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Old 26-01-2009, 12:21   #21
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Originally Posted by Burble View Post
Trolleys just randomly dumped annoy me so I do what Desmo does and move them. On occasion I've been known to move them around the corner and chuckle to myself when someone eventually comes back to where they left their trolley. Hint - trolleys have wheels which means they can be pushed around as you walk around the shop.
That's reminded me of another one. I used to live on a street where there was this one person that had a 'parking space' despite it being a public road and there weren't even any permits required. They marked 'their space' by leaving their wheelie bit on the street, unfortunately I didn't approve and frequently dragged it halfway down the street/round the corner. They ended up doing the same amount of walking getting their bin as they would have done parking awat from their house.
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Old 26-01-2009, 12:24   #22
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I am with Desmo. If you leave your trolley in the middle of an aisle at Tescos, chances are I am going ram it one way or another. If someone leaves it unattended, Ill move it to the side so I can get by. I am yet to have someone complain about it

Oh, and people that say lol after everything. FFS, you're not 10 years old!!!! Stop ****ing saying lol after EVERYTHING!!!! Its not even ****ing funny, so why laugh out loud at it?!?!?! Someone back me up here

/awaits the lol comments and prepares to ignore them
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Old 26-01-2009, 12:25   #23
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Way too many things to list but Supermarkets really really get right n my threppny bits. The local Tesco have introduced a fast lane for self scan. Yet only 1 out of 4-5 items scans 1st time. Then you get some git who goes shopping for 4 or 5 people. So off they toddle to the tills putting through 5 items for old Mavis then pay. 4 tins of rice pudding for auntie Vera then pay. Packet of teacakes and best British Butter for some other coffin dodger then pay. Wash, Rinse and Bloody Repeat. Then they faff about trying to put all the different ammounts of change into seperate pockets in their purse that they can't find in their oversized handbag full of rubbish they will never use


Don't even get me started on the post office and the whole 1st and 2nd class stamp debate

PC & Console LAN 9th-11th July
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Old 26-01-2009, 12:28   #24
BBx woz 'ere :P
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Originally Posted by Dee View Post
I am with Desmo. If you leave your trolley in the middle of an aisle at Tescos, chances are I am going ram it one way or another. If someone leaves it unattended, Ill move it to the side so I can get by. I am yet to have someone complain about it

Oh, and people that say lol after everything. FFS, you're not 10 years old!!!! Stop ****ing saying lol after EVERYTHING!!!! Its not even ****ing funny, so why laugh out loud at it?!?!?! Someone back me up here

/awaits the lol comments and prepares to ignore them
No No!
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Old 26-01-2009, 12:29   #25
BBx woz 'ere :P
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Train/Tube... when they're full and people REFUSE to walk down the aisles to make more space for other people. GRRRRRRRR! How many trains have I missed because of this!
No No!
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Old 26-01-2009, 12:32   #26
The Night Worker
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Snobs & under developed bedroom dwelling forum nerds who actually think they know about life. One does NOT gain Life experience via Google.

Shallow people, Just Die, Nobody will care Trust me on that one.

Straights who give it the Holier than thou but fiddle there taxes or are selfish & don't visit there Mum & look after old members of there family etc

I don't mean Black people as I get on well with Blacks & grew up in a Dark area but Niggers really boil my piss with all there Gangster BS when they live in Kent or summit.
I cannot Stand people that are Not themselves & put on a front.

Lastly has to be Bull****ters,
Do you really think I am Stupid enough to believe your BS, **** off & Die & stop wasting precious seconds of my life I will never get back with storys that are not only pants but were made up in your head. Get out & experience life & I will happily listen to your storys.

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Old 26-01-2009, 12:34   #27
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Originally Posted by Halfmad View Post
1. People (generally girl in late teens/early twenties - never fit) wearing pajamas to the shops. See it a lot here in Parkhead/Glasgow. Even seen a few walking around in their dressing gowns. Is it that hard to throw some ordinary clothes on?
this is my favourite pointer that you're in a guff area. i see it ALL the time (live in Ibrox )

i just dislike other people. if someone does something different from the way i do it they're wrong and should be punished. i'd be a benevolent overlord though, Karbon for president etc.

Originally Posted by Dee View Post
Oh, and people that say lol after everything. FFS, you're not 10 years old!!!! Stop ****ing saying lol after EVERYTHING!!!! Its not even ****ing funny, so why laugh out loud at it?!?!?! Someone back me up here

/awaits the lol comments and prepares to ignore them
this, indeeed. lol is not punctuation.

Last edited by karbon; 26-01-2009 at 12:37.
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Old 26-01-2009, 12:49   #28
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Originally Posted by Will View Post
Well done Will.

/pats head

Have a cookie
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Old 26-01-2009, 12:57   #29
I iz speshul
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Originally Posted by Burble View Post
Trolleys just randomly dumped annoy me so I do what Desmo does and move them. On occasion I've been known to move them around the corner and chuckle to myself when someone eventually comes back to where they left their trolley. Hint - trolleys have wheels which means they can be pushed around as you walk around the shop.
Sod moving them, I just wallop them with my own trolley without so much as looking at the idiot who left it there. If they don't want it and the contents knocked about then they shouldn't leave it in my sodding way.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
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Old 26-01-2009, 12:57   #30
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WHen you're in a supermarket queue and you're packing your shopping and the person behind you pushes their trolley right down to where you're standing so when it comes to pay you have to leeeeean over their trolley to reach the card thingy. I get the rage!

And..AND! Supermarket check out people who just fire the goods down at you as fast as humanly possible so you have an enormous pile of stuff even if you pack as fast as you can. OR! When they put stuff through the checkout but don't push it down so you have to have arms like Mr Tickle to reach it.

I bloody hate supermarkets.

...faster you naughty little monkey!
Running through hell, heaven can wait!
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