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Old 18-10-2009, 09:20   #11
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I will only buy free range chicken, but always get legs/thighs because they're so much cheaper. In Tesco I think a pack of 4 thighs and 4 legs is about £2.80ish. Much tastier than the breast anyway IMHO.

My local butcher does skinnless boneless free range chicken thighs, so I get a job lot from there whenever I can. I can't say I've noticed the difference in price between my butcher and the supermarkets, but I never buy the value cuts anyway. Preferred supermarket for meat/fish is Morissons, but mine has a crap range of free range chicken so I get that from Tesco.

Oooooh Cecil, what have you done?
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Old 18-10-2009, 10:41   #12
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The best free range chicken I've bought supermarket wise was Sainsbo's, RSPCA approved chicken. By god it was tasty. 4 pack of breasts for four quid. Can't beat it, although M&S (oakham?) f/r chicken is scrumptious too.
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Old 18-10-2009, 16:00   #13
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You have to be careful with M&S because although their chicken is all Oakham, it's not all free range so you need to check the packets. The non free-range Oakham chickens are reared to RSPCA standards though with more room and stimuli to keep them busy (sounds like the Sains stuff), which IMHO is so much better than the life your regular Tesco Value chicken gets. They're also a slower growing breed. M&S do have some good offers on the free range stuff though - I know you've pointed that out to me before Tracy

We don't have a Sainsburys near us, but there's one on the way home (ish). Might have to pop in and see what they've got.

Oooooh Cecil, what have you done?
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Old 18-10-2009, 17:27   #14
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If I was still living in my old flat I'd go to the butchers several times a week, but now it's just a pain and I do buy it from the supermarket, but always go for the free range organic meat which doesn't really cost much more, and blind tested, does taste a whole damn site better.

I refuse to buy basics or eggs from caged hens etc... a) they don't taste as nice and b) I object to animals being treated badly.

Though I'm a bit of a hypocrite as I LOVE foi gras. But meh, it's tasty and up until they;re ready they've had a free range good life. I get over my guilt with the flavour of the food

I miss going to the butcher - but I just don't have time these days Whilst good food is a paramount priority for me, I still believe supermarkets can offer good quality, but evidently you pay a little more for it.
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Old 19-10-2009, 21:33   #15
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I can't quite believe that chicken is a luxury, I can understand duck or steak and alcohol being a luxury but not chicken.

Why wait to go to the butchers, doesn't matter if you are in Exeter for years or a few weeks to get some good food. At least go and ask about how much it will cost. As a few people have said if you are clever with where you go and what you buy, it can work out to be pretty much the same price but for much better quality.
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Old 19-10-2009, 21:40   #16
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Regardless of whether you believe it, it can certainly be a luxury Was throughout most of my childhood and I can see it happening again quite soon too!
It's unfortunate but it can happen :/

We tend to get the RSPCA standard stuff when we can, although not as good as free range, it's what we can afford even after shopping around! Of course when the good deals come around, the freezer comes in so much handy
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Old 20-10-2009, 09:45   #17
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Originally Posted by TinkerBell View Post
I can't quite believe that chicken is a luxury, I can understand duck or steak and alcohol being a luxury but not chicken.

Why wait to go to the butchers, doesn't matter if you are in Exeter for years or a few weeks to get some good food. At least go and ask about how much it will cost. As a few people have said if you are clever with where you go and what you buy, it can work out to be pretty much the same price but for much better quality.
Erm... that's a little judgemental of you Tink! It is a luxury for me - I have to budget everything else in order to buy chicken! Lately I haven't been able to afford it at all! The only meat I have been able to buy are things like offers on pork which has about 7-8 pork steaks in it - that's 7 - 8 meals for me! Where as a same priced packet of chicken will last me two, maybe three meals maximum.

Sorry but that comments made me quite angry... I literally haven't got any money at the moment and am doing everything I can to try and get myself work until a position comes up else where (despite having a position with the police). I am in the red and so for me pretty much everything I buy right now is a luxury. I do think "screw it" sometimes and buy stuff I can't afford and got further into the red... which is a bad management of dosh for me but I'm being level headed enough not to go out and buy stuff like chicken. It's all vegetables, milk, soup stuff and as said, maybe pork steaks (I've currently stocked up on quorn as it's been on offer so that's surviving me).

So - no matter whether the butcher can offer me the same price on chicken... and it be better quality... It's still a luxury!

Put it like this, I'm not rude enough to tell you what you could and couldn't afford - I don't know your situation. Sometimes I find you can be a little bit know it all with some of your comments and you really need to think a bit more about your posting. It's not all simple black and white as you think sometimes.

In short - don't tell me what's a luxury and what's not. I'm not stupid.

Last edited by Pheebs; 20-10-2009 at 10:12.
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Old 20-10-2009, 11:17   #18
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I know what you mean about it being a luxury Pheebs We only buy it when its on offer!!!
Otherwise its £1.20 minced beef for us! Or whatever meat is on offer or in reduced section!!!
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Old 20-10-2009, 12:16   #19
BBx woz 'ere :P
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Yeah, I think compromising for the sake of buying some chicken is not worthwhile if it's going to be bad quality and not nutritious for you Pheebs. Unfortunately in general the better quality foods are more expensive, but personally I feel that I can't afford NOT to buy the better quality food, a) it tastes better b) I also despite likeing things like foi gras, have some moral guidance as to how my food is prepared and c) it's more nutritious.

All good foods are a luxury, which is why so many people don't eat well as they should, because they can't afford them. Shopping bills are painful
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Old 20-10-2009, 12:19   #20
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I buy bags of frozen chicken pieces, 2 for £4 fresh chickens for a roast and the 'cheapest' eggs.

I would love to buy 'fresh free-range-diced to perfection-non caged-fed with grapes' chicken all the time but just can't afford it.

I'm a bad person! Yes, but when I am in the supermarket it all comes down to cost - so I guess fresh chicken is a luxury for us too!

In an ideal world I would love to make my chicken choices based on its upbringing, but for me, right now cost is my main decision maker.

I've watched those programmes before but unfortunately they get pushed to the back of my mind when shopping.

BB x

PS Foie Gras is ming

Last edited by BBx; 20-10-2009 at 12:31.
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