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Old 20-03-2009, 12:06   #51
BBx woz 'ere :P
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It might be over thinking things, but it gives you something to concentrate on and focus and be visually active with which more often than not helps.
No No!
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Old 20-03-2009, 14:43   #52
Baby Bore
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I maybe becoming adicted to this walking lark, I went out to buy my lunch and did 3 miles That'll be 7 miles for the day making a total of 22.5 miles this week so far, I'm going to try and do the marathon challenge before Monday and walk a marathon in a week

Heather wants to go to Bluewater on Sunday, its 1.8 miles around the edge of the car parks 2.2 laps for the 4 miles I need, beats shopping


"we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two"
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Old 20-03-2009, 19:30   #53
Lara Croft
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I love walking, I find it really clears my head

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Old 20-03-2009, 22:11   #54
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Originally Posted by Bigstan View Post
I've been taking a scientific approach to my programme. Using the online formulae, my BMR works out at 2074. Next is the lifestyle factor to find ones TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) this is widely given as a factor of 1.2 for a sedentary lifestyle up to 1.9 for very heavy exercise. So, multiplying my BMR by 1.2 gives me 2488 calories required to maintain my current bodyweight with a sedentary lifestyle.
I've been curious about this kind of this.. so finding a few websites.

my BMR works out at 1689.8, apparently. Though stupid website can't understand I'm 6' 0" and kept insisting " figure had to be higher than 0, so I switched to Metric.

With my currently sedentary lifestyle that apparently means I need to consume 2028 calories to maintain my weight, so I guess from what Will was saying 2528 calories to gain 1lb per week?

Lana is more active than me so she needs to consume about the same calories as I do (just shy of 2k) to maintain weight.

I'm surprised if I eat that much at the moment. The lack of exercise means my appetite is down (plus it's warm out here and that always kills my appetite too) Guess maybe I need to look out for healthy high calorific, light weight foodstuffs.. and do a bit more exercise.
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Old 21-03-2009, 12:42   #55
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I wish more info was pushed on TDEE, or if not, something similar. The amount of people who look on packets and see the average calorific intake as gospel is probably overwhelming. I worked mine out ages ago and I only need 2000kcal a day to maintain. 2500 with a sedentary lifestyle would have me piling on the pounds (well, a pound a week!).
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Old 21-03-2009, 13:03   #56
Stan, Stan the FLASHER MAN!
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Originally Posted by Belmit View Post
I wish more info was pushed on TDEE, or if not, something similar. The amount of people who look on packets and see the average calorific intake as gospel is probably overwhelming. I worked mine out ages ago and I only need 2000kcal a day to maintain. 2500 with a sedentary lifestyle would have me piling on the pounds (well, a pound a week!).
I'd never heard of it until I started doing some research to start on my current weight loss programme. My current TDEE is just under 2,500 for a sedentary lifestyle, by the time I reach my target weight, it'll be 2,200 - and I'll still be technically overweight.
If they're going to quote 2,500 calories, they should state that that's for people who do some moderate exercise and that the figure for couch potatoes is considerably lower.

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Old 23-03-2009, 09:55   #57
Baby Bore
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Did a medium walk at the weekend (5.2miles) to bring up the weeks total to ~28 miles walked.

Walking to work this morning my calves were hurting quite badly, I was able to keep going at a reasonable pace but its mildly concerning and will have to see how it pans out. Please with last weeks distance, dispite no noticable weight loss I do feel fitter and just need to keep plugging away. The goal is to make this a part of my normal activity and not part of any regimented weight loss program, once I increase my baseline fitness I intend to keep this up whilst adding in real cardio exercise on top


"we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two"
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Old 23-03-2009, 11:21   #58
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Once I started doing that commute walk each day it took a good month for my calves to finally stop aching at the pace I was pushing

The important thing as far as I was concerned was how fast my legs recovered, and after the first week the calves were hurting for shorter lengths of time afterwards.
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Old 23-03-2009, 20:57   #59
Good Cat
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I am very envious of your mileage MB. I set myself the goal of running the mileage of 2 marathons in March and I just have 16 left to go so I should make it, provided nothing goes wrong. You've achieved half my monthly goal in just 1 week though, damn you!!!

As for your calves, well mine still ache after a long or particularly hilly run. Just as long as it's an ache and not proper searing pain then I wouldn't worry about it too much. I could barely climb the stairs the first few times I did Body Pump! Make sure your trainers are right for you too. I know you said you have some NB's, but I'm not sure how old they are.

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Old 26-03-2009, 03:22   #60
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Default My short walk this morning. It's in the mid 20s during the day with a mix of overcast and sunny, and the route is fairly hilly in places. I've been becoming a bit of a couch potato (or would be if we had a couch) and need to rectify that. Did the route a few days ago but took a fair number of diversions as I had no idea where I was going, just general concepts of "sea is that way, mountains are behind me, Windward mall must be that way" etc.

I sweated bucket loads, and I think it may take a day for my legs to forgive me
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