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Old 08-05-2011, 21:07   #881
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Originally Posted by jmc41 View Post
That'd do me, what is your PB then, about 1:45?
Good luck with Windermere, looks like May 22nd so guess you may be tapering for the next couple of weeks.
01:46:49 is my PB. Will go sub 1:45 by the end of the year if all goes well

I'm very poorly prepped for Windermere. Lost my mojo for marathon training. I've been tapering since about March, haha. This is going to be by far the slowest yet, but the setting is beautiful and the views will be stunning so I'll have something to take my mind of it

Oooooh Cecil, what have you done?
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Old 08-05-2011, 21:57   #882
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I hadn't made the connection before now, it's around Lake Windermere I guess.

Stayed in the hostel just outside there last September, it's definitely got some great views especially if you have decent, but cool weather. If you need a car park the one just past when the hostel is on your left was free. Though it may be busy.
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Old 10-05-2011, 05:30   #883
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Yep, all the way round the lake. Here's a course map. We don't actually start in Windermere itself and I have a car parking pass for the place where we start so that's all sorted.

It's going to be an absolute killer though, especially if it's hot. The plan is to take it very slowly and just enjoy the scenery. The latter may go out the window after about mile 7 where there's an horrific hill (see hill profile below).

I'm camping with a few members of my running club plus my parents on the Friday & Saturday, then I'm getting the train home on Sunday ready for work on Monday. Urgh!


Oooooh Cecil, what have you done?
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Old 10-05-2011, 06:59   #884
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Oooooofff....mile 7 certainly looks...interesting!!!
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Old 10-05-2011, 09:14   #885
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Mile seven looks hellish! at least you'll be into your stride by then - mile 20-21.5 however looks like it won't be welcomed by anyone!

I went out for 5.5miles yesterday and it was one of those jogs...

I went off too fast, wore a waterproof which got me far too hot, hadn't eaten properly the day before, nor anything properly on the day, I didn't drink enough before and became dehydrated very quickly, didn't stretch a tight muscle sufficiently beforehand and this resulted in a horrible, unenjoyable time start to finish - peaking with being overtaken by what must have been an OAP!

I would have happily stopped and turned back at any point but then what would that have achieved? Nice to know I can tackle a hearty hill and keep going despite feeling awful but an even more important lesson to prepare properly!
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Old 10-05-2011, 14:08   #886
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The next few miles afterwards could be tough if they're steep decents too, not what the knees needs with another 16 miles to go.

I've only warn a waterproof twice, when it was -6C outside, even then after about 5 miles it was too much. Found a level 3 long sleeved base layer is fine by itself for runs even when cool, but at least time of year it's a lightweight short sleeved one.

Been overtaken by OAPs before, along with plenty of people a great deal older in general Only recently I overtook someone for I think the first ever time.

Just be careful, really pushed myself too hard my last two runs and suffered greatly as a result
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Old 10-05-2011, 15:29   #887
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How many marathons have you done now Kate?
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Old 10-05-2011, 22:31   #888
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I'm not too worried about mile 20-21.5 to be honest Jingo as I'll definitely be walking by then! Haha. It's a nasty course though, a couple of real killer hills.

I've had a sports massage tonight. She put her hands on my calves and let out an evil cackle. She said it's no wonder I ran poorly at the weekend with legs like these. She's proper hurt me tonight. Stripped my ITB (OOOOOOOOOOWCH!!!!!!), pummled my calves and beat the crap out of my quads. She said if I stretch every single day up until the marathon, I will have a good race. Otherwise, I'm fooked. Haha. Better get stretching and drinking looooots of water to help my tired, beaten muscles then!

Jonny - this will be my 4th.

I rarely bother with waterproofs unless it's cold, like jmc said. I don't own any "breathable" running gear because I believe it's a pointless waste of money... it just doesn't work when you're running. At this time of year, I'd just wear my t-shirt or vest and go out in the rain. It's LOVELY

Don't forget to stretch after your runs jmc. Aids recovery massively. Trust me!!!

Oh and you've experienced nothing until you've been overtaken by a walker. Bloody speedwalker overtook us on Sunday at about mile 5. I called him a bastard

Oooooh Cecil, what have you done?
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Old 10-05-2011, 22:50   #889
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29m 08 secs

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Old 11-05-2011, 15:02   #890
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Are these your 5k times Mei?

I went out again today and achieved just under 5.5miles but I am really struggling - I seem to be reaching problem barriers at around 3 miles and I can't really understand it; I've been starting off very slow and steady, increasing pace a little once I get comfortable (around 9-12 mins in) and I'm just finding my legs are very 'tired' and a general lack of oomph!

I don't think I'm pushing it too hard as even at the 'increased pace' i'm still only jogging at a very slow pace.

I stopped at around 40minutes for a couple of minutes to give some Canadians directions to "a british type pub thing" ( ) and after that I had that distinctive spring in my step that I used to run with all the time!

Run Bristol 10k is this weekend and although 6/7miles used to be comfortable 2/3 times a week distance for me, I'm having doubts as to even completing this weekends race on this form! Boo-urns.

Runners of BD - please chip in your thoughts as they'd be very welcome at the moment
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