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Old 19-05-2009, 19:37   #1
Do you want to hide in my box?
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Default Noob alert! - New camera :)

I have a new camera Actually I should say we. My Mum and I have bought Stan's Fuji S6500 (thank you Stan, you absolutely rock!) and it arrived today.
As soon as my Mum got home, we set off to some local ponds to take some photos.

And here they are! Please bear in mind that a) I have never ever had anything remotely as complex as this before, and for the past 2 years I've relied solely on a phone camera thus I'm a big, big noob and b) I have extremely limited photoshop skills so for the most part these have just been cropped! Oh and apologises if you get bored! But do scroll down for the questions






6. (Mum took this one)


8. (Mum took this)

9. (Mum took this)




Oooh and my question: Any suggestions for resources for advice? I.e. books, magazines, whatever? There's so much to learn! But I'm enjoying it hugely already.
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Old 19-05-2009, 20:34   #2
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I'll bring some stuff down at the weekend if you like - photoshop tutorials on post processing etc. I have loads of ebooks too.

Or I can upload for you? I keep all my mags because I refer back to them and I mostly buy a canon specific one but there is a cracking (HUGE) book that the book people sell when they come to my company - it's this one and it's about a fiver. I can pick it up for you if you like, I love it, covers pretty much everything

I'll bring mine down if you like and you can have a mooch?
"You only get one life. There's no God, no rules, except for those you accept or create for yourself. Then once it's over... it's over. Dreamless sleep for ever and ever. So why not be happy while you're here?" Nate Fisher
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Old 19-05-2009, 20:37   #3
Do you want to hide in my box?
Haly's Avatar
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Yeah if you could upload them, that'd be great Just in case we forget or run out of time or something this weekend!
We get the Book People leaflet through the post every now and then so I'll have a look out for that Also check the library next week in case they have it.

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