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Old 23-04-2009, 17:04   #271
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It's not affecting my job because I'm ignoring it as if it isn't happening!

No idea what it is. Some sort of ligament thing possibly. Hurts like buggery!
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Old 24-04-2009, 21:27   #272
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I'm so unfit, didn't even survive 15 minutes running. Even if I was going too fast as normal that's still shocking :-(

(My Mums comment of agreeing with me really helped).
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Old 25-04-2009, 07:19   #273
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Most people can't even manage 5 minutes when they start out. The thing is, if you're starting a running programme, you shouldn't be aiming for 15 mins pure running anyway. See here for a running plan to get you up to 5km. You need to build up your stamina slowly otherwise you'll try and fail to do 15 mins a few times and then give up out of frustration.

You're also right about going too fast - most people new to running do exactly that and wonder why they can't run for more than a few mins. Slowly does it!

Oooooh Cecil, what have you done?
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Old 25-04-2009, 09:52   #274
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Thanks for that, will be giving that a try.

Just didn't realise I was so unfit, I used to walk/cycle everywhere and then it suddenly hit me I'm off to Europe and will be doing a load of walking - in 3 weeks and didn't want to be the guy holding things up.

Still, hopefully if I can stick to this I won't be quite as lathargic. It's not like I don't do any excercise, I go for a stroll every lunchtime and always sprint up/down stairs at work (at least I don't take the lift!). I guess going with mates - atlunch who tend to walk at about 3mph instead of my old 5-6mph is having a detrimental impact.
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Old 25-04-2009, 11:04   #275
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It's amazing how quickly you lose your fitness & stamina when you're not doing much. Sprinting up the stairs and going for a stroll at lunchtimes won't really help build up your stamina either, which is all you really need to get you started with running.

If you feel like you can jump to week 2/3 in the plan, do so. Just make sure you take it easy and don't punish yourself if you can't get to the next level. Just repeat the week you're on. You'll get there and once you're past 15 minutes then it gets a lot easier

If I can manage 10km then ANYONE can start running (injuries permitting of course).

Oooooh Cecil, what have you done?
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Old 28-04-2009, 00:32   #276
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Originally Posted by lostkat View Post

If you feel like you can jump to week 2/3 in the plan, do so. Just make sure you take it easy and don't punish yourself if you can't get to the next level. Just repeat the week you're on. You'll get there and once you're past 15 minutes then it gets a lot easier

If I can manage 10km then ANYONE can start running (injuries permitting of course).
Listen to her, she makes sense. Take it easy and walk/jog to start out. Your aim will to have time on your feet, leave all the speed stuff until another time when you have a good base. Just get that time in and reduce any walking time until you can run non-stop for half and hour. Use that to build on. It gets a whole lot easier.

Lostkat, you're doing great! You'll fly though the course come the day. Well done
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Old 28-04-2009, 07:45   #277
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OMG, you mean I actually know what I'm talking about? At last!!!

Thanks for the motivation guys. Feels so good to be making progress and still enjoy it.

Did my 10.2km this morning 1 second slower than last week, so at least I'm consistent.. and I don't need a little man chasing me around to get my arse into gear

I want this 10k to hurry up now because I'm ready for it. I've had a look at other 10k's before July, but the dates aren't good for me. Should have done the Derby 10k the other week, but I was too late to enter.

Oooooh Cecil, what have you done?
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Old 28-04-2009, 12:13   #278
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Did a quick 7km last night, and entering the Moors Valley 10K weekend after next. Should be good! Not done an organised 10K before. Will be doing a local 10km route this weekend as a tester.
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Old 28-04-2009, 17:42   #279
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Good going all!

I did about a 10km walk at the weekend - to work and back. Think I rushed it too much as shins still aching now but at least I was able to keep going for longer. Definitely should have taken the time to strech down in work though, big mistake
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Old 04-05-2009, 08:49   #280
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Woohoo. I set off for a 7.5km run this morning and ended up doing 11.5km, my furthest yet I decided I wanted to explore a footpath that I always see on my way home and just carried on up the road until I found it. Don't feel tired at all after that aqnd just really enjoyed it. My pace was 10.2km/hr which is where I need it to be for a sub-hour 10km in July. I also took my earphones out as I was running on the road and found that I rather like the peace and quiet and sound of my own breath as I'm running along.

Anyway, I've mapped out a route last night which is 13km and was thinking "oooh maybe in a few weeks", but I'll give it a try on my next "long slow run" and see how it goes.

This half marathon looks more and more doable Only problem is they're not sure if it's running because of lack of sponsorship. There's one in Nottingham that's in September so I might go for that instead. Only annoyance is the £27.50 entry fee

Oooooh Cecil, what have you done?
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