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Old 20-01-2009, 09:39   #1
Vodka Martini
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Looking at my shelf I've a few games unfinished, a few achievements I've promised myself I will get at some point.

So this isn't whatya playing, but what's on your shelf unfinished or not started, what's in your backlog? What games are you still on holding on to, to get that last achievement, which you'll get round to one day?


Tomb Raider: Underworld: I've done the tutorial/prologue but haven't even started the main quest.
Alone in the Dark: Still in the shrinkwrap
Burnout: Paradise: I've my Burnout Driving License and I will do it all again and get my Elite Licence... honest.
Banjo Kazooie: 131 jiggies. The last single played achievement, I promise myself I'll do the last 30 odd events but I really won't.
Dead Space: I've completed the first 2 chapters, on my list after Prince of Persia.
GTA IV: I've an itch to look for all the pidgeons and get 100% when the dlc hits...
GoW2: I've finished the campaign and I'm kidding myself I'll try it again on Insane and get all the collectables.
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Old 20-01-2009, 09:55   #2
Vodka Martini
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Resistance 2 - played this to death for weeks, i'm so close to maxxing out my medics level. But then i got Valkyria Chronicles, i'm a sucker for games with a good storyline so Resistance 2 got forgotten for a while, started playing it again last night

GTAIV - just can't bring myself to finish it, let alone collect all of the achievements. Incredibly dissapointed by it.

Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction - Not sure why i stopped playing this, i love it. Will have to get back on it once i've maxxed out resistance 2

Disgaea 3 - I bought this as people said it was a huge complex game with loads to do. They were right, it's so complex and huge i don't even know where to start. Saving this for the summer drought.

Lair - Got this at a bargain bucket price of £4. Now that they've fixed the game by allowing you to use joysticks to control the game (it used to force you to use sixaxis and it was dire) it's moved up from being a god-awful game to an average game. Problem is, i've got plenty of good games so an average game gets chucked to the bottom of the pile

Farcry 2 - Yawn. Not for me in the slightest. Keeping it however as the resell value is shameful and i may one day run out of games to play. Either that or if i a mate buys a game i want i can swap this with him for a while.

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Old 20-01-2009, 09:57   #3
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Forza2, I still have just 4 Endurance races for Full completion.
NBA2K7, Not even started it yet but Loved a previos basketball title so will some day.
Orange box. Bought this as another attempt to cross over to a controller for FPS, Started HL2 but not even played TF2 or the other chapters yet.
Tiger Woods 08, I absolutely Love this game but just don't play it, God knows why but I am Not selling it until I have played it through & beaten it.
Fight Night 3, I played this through on a whoring session & told myself I must play it through properly, Yet to get it out again.
GRID, Love this game to bits but still haven't taken it online despite completing single player in the first 5 days of getting it.

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Old 20-01-2009, 10:03   #4
Peter Pan
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My unfinished/not started list is quite large

MK vs DCU - finished story mode on both sides but still lots of achievements to go.
Ninja Gaiden 2 - Stuck on 2nd or 3rd boss not tried for ages.
Soul Calibur 4 - Finished story mode with a couple of chars but still loads to do.
Gears of War (original) - Didn't really like not even got past the tutorial bit.
Smackdown vs Raw 2008 - Played for about 5 mins before deciding didn't really enjoy it as controls are weird.
Lego Indy - Still in shrinkwrap
Kung Fu Panda - Still in shrinkwrap
SWTFU - Still in shrinkwrap
Assassins Creed - First game I played on 360 when I wasn't used to playing with controller, will go back to at some point.
Lego Star Wars TCS - Played the first couple of missions still lots to do.
PGR4 - Got it when everyone on here was playing it, hardly touched it since.(not sure I actually played with anyone online either come to think of it)

Think that's all the ones I have that I really should get at least something done with. I'm trying to finish off Forza 2 atm. I'm up to level 49 but I think I'll need to do alot more racing to get money to buy all the cars.
(I am letting the AI driver run endurance races for me whilst we watch TV which helps with the cash (I do them myself once first))
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it."

Last edited by Jhadur; 20-01-2009 at 10:05.
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Old 20-01-2009, 10:29   #5
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My list is definitely a long one. These are the games I've either not started, not played enough, or are keeping for achievements......

Bioshock - Still need to find all diaries, upgrade all weapons, and go through it on Hard (without dying).
Condemned - Despite really enjoying it I've never got past the 2nd level properly. Need to settle down with a guide and blast through it one weekend.
Devil May Cry 4 - Only played the first few levels. Really enjoyed it, just got distracted by other games I think.
GTA 4 - Plenty of achievements I want to get in this.
Mercenaries 2 - Only played it for a few hours, and enjoyed it, but put it to one side when Fable/Fallout/Gears came out.
Gears of War 1 - Only finished it on Normal, would like to go back through it at some point on Insane (probably in co-op).
Forza 2 - Still quite a bit left to do in career but I want to finish it eventually. Tend to pick at this from time to time.
Crackdown - Absolutely tons of achievements left to get on this. I still want all 500 agility orbs.
Need For Speed: Prostreet - Had it as a rental and got some achievements, picked it up cheap and haven't played it since. I'm aiming to just finish the story mode off and then sell it.
Tiger Woods 09 - Several more achievements left to get, great fun to play though.
Stranglehold - Picked it up cheap again recently, want to try and go through it on one of the harder difficulties.
Halo 3 - Anyone fancy some 4 player co-op on Legendary?

The Darkness - Not played yet.
Jericho - Not played yet.
Saints Row 2 - Not played yet.
Tomb Raider: Anniversary - Not played yet.
Grid - Not played yet.

Really, out of my 38 game collection there's probably only about 20 or so that I really want to keep. The others I'm just keeping until I've exhausted all the achievements on them. I think I need to kick Lynnie out one weekend so I can blast through as many as possible, then sell them to fund a new lens (or more games).

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
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Old 20-01-2009, 11:57   #6
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I'll just own up to not having started Fallout 3 or Fable 2 yet....despite getting them on release day

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Old 20-01-2009, 12:49   #7
Do you want to hide in my box?
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My backlog is ridiculous
Bought too much last year as retail therapy was one of the few things that gave me something to smile about, plus it was such a big year for games. At least now it's a bit dead for decent new games, it's helping me try to get my finances back to a decent level Sold about 10-12 games lately too.

Assassin’s Creed - got this the Christmas before last and not played it hugely as I didn't get on with it initially. It's now being kept as its worth so little now and it was the last game my Dad got me.
Bioshock - much like Davey, need to finish it on hard and get all the diaries. Plus I enjoyed it so much, I have no plans on selling it anyhow.
Blitz: The League - Bought this very cheap in work, played it a bit.
Blue Dragon - Had this for about 2 years now and still hardly touched it
Brothers in Arms: Hell’s Highway - Had this since October and it got left by the wayside because of Fable 2 etc. Definitely going back to this soon.
Call of Duty: World at War - last game I bought, saving it for when I want to play a new game.
Condemned - Had this for 2 years and hardly played, that's because it scares me though
Dead Rising - Had this since I got my 360
Fallout 3 - Got bored about halfway through.
Forza Motorsport 2 - need to finish this off but I got a bit bored after obsessively playing it for a while.
Gears of War 2 - Need to finish this on insane
Grand Theft Auto IV - Need to complete this I got too distracted by messing about it in
Mirror’s Edge - need to complete
Prince of Persia - need to complete
Project Gotham Racing 4 - you guessed it, need to complete
Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise - bought this ages back cheap, and hardly played it but saving it for a rainy day.

Scary Good few games to keep me busy though while I'm being sensible with money
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Old 20-01-2009, 12:54   #8
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Oh, I forgot Mirror's Edge, that can go on my list as well.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
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Old 20-01-2009, 12:57   #9
Do you want to hide in my box?
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Yay I'm not as bad as Davey
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Old 20-01-2009, 16:47   #10
Long Island Iced Tea
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COD2 on VET is the only one on my shelf that I'm going to go back to one day. Most of the way through got stuck on the german HQ and haven't touched it for months.
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