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Old 08-02-2011, 09:37   #2611
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Mal: Define "interesting"?
Wash: "Oh, God, oh, God, we're all gonna die"?
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Old 08-02-2011, 23:13   #2612
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Marvel vs Capcom 3 on the 360 as it arrived on Friday.
According to the online leaderboards, only 74 other people have got it this early so I'm going to feel suitably smug about that

Also Two Worlds II on the PC.

And finally, playing a bit of Assassin's Creed 2 in between that as I'm clearing my backlog a bit. Not as good as Brotherhood of course but it is fun
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Old 09-02-2011, 23:40   #2613
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Further to my image, I'm playing DC Universe Online.

It's rather fun, though being typical me I've taken a weird not-one-nor-the-other route in choosing powers and equipment so I'll need to respec soon.

I think I'd describe it as MMO Lite, it's really not hard to get to lvl 30, less than 30 hours work I think it took, though the route from here to being a high class PvP & PvE can take a little longer. There are Hard level alerts (raids) that I'm not even going to attempt yet until I've picked up some T1 armour.

I've played City of Heroes before, but not Champions Online. CoH was fun, but forced you to play in groups. In contrast DCUO has allowed me to reach lvl 30 without once grouping. Now I'm at lvl 30 I spend as much time in groups as I do out of them, either raiding or helping league members with their missions. I like the fact I can play the game how I like and the almost complete lack of a grinding feel to it. Sure most storyline missions entail some kind of "kill x henchmen", but its rare to see a number larger than 20, and typically its < 10. Then you're done and off to a new area. It seems, unscientifically speaking, that you get significantly more XP from completing missions than you do grinding, so mostly you're encouraged to just get on with things rather than run around an area killing the same mobs over and over.

It's a bit beta-ish. Some really irritating bugs crop up occasionally, but they're showing slow and steady progress getting stuff cleared up. Compared to some MMOs I've played on release I think Sony is doing fairly well. Nothing is a real game breaker, but some are intensely frustrating (spend 40 minutes clearing an instance only to have it bug right after you've defeated the boss)

In a number of regards its a fairly straightforward MMO. Typical classes (dps, tank, healer, controller/magician), PvE mobs gathered in relatively constrained areas for no obvious reason, PvP battles and arenas, but combine cool superpowers and great flexibility in costumes with solid but not too long story missions and varied challenges leads to fun.

A gallery of characters can be found here

I'm not sure the longevity of it, I always find these things hard to gauge. I didn't think I'd play Eve-Online for all that long and I did, and I thought I'd spend a lot of time playing Everquest 2 and I didn't.

Alongside my main character, Stormwalker (superspeed/gadgets/staff), I've got a tank called Crow Quill (flight/fire/brawler) and will be rolling a healer tonight to help with the lack of healers in our league.
Mal: Define "interesting"?
Wash: "Oh, God, oh, God, we're all gonna die"?
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Old 09-02-2011, 23:51   #2614
Do you want to hide in my box?
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I'm guessing you're on the US servers Garp?

I've got a free month of it so will be giving it a shot soon
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Old 10-02-2011, 00:55   #2615
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Originally Posted by Haly View Post
I'm guessing you're on the US servers Garp?

I've got a free month of it so will be giving it a shot soon
Yes indeed, on New Frontier. Latency can be bad enough Hawaii<->Mainland (enough to impact FPS a little bit) without adding in any additional latency sources! I'm running with the Freedom, Liberty And Glory (FLAG), a good sized league with a number of top flight PvPers.
Mal: Define "interesting"?
Wash: "Oh, God, oh, God, we're all gonna die"?
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Old 10-02-2011, 14:38   #2616
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I'm dipping in and out of RDR: Undead Nightmare.

Good times:
- Supernatural...ness adds an interesting twist. Loving the cowboy/zombie crossover and especially the mythical beats (sasquatch, four horses of the apocalypse... even if War did fall off a cliff and die ).
- Plenty of new challenges which really add to gameplay - treasure hunting, sharp-shooting etc. (even though I'm currently having trouble hitting a flying bat with a tomahawk. Whoever came up with that challenge needs scalping).
- Quite challenging gameplay; zombies start out docile enough but then new ones start appearing as you progress that can knock you down, run fast etc.

Bad times:
- Far too many weapons. I don't need five different types of rifle, handgun or shotgun and it's to unwieldy to keep switching between them.
- Regular horses are hard to get hold of if you lose one and undead horses do not want to be ridden. You can use them but not for longer than a couple of minutes before correcting their path becomes tiresome.
- Zombies only die if you get them in the head. Console controllers are not designed for that level of accuracy and you don't always have enough dead-eye to give you the advantage. It kind of adds to the 'realism' I guess but it would be nice if after the fourth of fifth shotgun blast they didn't just get up and start ambling towards you again.
- I thought we'd done away with having to pick x number of flowers from various regions. It's the Zombie Apocalypse, not Gardener's Question Time.
- Having to clear towns of zombies is repetitive and frustrating. Having to clear them again after a number of days is extremely tiresome and makes me wonder if just killing the townsfolk to put them out of their misery would be an easier option.

Overall, enjoyable, but is not without fault.
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Old 13-02-2011, 00:33   #2617
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Another point worth making is that you have to loot every corpse and treasure chest you find to get ammo - no more shops. Why you have to be perfectly placed, press a button, and get a small character animation every time you do the loot procedure is beyond me. Simply walking over a corpse to collect ammo is an accepted method in pretty much every game ever created.
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Old 01-04-2011, 17:51   #2618
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I bought Michael Jackson - The Experience for my Wii!

I stopped DIYing an hour ago and have been playing it and I am laughing so much in doing so! It is fuuuuuuuuun!

Dancing is actually quite hard! But then I am lil miss uncoordinated! There's some dance tutorials which utterly crack me up! This one guy, he says "now use as much facial expressions as you can with this move" and the camera pans out to him doing the move and his face is botoxed into one gormless expression during it all! So so funny!

I've done a fair few of the songs now and I'm certain they're dumbed down dancing. Boo! It's actually quite hard to follow what's up next unless you've played the song before. SO much fun though! Hahaha! And due to my carpet I now have carpet burn on my footsies from moonwalking! I need shoooooooooes!

My new work out me thinks! Haha!
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Old 05-04-2011, 13:55   #2619
Vodka Martini
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I can't think of anything worse than a dancing game. I know I can't dance, I don't need metal mickey in the corner telling me I suck!

I have had a few minutes on RDR Undead nightmare and have to agree 100% with Belmit. It's not a bad game per se, but so frustrating.

I'm also playing GT5 still, although I have reached a point where I do not have the cars or money to progress through the final races. I have spent some time on the B Spec game, but boy does that suck. For a start the race always lasts about 100% longer than the A Spec, secondly, there's no time lapse mode, so it's all run in real time, and third, your lazy ass driver just seems to want to slow right down unless you constantly give him instructions every 10 seconds.

I'm sure Lewis Hamilton doesn't get "stay at that speed, stay at that speed, stay at that speed, stay at that speed, stay at that speed, stay at that speed, stay at that speed, stay at that speed, stay at that speed, stay at that speed, Speed up, Speed up, stay at that speed, stay at that speed, stay at that speed, stay at that speed, stay at that speed, stay at that speed, stay at that speed, Slow Down, stay at that speed, stay at that speed, stay at that speed, " in his earpiece all race.
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Old 05-04-2011, 19:09   #2620
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I canny dance but I LOVE IT! Ahahahahaha!

Might dig out Left 4 Dead 2 later! Feel like poota gaming it up! After some Mickey Jay (back dependant as it is dying on me )
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