necessarily be better.

We'd lapt it up though of course. I'd lap up a simple re-release though tbh.
apt-get moo
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Old 12-01-2009, 14:30   #13
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What game do you wish could be remade using todays technology, and why?

The two that popped into my head were Sid Meiers Pirates and UFO Enemy Unknown - both of which got remade in the last five years or so. It'll have to be Planescape Torment then.

What game do you wish you could forget, just so you could experience it again like new?

Any of the Lucas Arts point and clickers. Once you've solved the puzzles once there isn't much replay value. The buzz comes from finally figuring out that the rubber chicken has pulley in the middle of it.

What game do you wish you could forget simply for how bad it was?

Any number of FPS's that got released in the wake of the first Doom.
Edit: No Gene Wars. That looked brilliant and then the difficulty curve was so bloody steep I never made it past the third or fourth level.

What game do you wish was available on your format that currently isn't?

Fable2. I'm not screaming out desperate to play it but between a Wii, DS, PS2and a PC I've got most things covered.

What game do you wish would just hurry up and get released?

Duke Numer Forever?
Dawn of War 2 probably.

What game do you wish you were playing instead of reading this thread?

Anything! I'm report writing today and it's doing my head in.
Warhammer Online or Elite Beat Agents. I meant to bring my DS in for lunchtime but forgot. I'm this close to beating the third verse of Jumping Jack Flash.

Get old, or die tryin'
- Chunks of Meaty Reviews, Mixed with Your Five a Day of News, Comment and Opinion, Floating in a Broth of Suspect Grammar and Seasoned Liberally with Mixed Metaphor. Tasty.

Last edited by Pumpkinstew; 12-01-2009 at 14:39.
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Old 12-01-2009, 14:35   #14
Vodka Martini
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What game do you wish could be remade using todays technology, and why?

Kick Off 2. Yes this is a very old game but when you take out all the nice fluffy stuff in FIFA it's all about a game of football. Kick Off 2 was sublime at delivering a game that was beautiful by it's simplicity. This was one of my greatest experiences of multiplayer gaming. Not over the internet or LAN but just a bunch of mates sat playing a game of footy

What game do you wish you could forget, just so you could experience it again like new?
I would love to see Desert Combat remade using the latest game engines. It was built on the Battlefield 1942 Game Engine so even back in the day, it began to show it's age very quickly. At the time it managed to strike the balance of serious game play, large open maps, vehicle and infantry combat. The most important factor was fun. It had the lot. BF2 gave it a close run for it's money but never really beat it in my opinion.

What game do you wish you could forget simply for how bad it was?

Not necessarily bad but I just wish it wasn't there. WoW. So many times I have tried to get on board the big bad World of Warcraft bus. It's not that I don't see the point of it, in fact I do. What I can't do is invest the ammounts of time in it, to get anything out of it. WoW offers very little for the casual gamer (unlike City of Heroes. Awesome, Awesome Game)

Another one being Live for Speed. A very serious PC racer for very serious PC Racer fans. It borders on obsessive with these gamers. Basically shaving hundredths of a second off a lap time wash rinse repeat. infinitum. I don't know what's more boring, watching cars go round a track on TV or on a PC screen. Single biggest waste of my time and money ever

What game do you wish was available on your format that currently isn't?
Waving my E Peen I have a good PC, X360, PS3 so nothing really exclusive that I can't really get.

What game do you wish would just hurry up and get released?
Battelfield 3.

What game do you wish you were playing instead of reading this thread?

FIFA or Fallout 3

PC & Console LAN 9th-11th July

Last edited by loki; 12-01-2009 at 18:11.
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Old 12-01-2009, 16:24   #15
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What game do you wish could be remade using todays technology, and why?

Carmageddon. Quite simply this would be EPIC! Improved physics, better gfx, more power ups. Oh and proper multi player support. Was amazing fun playing 1 v 1 against my dad. Would love to go 8 or even 16 players at a time

What game do you wish you could forget, just so you could experience it again like new?

For me this is easy peasy mcsqueasy - Deus Ex. Quite simply a stunning game with lots of different ways to play. Great story too.

What game do you wish you could forget simply for how bad it was?

Destruction Derby 2 - awful, awful sequel. Took all the fun out of and turned it into a pure racer with stupid jumps

What game do you wish was available on your format that currently isn't?

None really as I have 360/PC/PS3. Not even a single game on the Wii appeals....

What game do you wish would just hurry up and get released?

Dead Rising 2 (if the rumours are true...). MOAR ZOMBIE MASH!

What game do you wish you were playing instead of reading this thread?

Left 4 Dead - definitely Had muchos fun with it last night. That or Flatout Ultimate Carnage....

Sonisphere FMC Code: 1k949178

Last edited by Psymonkee; 12-01-2009 at 16:26.
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Old 12-01-2009, 18:09   #16
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What game do you wish could be remade using todays technology, and why?

Desert Combat. The mod for Battlefield 1942 was so good that every other mod I've played on any game since (or before) has paled into insignificance. Better than Battlefield's 'Vietnam', '2' and '2142' all by some margin, it had brilliant maps, fantastic vehicles and franctic gameplay. The best feature undoubtedly the very tricky to fly Helicopters, which were sadly made far too easy to fly in subsequent games. That is personally for me, however I can think of games that would make a bigger splash if re-made, primarily Fade to Black and Parasite Eve, both of which were amazing, but definitely before their time. I've mentioned several games that fall into this catagory for me with Haly several times on MSN. .

What game do you wish you could forget, just so you could experience it again like new?

Bioshock was brilliant, and an absolutely thrilling journey through gaming, so that's definitely a nominee. Max Payne 1 and 2 are also ones I would love to experience, but only if they were on a par with technology from today. If technology being on a par is allowed, then definitely Half-Life. For me personally it's the most important game ever made.

What game do you wish you could forget simply for how bad it was?

I want to say Half-Life 2, because it has tainted the brilliance of the first one and was the biggest let down of anything I've played and relied far too heavily on the gravity gun leaving the game feeling like too much of a physics showcase rather than a game on a solid foundation. I've played worse games obviously, but HL2 being the disappointment is was has made me as angry as any game.

What game do you wish was available on your format that currently isn't?

I have all formats currently so I don't really know what to say. To go back to a format I didn't have would be the master system, so Alex Kidd.

What game do you wish would just hurry up and get released?

I'm predictable. Alan Wake.

What game do you wish you were playing instead of reading this thread?
Alan Wake . For games that are out, probably Fallout 3.

Last edited by NokkonWud; 12-01-2009 at 18:16.
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Old 13-01-2009, 02:38   #17
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Originally Posted by Aboobie View Post
What game do you wish you could forget, just so you could experience it again like new?
Everquest. That first 6 months was pure magic. The wonder of seeing new sites and meeting new friends. A time when it was an achievement just to get to level 20 and embarking on a big journey was a major upheavel. Once The Shadows of Luclin hit and fast travel was common place the game lost this magic but I'd love to do that first 6 months again.
Oooh good call Really was something special pre-Luclin. I remember trying to reach level 15 so I could join a friend's guild and it was such a huge accomplishment to get there as it took so long! And how dying in the mid 30s meant you'd lose a good couple of hours work. Oooh and hell levels.....really that game was very unforgiving at times but I loved it so!

I remember travelling from Grobb to Overthere with some friends and it really did feel like an epic undertaking to be able to do that. Nothing like the ease of travel that WoW has.
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