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Old 12-10-2011, 16:17   #271
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Yeah sorry 3 nights was in my initial enquiry.

All of the other bookings I have done have been inclusive!!!


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Old 12-10-2011, 16:37   #272
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Give 'em hell.
"You only get one life. There's no God, no rules, except for those you accept or create for yourself. Then once it's over... it's over. Dreamless sleep for ever and ever. So why not be happy while you're here?" Nate Fisher
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Old 12-10-2011, 16:44   #273
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They haven't met Bananaman... aka my Dir... yet!


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Old 19-10-2011, 15:19   #274
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Oh more complaining from me

The Hen Do - although it was AMAZING!!! (Largely down to my 1337 organisationing and the fact that the girls were all brill, went along with everything and chipped in when needed). However there was this - below - for those who do not know, Shereen and Nats (the hen) have parted their ways so we wanted to exclude any references to Shereen in the booking.

Dear Jo,

Spa-rty event : Saturday 15th October 2011
I thought you would like some feedback on our experience so have attached the below along with a few pictures. I welcome any comments or suggestions you may have in response.

Hotel Arrival:
* 2 people in our party were given the welcome drinks vouchers on arrival. Reception should have been briefed by UKGT to give the vouchers to the Lead person, myself. The hotel had to reprint the vouchers as they had Shereen's name on them, the previous party leader who was no longer part of our group – clearly it was not communicated to the hotel that I was the new party leader.

Spa-rty Room:
* We were told that the spa-rty was from 10am – 1pm. We were told on the day by the Therapists, that we needed to be out of the room by 12.30 in order for them to set up for the next hen do. As you know we had decorated the room with balloons and posters. We therefore needed some clearing up time, so not only was this cutting into our party time, but inconvenient for us all to move to another room. To add injury to insult, we were hurried out of the second room because it took some time to settle people into the new room, and so we were rudely told by Brad that we had to move, before we had finished our party tasks.
* In the move one of the girl’s cameras was mislaid – the camera was mislaid was owing to be ushered out in a rush - had we not been ushered out of the room in such a hurry, this would not have happened.
* While we were moving, Brad – the event co-ordinator took all of our unfinished fondue and wine and was going to clear it away.
* We were told that the Chocolate Fountain was not available for our party – but it turned up for the other spa-rty in the afternoon.
* We were told to keep the noise down when we were moved to another room – were we supposed to sit in silence? Eventually Brad, brought the duty event manager up because the other hen party had complained about the noise. Their party started at 1pm and this was about 1.20pm. We were asked to leave – even though our party had been disrupted – I told the manager (didn’t catch her name) that we would be leaving at 1.30 in any case and Brad responded: “Make sure it happens!” before turning on his heel. That is no way to you speak to a guest of your hotel – there are more effective ways of dealing with the situation without blatant rudeness.
* There was no changeover period – you cannot run one event straight after another.

* Was great - they had balloons on the table and confetti – but again I had to intercept the Maitre d' as the booking was in Shereen’s name – I don’t know why such a simple thing could not have been changed.

Welcome drinks:
* We asked for our welcome drinks for the Saturday night – it took 45mins for the staff to bring out our drinks. The server was obviously flustered and dropped a glass, breaking it across the walkway at the foot of the main stairwell, and no one helped him or cleared up the glass. He also didn’t know which drinks were available. Again, as a result of poor organisation by the hotel staff this meant that we had to cancel the first bar on our bar crawl.

Bars and clubs:
All fine but that’s because we organised those.

I have worked in marketing and event management for 10 years; I organise conferences and work trips for 10, 25, 100+ people and book hotels all over the country and all over the world. I write reviews for consumer publications and recommend various companies and services to friends, colleagues and clients. It is therefore unfortunate that I have experienced this rudeness and poor level of service.

I appreciate that the hotel and spa company are third parties but obviously they are representing UKGirlThing and to have received this level of service and treatment as a paying customer is disappointing.

It is unfortunate that this feedback is more negative than positive as you can appreciate how much hard work, time and effort (especially with the booking changeover) that had gone into the weekend.

I thought it would be useful for you all to know the customer’s point of view of the experience and hope that you are able to take this feedback into consideration.

I would really appreciate it if you could follow up with the hotel about the lost camera and let me know if there is any solution there.

Kind regards,
Yet to receive a response!

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Old 19-10-2011, 17:38   #275
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ROFL just got a reply!

We had a complaint about us about from the Spa Therapists... and we made the event co-ordinator cry... oh dear!!!

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Old 19-10-2011, 17:51   #276
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They clearly don't know who they're messing with!
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Old 19-10-2011, 18:01   #277
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As this is searchable by The Google I am not going to post the response.. but it is mega lol and so untrue!

Good job I wasn't after any compensation (except the camera - which we obviously are not going to get) going to heavily edit my Tripadvisor review for them though

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Old 19-10-2011, 18:08   #278
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Old 31-10-2011, 22:34   #279
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Virgin media broadband...

Right, as you know I have recently "moved" out of my old flat - I had virgin media BB only. No box, or anything else, just broadband as I refuse to pay BT for a line that I'm never going to use, as such need a cable connection.

I phoned them up to tell them I'm moving and want to either suspend or cancel my subscription. I was told the best way to do it so I don't incur a charge is to transfer my account to my parent's address who happen to have a virgin line too. I was told to make sure I ring them before the "install" date.

The way it works, I have now worked out, is, that they make a virtual "installation" and you have to keep cancelling the date of the install and that's effectively suspending the account.

So I cancelled the install and delayed it to the 22nd of Dec. As they basically told me to do this so that until I get a place to transfer it to, and if the property I get doesn't have the ability to receive virgin BB, they will cancel the account there and then. Seems fair.

So all was in hand, "installation" date was set to 22nd of Dec, after bumping it later from the 29th which was the original date.

Today - they come and literally (no word of a lie) chop the wire at my parent's house. Thus disconnecting the telephone and the internet. Fortunately my father has 2 BB lines coming into the house (he runs his business from home and can't afford to be offline as he connects to a remote server to do his business). The technician that came to do the installation was perfectly polite and professional, it wasn't his fault, but my father put me on the phone to him to explain the situation - he then had to go back and basically re-wire my father's connection, and re-establish his connection (he has a fixed IP etc...)

Had he not had that spare connection well... that'd be another story...

Also, they're still charging me despite advising me that they wouldn't be! Bunch of charlatans.

Anyway - shall be contacting them and see what they say - but not
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Old 20-12-2011, 17:11   #280
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TNT (sorry Leon ) ... after 2 and a half months of complaints and over 14hours of telephone calls... they have finally called up and apologised profusely and closed my account!

When a nightmare! Asked them to deliver to an exhibition in Frankfurt for a Friday... they didn't even dispatch it from the Frankfurt office and were going to delay it 5 days (even though I had given them specific exhibition delivery details and they agreed it was possible). Secondly a next day delivery to Frankfurt for a meeting for a before 9am deliver... it gets there at 11:20.

Client = Unhappy
Me = Unhappy
TNT = Oh well we'll downgrade your services for you and still charge you full price. Why? Because we ended up making a special delivery for you to ensure it got there after the time and day it was due.

Me = PO!!

Sorted now though! I think what pushed my last button was the debt collectors calling...!!
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