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Old 04-04-2012, 07:01   #1521
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+1 on the for goodness shakes. Not cheap but real easy on the stomach and seem to do the job.
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Old 04-04-2012, 08:09   #1522
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Ok coach! Fyi 17 is what you told me in your front room am sure

But I now love you a little bit more now! Whoop!

Where can one purchase a For Goodness Shake? At all good supermarkets??

BB x
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Old 04-04-2012, 09:07   #1523
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I have some good quality protein shakes with fantastic amino acid profiles at home...
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Old 04-04-2012, 09:22   #1524
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Forgot to say I did 7miles last night.. it was raining so didn't want to injure so took it slower than usual. 1hr 10m 57secs

BB x

5th April: 7miles 01:12:20
6th April: 7miles 01:07:43
8th April: 15miles 02:38:42 - the Greenwich Foot Tunnel Lifts are now working! Woo hoo! Cutty Sark looks pwetty there's also a Nandos and Frankie and Bennys there too - they kept that quiet! Was in tears at the end of the run though as mobile ran out of juice and had to use moola in payphone.. it stole my money, then when I explained what happened to the Operator I got all adjitated because the only solution was for him to do me a reverse charge calling - charging my parents! I thought he could at least put me through FOC for a landline :/ luckily a nice Chinese girl let me use her phone and I got my £1.50 returned.

Last edited by BBx; 11-04-2012 at 14:13.
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Old 04-04-2012, 12:37   #1525
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FGS can be purchased at Sainsburys for sure, I think Asda and Tesco do them too.
They all only seem to do superberry (good) and chocolate (not so much for me personally).

It's cheaper to buy a box of the packets online which last a few months and don't need to be stuck in a fridge, I like the superberry, banana and vanilla ones, they're about £1.50ea from wiggle or £2 in shops. I sometimes get a couple from sainos when they're on offer at £1 each or so though, think they're normally £1.69 when not on offer.

You can get 8 (two of each flavour) and a bottle to mix in for about £16-18 which is what I did the first time.
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Old 04-04-2012, 13:46   #1526
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FGS are really light nutrition drinks 50/50 mix of carbs and protein by the look of it.

I did a gentle 5k this morning and I'm pleased to report that my ITB/knee jip has passed. I'll continue to take it easy for a few weeks but I reckon it was nothing serious and immediately resting up helped
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Old 04-04-2012, 13:55   #1527
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FGS are 3:1 ratio I think, whatever it's meant to be with various vitamins and stuff added. They are also low fat, which is an advantage (for me anyway). There are loads of good 'things' out there high in protein and carbs but the fat (and esp. sat fat) content is through the roof.

Typical values per 100ml serving:
Energy 226.4kj/53.3 kcal, Protein 3.3g, Carbohydrate 9.8g, Fat 0.2g, Fibre 0.5g, Sodium 0.1g, Vitamin C 40mg, Vitamin D 0.2ug, Vitamin E 0.4mg, Magnesium 11.4mg, Niacin 0.5mg, Folic Acid 6.0ug, Vitamin B12 0.3ug, Biotin 1.5ug, Pantothenic Acid 0.4mg, Vitamin A 50ug, Vitamin K 2.3ug, Selenium 0.9ug, Riboflavin 0.1mg, Calcium 113.1mg, Phosphorus 84.1mg, Zinc 0.3mg, Iodine 140ug, Potassium 12.5mg, Chloride 82.6mg.

Most of the 'bars' in Reading's goody bag were majorly high on the fat level and my cholesterol is bad enough!

Glad you looking to be injury free again Jonny. Took me 2-3 months before I was back to 10 miles, so take it slow, 10% per week increase max and ease off it it comes back.
As you say, the sooner you stop and rest it the lesser the injury and quicker you can bounce back!
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Old 04-04-2012, 14:40   #1528
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Oops, what I meant was they are great for running because they are light! They have a good lot of carbs - a lot of those sorts of drinks and bars are short on carbs and high on protein which bloats me.

If you want to bodge up your own drink, the nutrition levels are similar to a mix of milk powder and Nesquik with a vitamin tablet
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Old 04-04-2012, 14:47   #1529
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Fat is not too much of an issue, but after a work out you need protein and fast acting carbs for recovery, and fat does slow down absorption of nutrients, so post work out I'd agree it's not wise to take. Also remember your body doesn't absorb dietary cholesterol So that isn't an issue, and actually cholesterol with enhanced metabolic state actually aids protein synthesis and recovery.

Dextrose, maltodextrin, glutamine and leucien, and protein, are fantastic post work out - the fast acting carbs helps the insulin response to bring the nutrients into the body as quickly as possible rather than being wasted away.

In fact if you can find a post workout solution which contains 4-hydroxyisoleucine it's one of the best amino acids there is to restore glycogen like for like.
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Old 04-04-2012, 20:13   #1530
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Woweeeee I didn't know it was so complex all this nosh stuff!!

Went to Docs today and am being referred for physio. Had a bit of a run yesterday (first time since throwing myself off the motorbike and landing on my knee at 30mph) and at 2.5 miles my knee just gave way!

It felt a bit twingey by the time I had hit the 2 mile marker but thought it would be okay.

Today, walking to the surgery (5minute walk) I had to stop twice as knee was just pooped.

Bugger!! 4.5months until trip and I have a dicky knee!! Not ideal!
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