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Old 01-01-2010, 16:09   #81
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I beat mine \o/. 1440x900 to 1920x1200 \o/ Progress.
Thats no hamster, its a space station!
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Old 01-01-2010, 17:23   #82
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lol well done you!!

Oooooh Cecil, what have you done?
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Old 01-01-2010, 18:08   #83
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To save for my trip. Being more sensible with money would be a fine start.
Embrace life, new experiences ahoy! Not to worry about the past so much it is where it is supposed to be, behind me.
Work hard at uni, only 5 months left
Try to get all my friends together for a big leaving party before I go.

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Old 03-01-2010, 12:22   #84
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Originally Posted by Takhisis View Post
  • Lose the last bit of weight I have to go to reach my target, keep it off and keep my fitness level up by gyming 3-4 times a week rather than my normal 1-2
  • Pay off my credit card
  • Save enough for/book/pass driving lessons/test
  • Attend/enter in more rat shows as well as getting more involved with them (learning varieties, scribing and stewarding etc)
  • See friends more - the last half of 2008 I have made some new local friends/acquaintances and I don't want to go back to feeling like a hermit. Also seeing friends from here more - if I can learn to drive then this may help
So I pretty much didn't manage any of those. Lets try again:
  • Revamp my gym routine - I'm going to add in some treadmill work and I need to make my weight workout a regular set thing rather than seeing what is free and "if I have enough time".
  • Hopefully the above will help me lose some weight/bodyfat - I got within 4lbs of my weight target last year and then as always I lost motivation and it all went pear shaped - I'm probably about a stone and 4lbs away again.
  • Practise pole more - I have one in my living room, I have no excuse other than being lazy not to practise.
  • Pay off my credit card - yeah I know this was on the last list, but I have a loan finishing in March/April so rather than go "ooo I have spare money" I'm just going to throw it all at the cc.
  • I want to look into getting myself a website. I already have an idea of a name but have no idea about anything after that. It would probably just be photos/blog/email.
  • There is a school I've discovered that does burlesque chair dancing classes - she is due to start a new beginners class in spring sometime. I really really would love to try it, although I am nervous, would be going on my own and have no confidence - I have about 4 months to sort that out.
  • Driving lessons - I'm starting to feel a bit pathetic for not being able to drive yet, to be blatantly honest I'm scared.
The look on your face when a toddler rips out your heart and shows it to you? Priceless.... For everything else, there's FWOOSH!

Last edited by Tak; 03-01-2010 at 12:30.
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Old 03-01-2010, 12:36   #85
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I didn't do this last year, so I am going to make a list of things I hope to acheive:-

*Return to the gym and stick with it.
*Lose weight and keep it off
*Be more sensible with money
*Save money for a car (may not be possible if I go on holiday)
*Be more organised
*See friends more
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Old 03-01-2010, 12:59   #86
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Didn't make any last year, got two this year.

*- Pass a driving test
*- Clear the Credit Cards
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Old 03-01-2010, 13:14   #87
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Targets and resolutions should be SMART
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I've never been one for resolutions because I never saw the point of picking a date to start or stop doing something, but some things currently lend themselves to a new level of focus in my life.

So, my goals for the future:-

Run a half marathon in May - I hope this can happen, but will require greater discipline on my part to stick to an achievable training program. Its a definate SMART target.

Embrace opportunities to speak to friends, old and new - Generally be more social. I am aware that recently I am/have run the risk of peeing off some people through bugging them, but hopefully most people will be honest with me when they are busy / not interested in chatting. However, if I dont talk, I wont build stronger relationships, and may miss out on exciting opportunities.

Work and Play - I intend to be more bold in my acomplishment of work. I have been a perfectionist with most of my work, always, and this has impacted on my free time; Ultimatly this has left me tired, stressed, "boring" and not my "happy, jokey" younger self. The simple truth is, no matter how much preparation I do for lessons, they will never always go to plan meaning I have wasted hours of my life. This is a big part of who I am and how I was brought up in a very focussed/driven family and I dont expect to change it drastically, but just make myself aware of it.

Other (vague) things
  • Refurbish the flat, learn from it and move on (although not to somewhere that has woodchip wallpaper throughout -AARRGH, I thought I had done with that stuff!! ).
  • Spend time with my niece - shes adorable and is young enough at the moment to be forgiving of a miserable old man such as my myself, but this wont last forever!
  • Speak up.
  • Value others and feel valued myself - I hope this will come from all of the above.

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Old 03-01-2010, 13:41   #88
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Much like Pickers I'm not a big one for resolutions as if I have a plan, it makes sense to start straight off rather than wait for an arbitrary date.
Having said that, the few plans I have line up nicely with the start of the year anyhow

I've signed up to write a blog entry every day this year. Who knows how long it'll last as I think the other 9 participants (all games writers) are unsure if they'll manage it too, but it's worth a go! It'll be nice to write for me again as so much of my writing is for other people and other sites.

On a similar note, I'd like to be earning more from my writing this year. My chances have certainly improved in 2009 but I'd like to push it that bit further and earn better money from it.

When my foot has eventually repaired I hope to be more active and walk more. That's currently on hold though while I wait for some x-ray results and physio consultation.

Oh and I want to cook more. Been quite restricted due to the foot so be nice to throw myself in again.

Finally I'd like to see friends more, and hopefully go out with workmates a bit more often as I've missed some nights out in recent months.

Annoyingly those last three things are all dependent on my foot so not quite NY Resolutions, more things to start when I can actually walk/stand for extended periods of time
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Old 03-01-2010, 17:03   #89
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Originally Posted by Psymonkee View Post
weights (need pointers )
What is your goal here? If you can define that and say what you do already in terms of gym and diet then it becomes a lot easier for people to help you. If you haven't already done so then have a read of GordyR's sticky in Sports Arena on OcUK, it contains a wealth of information and you could also post in the Gymrats thread for advice.

For myself I've got no real resolutions for the New Year, in fact I don't think I've ever bothered with them. I intend to take a couple of trips this year to see friends living abroad if at all possible and do my best to keep in touch with my friends wherever they are but that's something I'd be doing anyway. Other than that I'll be going to the gym, aiming to gain muscle and enjoy my job plus pass my exams but again I'd be doing that regardlesss, anything beyond the above I'll try to take as a bonus.
"Your friend is the man that knows all about you, and still likes you." - Elbert Hubbard
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Old 03-01-2010, 17:08   #90
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Oh I've read that thread a lot.

Had a hell of a crack at this whole sorting myself out thing in summer 2008. I have a concept 2 rower (purchased outright) which I made great use of until I rowed in bare feet :/ (cuts that took 2 months to properly heal!)

Was just doing the standard 3 day split as listed in GordyR's thread as far as weights go. Was really enjoying it all until I injured myself in Feb last year. Ready to start again though

I'll stop now though and keep up a thread/log in the sports section to avoid cluttering this thread

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