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View Poll Results: How much do you give?
I NEVER do overtime. 7 18.92%
I only do overtime if it is paid, and even then I dont really do any. 9 24.32%
A small amount 'unpaid' (1-2 hours per week) 4 10.81%
A moderate amount 'unpaid' (3-10 hours per week) 4 10.81%
A lot of overtime 'unpaid' (10+ hours per week) 2 5.41%
Whatever it takes to get the job done, no matter how many hours 11 29.73%
Voters: 37. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 08-06-2009, 08:11   #21
The Night Worker
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S'pose I'll have to do a bit to cover people on Holiday but it will be a Last resort.
My job is a Balance between Lots of Free time & Minimal hours at work, If it wasn't I wouldn't do it.

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Old 08-06-2009, 08:56   #22
The Mouse King of Denmark
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I ensure I get paid for any overtime I do (never usually more than 3-4 hours a month on average) but I tend to work through lunch and not claim for it. When you can eat and drink at your desk and have the internet to hand you tend to catch breaks throughout the day anyway.
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Old 08-06-2009, 09:02   #23
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Varies week to week. I try not to do overtime, but accept that sometimes it's necessary. I refuse to let other people pressure me into it though, when I do overtime it's my decision, esp. as I'm not paid for it.
Over the past couple of weeks leading up to a product launch I put in an extra 12 hours, but don't see that I'm going to need to do extra for a while now.
At Claranet in NOC I had a policy of "No Freebies". I worked in a 24x7 department, tickets were handed over to night shift to work on, and there was (in theory) nothing I was doing that they couldn't. Once I got into Sysadmin, things changed a little. If I was working on a platform and identified a problem that needed out of hours work, I'd do it. Occasionally that lead to some stupid weeks (I remember once doing 20 hours extra in a week and not being paid for it, just because it was necessary.)

IMO if the job requires regular overtime, they're not employing enough people and I'd rather force their hand than work it.
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Old 08-06-2009, 09:45   #24
BBx woz 'ere :P
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If I was hourly paid, I'd do overtime - but that would be to help facilitate paying off debts and saving up for things I like to spend money on. Yes there's more to life than work, but I get a lot of holiday time, and I don't work weekends or bank holidays so I quite like having the ability ot have a little extra.
No No!
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Old 08-06-2009, 09:51   #25
Rocket Fuel
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I don't give them a second longer than I have do. I now find myself doing the bare minimum to get by. I've not gone as far as cutting corners or doing a half arsed job but I've lost any pride in my professional self. Guess that's what happens after slogging your guts out for over 10 years - you finally realise that they're a bunch of blood sucking leaches.
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Old 08-06-2009, 10:00   #26
BBx woz 'ere :P
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That's why I changed jobs. Ok so I'm still working hard, but I have more prospects here at least for my efforts.
No No!
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Old 08-06-2009, 10:07   #27
Long Island Iced Tea
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I work it if I get time off in lieu or paid. Even then I don't do it really. I work as few days as possible. I'd rather configure my life to a basic wage than so many of the people I know that rely on it.

151 days at work a year is more than enough for me
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Old 08-06-2009, 10:19   #28
Old Git
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Mine varies lots, often none, occasionally 20+ hours a week

If they didn't pay me though I wouldn't do it
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Old 08-06-2009, 13:00   #29
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Sometimes I leave on time even though there is still quite a lot that I could be doing. I don't get paid enough to bother and even if I did no one would notice - not had a 1-2-1 or appraisal in over a year!
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Old 08-06-2009, 13:28   #30
semi-pro waster
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I'm not quite in any of the categories above, I'll do overtime if it is needed and I can see a reason for it, generally I'd like to be paid for it since it is eating into my free time but depending on the reason I might not bother claiming. However if the overtime is consistently to make up for a lack of staff i.e. they haven't hired enough people to do the job properly then I'm highly unlikely to do it for more than a week or two because I don't want to get to the point where it is expected I will do overtime - the clue is in the name, it's over and above what I should be expected or am employed to do.
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