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Old 22-02-2012, 15:36   #61
Vodka Martini
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Ah, right. I assumed you had to do some kind of test thing. I know nothing about bikes
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Old 22-02-2012, 16:04   #62
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You just ride about for a bit and you get a certificate.
The only way to fail is kee going through red lights or something. You just keep riding about till they deem you component or you run out of time. I only know one person to fail went through red lights and cut a lorry up badly.

Still well done.
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Old 23-02-2012, 01:54   #63
Deep Throat
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Cheeky update from another forum I am posting on...

As some of you have seen... we PASSED! Hoorah! It was a bit of a damp and dull day heading over to Swansea and I was awash with sleepiness, nerves, want-for-a-pancake (shrove tuesday) but it was a lovely day all the same!

Smart Motorcycle Training in Swansea were phenomenal. Ianto, who we have met a few times before, cracked me up so much throughout the day! He really knew how to blow away the nerves! With very clear, concise and simple instructions the guy was full of beans and keeping us on our toes all day!

As I had the Get On hour on the friday previous I felt a little bit more confident in what I was doing but the thought of pootling along on the open roads amidst traffic didn't half put the heebie jeebies up me! Ianto managed to build my confidence though and with Sam pootpootling along aside me in the car park I was more than happy!

We made our way out onto the road and things seemed much easier gear changing than they had in the car park... I'm guessing this was due to more room for acceleration and movement! I was constantly chatting away to myself in my helmet though reminding myself of the actions (alongside Ianto talking to me all the time on the comms... he was such as star at reassuring me, such an absolute star).

I did, however, manage to stall three times on my first roundabout...

First Stall... Me: "Oh Bugger bum poop and fudge... right... must be the nerves... start her back up again... brumm"
Second Stall... Me: "Seriously!?!? Seriously! Maybe too much clutch again!?"
Third Stall... Me: "Whaaaaaaat the MONKEYS is going on!?! Getting biting point... accelerating enough... why?! WHY!? I need to get my butt into gear.. oh. Oh hang on... gear. FUDGE I've been sat in second! YOU PRATT SOUTHERN!"

Hahahaha! I felt like such a muppet! I think that was probably my only major glitch (on the busiest roundabout in history too... what a nincompoop!) I did have the odd boshing the gear into neutral as opposed to second but after an hour or so out I was much much smoother!

Sam had a good day too! He enjoyed being back on a bike as it's been a while! He found it odd having to do exaggerated movements to check mirrors so the instructor could read what you were doing but other than that (and finding it odd not to stand up over humps... he's used to off roading in his KTM 990 Adventure) he loved it! I did think he might find it all a bit tedious seeing as he's ridden for 8 years and done half way rtw already... but Ianto and the team made it interesting enough for us both which was awesome of them! Sam was nervous though about not passing! I guess the pressure is on when you have an expectation of 8 years riding! Curse Dubai licence and being unable to transfer!

Anyway, I yabber on! A wet sticky-rain day but a great one all the same! Am still smiling now and excited about Mod 1 (although remain nervous in a good way!) Our first big step though...

Some piccies of the day for you:

Ianto, my Welsh instructor from Smart Motorcycle Training in Swansea and I outside prior to the day starting!

Me riding into a container! Haha! I did manage to turn... it's just the way the pic looks! Honest gov!

Both Sam and I on the bikes! Couldn't be a happier duo!

We'd just gone out on the roads for our first ride about and had stopped for a warming cuppa! I was only just properly settling in and eager to jump back on asap!

POOCH giving Sam and snog! Chris - another Smart Motorcycle Swansea Instructor - had a beauuuuuuuuuutiful malamute husky pooch! He was ENORMOUS but stupid friendly! Absolutely adorable hunky man of fluff!

The website is due to be launched over the weekend where there will be much more information about the day and what we're doing/riding/gear etc so please take a look in the future at

In the meantime, you can see more piccies and videos here: Chasing Horizons Facebook Page and regular updates on Twitter - Chasing Horizons. Please pop on and take a goosey goosey gander at our frollickings! We'd love to see people on there Thank you so much for all your support and well wishes!
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Old 23-02-2012, 01:56   #64
Deep Throat
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NB You can fail... if the driving school is good and they think you're a danger they *should* fail you. Many don't... the reason I like this school so much is because they will fail you (ex coppers so they've seen plenty enough accidents in their time to not want to be responsible for people who are not good enough out on the roads!)

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Old 23-02-2012, 15:04   #65
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Massive dog!

Sonisphere FMC Code: 1k949178
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Old 28-02-2012, 03:44   #66
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Bit of a generic post here... sorry But if you've seen my twitter and facebook etc Sam and I have been up to 4am 5am in the morning working on the below so considering it's near 3am I am SHAFTED! Hahaha!

Please those guys, let us know what you think of the site! We love it


The website is up and running! Sam and I are really chuffed it’s *finally* made it to the wonderful world of the interweb! Due to minor glitches here and there, it’s been slightly delayed in coming but we pulled off a few all nighters, drank ourselves a high sharehold of caffeine and VOILA! We’re off!

We’re awaiting on the arrival of some gear before we put the details up in the gear section… not long though (I cannot tell you how excited we are about this!) There will be reviews of Rukkas Arma S and Rukkas Armiinas suits as well as the X Lite 551 helmets so keep watching and let us know if there’s any details you’d like us to particularly look at with regards to the items! As for the bikes… we’re nervously awaiting some news and will be putting more details up in the next couple of weeks.

Please do go have a snoop about and feel free to make comments! If you have any feedback or questions you’d like us to answer in our FAQ section please ping us an email or post in the thread We'll respond as soon as we can!

If you fancy it, jump onboard the twitter and facebook pages – all updates of piccies/videos and blogs can be pinged to you wherever you are!

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Old 28-02-2012, 04:09   #67
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Well done for giving it all a web-face
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Old 28-02-2012, 09:09   #68
Vodka Martini
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Nice site! The only issue is that the scrolling message seems to cut itself off in mid scroll. Apart from that, it's looking fantastic!
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Old 28-02-2012, 14:41   #69
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Love how the site is looking

Was looking at your route and spotted the Darien Gap map pin claims to be in Alaska.

... and that you're going through Syria?

Get old, or die tryin'
- Chunks of Meaty Reviews, Mixed with Your Five a Day of News, Comment and Opinion, Floating in a Broth of Suspect Grammar and Seasoned Liberally with Mixed Metaphor. Tasty.
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Old 28-02-2012, 19:24   #70
Deep Throat
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Vol - what browser are you using! Will check into that!!

Stewbie - hahahaha yeh Sam noticed that earlier re Alaska! Funny funny We will change it asap Yup... at the moment through Syria It obviously all depends on the political climate when we are in certain countries... the route may change! But that's our route to date!

Thanks for the responses guys, much appreciated
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