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Old 24-02-2011, 16:48   #1991
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I am number 4

7/10 - people seemed to love it or hate it!
"You only get one life. There's no God, no rules, except for those you accept or create for yourself. Then once it's over... it's over. Dreamless sleep for ever and ever. So why not be happy while you're here?" Nate Fisher
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Old 26-02-2011, 00:38   #1992
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Another vote for 12 Angry men here. Always a bit sceptical about watching older films that permanently lie very high up on imdb's rankings, but was changed within the first half hour.
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Old 26-02-2011, 11:05   #1993
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Zomg I have so many films I need to watch!! Devil and Buried look good (Buried will FREAK ME OUT... I was VERY aware of my breathing watching that clip!) And then 12 angry men and and True Grit and Paul.

Nuts. I need more time!

Saw Black Swan last night. Superb. Acting was tremendous. A few things really struck a chord with me which freaked me out. Brilliant! And a few people have said to me they're a bit confused why the rudey scenes are put in there and they feel they're pointless... but I thought the contrary. It really added to the film!

Fab fab fab

Makes me feel better since the diabolicalness of Never Let Me Go!
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Old 26-02-2011, 16:37   #1994
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I hate it when you see a **** film - you feel robbed :/

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Old 26-02-2011, 18:29   #1995
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Originally Posted by BBx View Post
I hate it when you see a **** film - you feel robbed :/

BB x

Drives me insane. I'm like "THAT WAS 2HOURS OF MY LIFE!! ArghGHGH!" Hahaha! I guess it could be a form of character building!

Looks like I'll be watching a variety of films tonight! All scary! OOoOoO! Ahahaha!
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Old 26-02-2011, 18:36   #1996
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Yes even worse when you pay over the odds for it too!

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Old 27-02-2011, 22:23   #1997
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West is West

Wasn't really sure about this. East is East was on the box the other day and I really enjoyed it as I hadn't seen it for ages. So, slightly hungover and looking for something to do today we went to see WiW.

I expected a very similar film to the first, but, just like the cast, it has grown up a bit. Not so many funny moments, and a lot more focussed on the characters. I found myself enjoying it immensely.

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Old 27-02-2011, 23:25   #1998
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I had low expectations for this, and they were met.

Three people get trapped on a ski lift in sub-zero temperatures on a Sunday evening and have to decide how to get off it because the runs are only open at weekends of course.

Slightly better dialogue than your average Final Destination film but it felt a little bit like that sort of movie from the start. Fairly tense throughout, and some truly gruesome parts made worse by it feeling more real than, say, a SAW film, which depends more on shock or 'cartoonish' goriness.

At one point I started to laugh because it just all starts to get a bit too outlandish, and I often found myself saying 'Why would you do that when you could just as easily do this?'. Some of the decisions they make boggle the mind and maybe I'm looking at it from a far too sensible point of view, but if you traverse a steel cable that cuts through your gloves and into your hands and you have a chance to stop halfway, why would you not remove the gloves and put them on backwards on the opposite hands before carrying on? Or use your socks/jacket sleeves/anything other than your bare, uncovered, already bloodied hands? Just little things like that that made it all too frustrating.

Biggest laugh was from the point where they blag the ski passes and finally get on the lift; some heinous rock music suddenly started and I sang along going 'SKI LIFT MUSIC! SKI LIFT MUSIC! WE GOT SOME PASSES FROM THE DUDE AT THE BOTTOM!' etc.

The laugh was from my housemate.

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Old 02-03-2011, 10:50   #1999
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Green Hornet - Was alright - 6/10
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Old 02-03-2011, 17:12   #2000
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District 9

I know this has been rated before but... I don't get it?! Can someone explain it's awesomeness to me? I've heard so many people rave about it but I was a bit like "right.. what am I watching, is this a comedy? Is it a documentary? Who is this annoying South African bloke? What happened in the beginning? Why are these intellectual beings... not intellectual?!"

Good concept... but it just collapsed on structure.

Please someone explain to me if I'm missing the point entirely?!

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