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Old 19-04-2010, 19:58   #1611
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Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist


Kari and I watched this last night. I spotted it on Netflix's streaming queue and knew I'd heard good stuff about it from BD peeps.
What a lovely little gem of a movie. First time in ages I've actually tried to cheer on a film character "Go on Nick, don't be stupid!", "Ditch him, Norah!."
That said Michael Cera annoyed me. That bland thing almost made it seem like he was just mechanically reading his lines at some point.
The gum thing totally grossed me out.

I would say 9/10 but -1 for Cera and his wooden acting.
Mal: Define "interesting"?
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Old 19-04-2010, 20:41   #1612
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Sam Worthington confirmed the sequel during in the premier in London and also confirmed a trilogy of the movie, "Clash of The Titans 2" will be released in November 2011.
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Old 19-04-2010, 23:30   #1613
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Let The Right One In

No idea what to score this. May need to see it again. It's like someone took Twilight and thought 'How can we make this quite good?'.
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Old 20-04-2010, 09:31   #1614
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Originally Posted by Belmit View Post
Let The Right One In

No idea what to score this. May need to see it again. It's like someone took Twilight and thought 'How can we make this quite good?'.
I think I agree with you there, it was very arthouse/surrealist at times, and I think that there was too little in the way of backstory, eg:

Spoiler Alert! - Highlight below to read!

The bit with the 'inappropriate' shot of Eli...

It wasn't until reading up on the story that Mrs Dym found out it was actually a castration scar and not lady bits!

End Spoiler Alert!

A good film, but somewhat odd...

Khef, Ka and Ka-Tet....
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Old 20-04-2010, 10:22   #1615
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You know, I didn't even clock that. Now one of the lines in the film makes a bit more sense...
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Old 20-04-2010, 10:24   #1616
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The passengers of a yachting trip in the Bermuda Triangle are struck by mysterious weather and must jump to another ship only to experience greater havoc.

Thought this looked like a good idea for a film, with looped time, triangle and a merry cellest type boat. However it was just boring, in fact I started tidying the house up halfway through.

Paranormal Activity

Katie (Katie Featherson) and Micah (Micah Sloat) are a twenty-something couple who've just moved into a new home in San Diego, California. Katie has an interest in the paranormal and believes that malevolent spirits have been following her since childhood, though Micah is not so easily convinced. However, after several nights of loud noises and strange happenings, Micah starts to agree with Katie that some sort of ghost may have followed them to the new home. After a paranormal researcher tells the couple he can't help them, Micah decides to take control of the situation and sets up a battery of video cameras so if a spirit manifests itself, he can capture its behavior on tape. Once the surveillance cameras are in place, Katie and Micah bring in an Ouija board in an effort to talk to the spirits, a move that deeply offends the ghosts. Paranormal Activity was the first feature film from writer and director Oren Peli.

What a load of rubbish, it does not get in your head, it is not scarry, there isn't even any jumpy parts. utter crud. Why do Americans love these type of films. Is it due to the bible belt and as such get scared by someone just saying demon.
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Old 20-04-2010, 20:55   #1617
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Originally Posted by Kitten View Post

Its become a standard thing with contracts, everyone gets signed up for x number of films depending on the success of the first. IIRC the main Shrek voice actors all signed up for 8, and the 4th is going to be the last one. Actors like it because it's guaranteed work, plus they can negotiate for a larger pay.
I don't tend to trust that sequels are coming these days until the cameras are rolling
Mal: Define "interesting"?
Wash: "Oh, God, oh, God, we're all gonna die"?
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Old 20-04-2010, 20:59   #1618
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There is to be a Shrek spin off though - Puss is getting his own movie
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Old 20-04-2010, 21:21   #1619
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In Bruges.
Colin Farrell was yummy as usual. The funny moments were laugh out loud funny. There's lots of gore and guns and it's a really entertaining movie.


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Old 20-04-2010, 21:37   #1620
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Originally Posted by Garp View Post
I don't tend to trust that sequels are coming these days until the cameras are rolling
Not to worry - the 23rd Bond film has been indefinitely postponed.

Can't say I'm upset by that. They've evidently realised how bad the last 6 have been.
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