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Old 18-04-2007, 21:31   #11
Dr. Z
I'm going for a scuttle...
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Even with automated systems, there still has to be a couple of levels of human oversight. Forget which year it was (but it was fairly recent, late 80s/early 90s I think) but the Russians were conducting a radar systems test which amounted to them connecting a simulated radar trace straight into their computers.

The test ran and was a success but they forgot to remove the test generator before switching the systems back live. Got all the way to the very top of government before the mistake was realised - pretty much every missile in Russia was fuelled, silo doors open, the full works

Another time a British launched weather missile was sent up from Norway with a pretty much identical signature to a Trident and was picked up by Russian sats that monitor for launch signatures - again we came close to annihilation - if it hadnt been called off when it was, 6 minutes later most of the West would have ceased to exist.
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