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Old 21-06-2010, 22:16   #231
Do you want to hide in my box?
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Oooh necro bump!

I was aiming to bump this up once I made some good money from the writing gig. It hasn't quite happened yet. I'd put a lot of that down to the recession and general dodgy financial climate as I know I've not been alone in this problem in recent months.

Having said that I feel like I've made some progress in the last 9 months or so. Quite a lot has happened really.

Currently I'm writing for a few different sites, mostly reviews. One site: I write reviews but from a different perspective than the norm. It's called the Considered Gamer but I'd say it's more from the emo perspective personally Rather than reviewing whether the game's any good, I focus more on its storytelling and how it makes me feel. Erm yeah, emotastic It seems to do well though and I've been featured on The Escapist because of it which isn't bad going at all!

I've also just been appointed editor at Resolution which is quite a big undertaking. Its original editor has gone onto another site in a paid role so there's some good potential there for getting somewhere. It's going to be a fair bit of work with contacting PR people and arranging schedules so that there's regular content available, but it should be good.

Most of all of course, I'm still enjoying it There's a lot of work involved despite being voluntary but I wouldn't do it if I didn't enjoy it! Hopefully the hard work will pay off eventually. It might not be paying the bills just yet but it's fulfilling which is something!
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Old 25-08-2011, 20:48   #232
Do you want to hide in my box?
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Ridiculously huge bump but I quite like everything in one place to consult at a later date and hopefully see how far things have progressed.
Should probably get the title changed though as it's not overly descriptive!


Things have changed massively since last time.

In September 2010, I was given an opportunity at an iOS focused news and reviews site called Having previously worked with one of the editors in a voluntary position, he approached me to say that they'd merged with and were looking to take on paid staff. I said yes with glee!

It paid off so well that in November 2010, I left my part time job at Blockbuster. Bit of a risk to take at the time but it's gone *touches wood* very well!

Since then, I've been earning more money and more consistently too (Blockbuster were not the best of employers with me often only working 4-6hrs a week minimum wage!). I'm also much, much happier with my work life as I'm doing something I love

Besides the 148apps stuff, I've been working towards getting noticed elsewhere.

In March 2011 I was asked to write a 32 page strategy guide for Final Fantasy III (at that time, recently released for the iPhone). Having been paid a really rather nice sum of money for a week's work, my guide turned up on iTunes last month:

Recently, having gained enough self confidence, I've been trying to feature elsewhere so been pitching article ideas all over the place in the hope that something sticks!

Something stuck and has just gone up today

It's another iOS focused piece, this time for GamePro. It's the 6 best JRPGs available on the app store:

I'm proud of it Featuring on a site of that size with my first pitch is very cool! Plus I've had some fantastic feedback from numerous peers including Jaz Rignall whose work I used to read all the time years ago! Hopefully it's a sign of things to come

Oh and I'm still sometimes writing for which is always a good conversation starter

It's quite amazing to think that this time last year I felt very trapped in my job and was going through a week of hell (due to a rota mixup, 8 members of staff were off in the same week leaving 4 of us, only one of us able to open or close the shop, to run the shop by ourselves - it's open 12hrs a day 7 days a week and is huge!). Having earned a lot that week, I bought myself an iPhone 4.

Who'd have thought back then that iPhone 4 would have played such a pivotal role in getting me out of that place?!

So yes, horn tooting will stop now
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Old 26-08-2011, 07:18   #233
The Last Airbender
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Wow Jen, that's some amazing stuff going on there. Really, really pleased for you
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Old 26-08-2011, 10:53   #234
Do you want to hide in my box?
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Thanks, means a lot
I've got some plans for where I want to get published next so fingers crossed I do it soon hopefully made some solid inroads!
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Old 26-08-2011, 11:03   #235
Del Lardo
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Excellent that you have been able to make money from doing something you love. Congrats!
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Old 26-08-2011, 11:43   #236
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Well done. Glad I bullied you relentlessly into having some self-belief
"You only get one life. There's no God, no rules, except for those you accept or create for yourself. Then once it's over... it's over. Dreamless sleep for ever and ever. So why not be happy while you're here?" Nate Fisher
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Old 26-08-2011, 12:04   #237
Deep Throat
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Great news hun You're doing meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeega!
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Old 26-08-2011, 12:36   #238
Do you want to hide in my box?
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Thanks all

Originally Posted by Kitten View Post
Well done. Glad I bullied you relentlessly into having some self-belief
That you did
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Old 26-08-2011, 12:54   #239
BBx woz 'ere :P
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That sounds like things are going VERY well. That's fantastic news!
No No!
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Old 26-08-2011, 12:59   #240
Combat Spanker
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Bloody hell Jen, thats incredible! Well done you, hope you're proud of what you've achieved!

Originally Posted by Kitten View Post
Well done. Glad I bullied you relentlessly into having some self-belief
Funny its not working on you when I do it x
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