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Old 09-01-2007, 10:35   #41
ex SAS
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If you re-read my original post which I believe started the controversy you'll see that I never claimed to be 'so law abiding'. I specifically said that I speed as well.

My point was that if you're speeding and get caught then you should accept it and take the punishment for it. This doesn't just apply to you, Matt but to everyone.
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Old 09-01-2007, 10:41   #42
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Originally Posted by Desmo View Post
I'm on your side Matt, in that I hate speed cameras and wish there were more actual police on the roads to enforce dangerous driving. But if I get a speeding ticket then I'll take it on the chin.
I agree wholeheartedly with your first point.

I suspect I will take it on the chin too but using the PACE w/s will enable me to see what I will be offered without incriminating myself straight away, if its 3 points and £60 I'll almost certainly cave in and just pay for my crimes.

PACE does raise an interesting point independantly of the question of using it to potentially escape a speeding endorsement.

People who recieve a speeding ticket are asked to incriminate themselves in a crime without a caution, according to the system in this country that isn't right, when you sign an NIP declaring you did the deed the are using a confession without a caution to pass a sentance. Right now that is being investigated by the European Court of Human Rights because its not in keeping with European Law. Makes for an interesting case and they have a good point. If in the future they rule in favor of the PACE w/s question we will a reduction in unmanned speed cameras in this country in favor of ones which have an operator who has some personal judgement in the matter, which I believe is a good thing, especially if it means there are more police on the road monitoring dangerous driving. Allowing unmaned speed cameras to monitor our roads does not take into account the large number of people who drive dangerous vehicles or drive dangerously whilst still under the speed limit. More police on the road covers all these aspects and more.


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Old 09-01-2007, 10:47   #43
BBx woz 'ere :P
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I speed always. I'll get caught one day, if it's a fair cop I'll accept it. If it's an open road with no hazards but a stupid camera places which offers nothing but revenue for the local authorities I will fight it. Just like I fight any parking ticket which I feel has been unfairly given, as well as congestion charging, and bus lane violations. If I genuinely made a mistake, I'll be the first to say Mea Culpa. However, I shan't be bullied by bull**** rules which are there designed to catch you out.

I am a good driver, I'm not the best in the world, but I'm very observant and do have a high level of skill - furthermore I don't take unnecessary risks. I slow down around schools, I don't assume anyone has seen me, and I open up the throttle on big roads - I take my risks at my own responsibility, I don't drive like an arse with someone in the car - except for Leon who loves some sideways action
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Old 09-01-2007, 10:47   #44
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Now that makes more sense (what MB said)
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Old 09-01-2007, 13:41   #45
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Originally Posted by Matblack View Post
If in the future they rule in favor of the PACE w/s question we will a reduction in unmanned speed cameras in this country in favor of ones which have an operator who has some personal judgement in the matter, which I believe is a good thing, especially if it means there are more police on the road monitoring dangerous driving. Allowing unmaned speed cameras to monitor our roads does not take into account the large number of people who drive dangerous vehicles or drive dangerously whilst still under the speed limit. More police on the road covers all these aspects and more.

Spot on ! .. I will happily take the punishment if I have done wrong and been driving dangerously but one of my speeding tickets was for doing 36 on a 30 on an open road which I knew very well having lived near ir for over 20 years

We need to have humans deciding whether the speed is dangerous for the road because speeding just isn't black and white. A little old lady pootling along at 15mph can sometimes be more dangerous than an experienced driver doing 35-40 on the same road yet who will get punished by the camera ??

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Old 09-01-2007, 13:51   #46
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My Dad is the only person I know who's been overtaken at a speed camera (30 limit) and the overtaker was still slow enough not to trigger it.

My dad considers himself to be a safe driver, but he does not keep up with the flow of traffic and often sits ~10mph below the limit in clear dry conditions. I think he is more dangerous people who are a few mph over the limit.
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Old 09-01-2007, 14:15   #47
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There's a difference between speeding and driving too fast.

People crash because they lack education and training.
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Old 09-01-2007, 18:20   #48
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Originally Posted by Le Hoff View Post

People crash because they lack education and training.

Thats a bold statement to make which i have to disagree with

When i wrote off my focus it was pouring down with rain, i was doing 30MPH in a 60MPH zone due to the road and weather conditions.
I had no way of seeing the puddle that i was about to hit with both front wheels (OK so i could have pulled to the side of the road till the rain slowed but then i would have been risking being hit up the arse by another car)
The puddle was so deep i lost control of the front end with no way of steering due to the aquaplane effect, as the puddle was on the crest of a corner i ended up on the other side of the the road which would have been OK had there not been a car coming the other way which i ended up tearing down the side of.

With high in sight i would have never made that journey but if you have to be somewhere then you just have to go out.

So to sum up, i think your statement is a little to broad

that is all

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Old 09-01-2007, 19:23   #49
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I never denied there were genuine accidents. Accidents do happen. However in general I think it is fair to say that people cause accidents through lack of practice, and experience.

The test only teaches you to pass the test, not to drive. I still believe everyone should have mandatory "probation" period when having just passed, and absolutely have advanced driving lessons. Even better, shove everyone on a motorbike for year.

However my point still stands.
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Old 09-01-2007, 19:53   #50
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ahhh if you put it like that then thats different

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