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Old 02-11-2007, 01:08   #11
A large glass of Merlot
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I'd say Wii.

My reasons?

Having been in a car with Leon he always knows where he's going, so no need for the TomTom.

No need for a camcorder thingummy, he has Kate all the time...

Leon's not competative, so no need for the achievement wotsit on the xbox...

All in all, the Wii will be muchos fun for everyone

Khef, Ka and Ka-Tet....
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Old 02-11-2007, 01:23   #12
Wants Big Meat
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Poll tbh
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Old 02-11-2007, 01:45   #13
Dr. Z
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TBH, Wii's are pretty fantastic as a party piece or something to use when you have mates around or to take to a mates house - but pretty much all my RL gaming mates have sold theirs and bought a PS3/360 or games for either. I'm not saying the Wii is rubbish, because it really isnt but IMO it has extremely limited replay value and isnt something I would ever play "regularly". In actual fact, I would rather go out and buy a gamecube!

The 360 isnt worth a dime as a core system, so on that basis I would pass that over.

The video camera could be a hoot filming car antics, trips out etc etc but like most things of that ilk, I can see it getting left somewhere gathering dust.

TomTom One is absolutely great at getting you places you dont know, but if you are handy with maps and directions in general you probably wont find much use for it. I would have that over all the others because of the speed camera database alone (and the fact that I *hate* getting lost).

If you really don't want any of those, can you not keep the points until you hit the next level? What do you have to aim for there?
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Old 02-11-2007, 03:12   #14
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That is all.


We must move forward not backward, upwards not forward, and always twirling, twirling, twirling...
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Old 02-11-2007, 05:12   #15
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Tom Tom without a doubt if you don't own one, i've still got an original TomTom GO, thats been updated through the ages, with speed camera POI's. Definately future proof and so very handy for loads of things
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Old 02-11-2007, 07:06   #16
Good Cat
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Originally Posted by DRZ View Post
If you really don't want any of those, can you not keep the points until you hit the next level? What do you have to aim for there?
The stuff you get for the next level/s isn't as good as this to be honest. It's like European flights, various activities and a few more expensive things that I don't think he's really interested in.

However, if he takes a gift now and then continues to have zero sick days until the end of the year, he'll get a tonne of bonus points which will bump him up to this level, so he'll probably be able to claim another gift. The gifts options do change though, and the Wii has only just come back on the list.

Personally, I would go for either the Tom Tom or the Wii. The Wii would just be great fun, and since he's not actually paying out any money for it, it wouldn't matter if we didn't use it every day. It's just something fun to have, which we'd not normally be able to afford. The Tom Tom is a more practical choice and whilst I have no problems with navigating, it'd mean that I could sleep on long journeys rather than navigating... which would be great It'd also help when I'm visiting my suppliers, because it's hard reading a map when you're driving and I really don't trust the people I'm with to keep track of where we're going.

Oooooh Cecil, what have you done?
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Old 02-11-2007, 08:21   #17
BBx woz 'ere :P
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If I were to get the Wii I'd sell it (but that's because I'm not bothered about consoles ) A bit of free cash doesn't go astray!
No No!
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Old 02-11-2007, 08:24   #18
Deep Throat
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The amount of times I've always wished to have a camcorder on me is just beyond! The other ones are gaming toyie thingy-ma-bobs and well... you can play on other things (ie kates boobs)! Camcorders capture the moment, are great for pranking, are great for home vids () and and and take them on holiday, make dance videos, make someone filum your wedding with it (ammateur wedding videos for the win) annnnnnnnnd most importantly...


WHICH! WHICH, I tell you, means you can afford to purchase one of the toy-ie things!

See. Genius.

Buy the camcorder!

/me chants "Camcorder ftw camcorder ftw!"
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Old 02-11-2007, 08:27   #19
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aaaaaaand the probability of you getting material for You've been Framed is extremely high when attending meets and the like!

Think how many £250 you can win!

Omg. I so want a video camera.
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Old 02-11-2007, 09:03   #20
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Wii. Still.
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