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Old 04-11-2007, 05:45   #1
Stan, Stan the FLASHER MAN!
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Default Help me choose a movie to watch

I'm offshore at the moment and we are in a well control situation (i.e. things have gone tits up and we are trying to get things back the way they should be). This situation doesn't really invlove me and is a long process, as a result, I have very little to do. I don't usually carry movies with me as I rarely have the time or patience to watch them but I have been given access to a selection of movies if I want.

As I said, I don't watch many movies and don't really pay attention to what's going on in the movie world so I'm not sure what's good and what isn't. I have a list of the movies available and would be grateful if those of you with more knowledge would assist me in finding a good movie to pass the time. I would prefer something that doesn't take a lot of concentration as there are occasional interruptions and I do have to take a wander now and then to check my equipment (FNARR).

Please give me your recommendations from the following list (a brief summary would be useful, if you can be bothered)
  1. Raise Your Voice
  2. Blow
  3. Chasing Liberty
  4. Crank
  5. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
  6. Fantastic Four - Rise of the Silver Surfer
  7. Get Rich or Die Tryin'
  8. Ghost Raider
  9. Highway Men
  10. Hollow Man
  11. Paradise Now
  12. Running Scared
  13. Saints and Soldiers
  14. Saved
  15. Senseless
  16. Shooter
  17. Shopgirl
  18. Silent Hill
  19. The Baxter
  20. The Illusionist
  21. The Last King of Scotland
  22. The Last Unicorn
  23. The Zodiac
  24. The Sentinel
  25. Transformers
  26. The Usual Suspects
  27. Who Am I
  28. X-Men - The Last Stand

Fankoo in advance.

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Old 04-11-2007, 09:08   #2
Abandoned Ship
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21 and 26 are EXCELLENT films.
The last King of Scotland is about a young scottish doctor who accidentally ends up working for Idi Amin - I can't really summarise the plot without ruining the film for you, but it is really worth watching (the book is pretty awesome too)
The usual suspects (i can't believe you haven't seen that already!) is a classic - again, it is impossible to tell you the plot without spoiling it, but it is superb - and keeps you guessing all the way to the end.
5 is meant to be brilliant too. I watched half of it, and had to turn it off (because I was by myself in the house, and it was making me sad watching it), but I intend to watch the rest at some point!

Thats 6 hours filled for you!
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Old 04-11-2007, 09:49   #3
Stan, Stan the FLASHER MAN!
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Originally Posted by goldilocks View Post

Thats 6 hours filled for you!
That's half a shift Thanks

I've heard people speaking about 21 and 26 but never seen them, I've never heard of 5 though

I rarely have the time or the patience to watch movies so I do tend not to see many - even popular blockbuster type ones.

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Old 04-11-2007, 10:15   #4
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Mister Stan Stan The Whiskey Man!

Here's what I reckon of the ones I know/would like to watch!

2. Blow
I watched this with Picky yeeeeears ago and I wasn't best impressed. A bit slow moving from what I remember about some drug barons and well. Yeh... wouldn't watch it again too quickly (or maybe I would just to check I was right)!

5. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Love this filum but you have to watch it to follow it (if you're looking for a veg out filum I wouldn't suggest this one!) Jim Carey and Kate Winslet are superb. They really are! I have to be in the mood to watch this film though - it's quite lengthy but interesting!

6. Fantastic Four - Rise of the Silver Surfer
Not seen it - but just been lent it by Mister Fake Snake! Going by the last one I would suggest it's a Candy Floss filum (ie, you can watch it without having to think!) I'm excited about it but then I like comicy filums!

10. Hollow Man
A good film! I liked this lots! Predictable? Most probably! But Kevin Bacon really plays a loon very well (even though you canny see him most of the film!) and the affects are pretty cool!

18. Silent Hill
Not seen, want to see, as the game we got to play we were too scared of and sent back! If it's as jumpy scary as the game then I think it would be a giggle but then I am slightly biased as I heart zombies muchly (and there are half zombie beings in it! Or atleast... there should be!) But on the other hand, it could be an excuse to have a pretty lady getting scared and running around lots in "danger" trying to save a small child whilst finding a handsome man to help her... which she falls in love with and they snog at the end (or he dies and she wonders off alone/wakes up in bed). I dunno! Watch it and tell me what you think!

25. Transformers
I gave you a good preview of this at the cottage Hehehe! Once again - it's been leant to Picky and I by Mister Fakesnake and I reckon it will be genius! FS says it's superb so yeh, a big thumbs up this side of the world!

26. The Usual Suspects
Genius film! Loved it lots but I have to be in the mood for it! Action, comedy moments and superb actors! YAY!

28. X-Men - The Last Stand
I HEART THIS FILM! I love the X-men series! Despite being very negative about them prior to seeing them, I am now a huge follower! It's a truly terrific film - brilliant action, good story line (it's sturdy) and fantastic scenes/special FX WATCH IT WATCH IT WATCH IT! If you haven't seen the others you should as they're awesome! I would suggest on reading up on what happened in the last filums if you haven't seen it either else it mebbe a bit confusing (there's a bit of a love triangle happening with a supposedly dead lady!)

And yus. That's all I have to say!

Enjoy mister
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Old 04-11-2007, 11:05   #5
Abandoned Ship
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Originally Posted by Pheebs View Post
25. Transformers
I gave you a good preview of this at the cottage Hehehe! Once again - it's been leant to Picky and I by Mister Fakesnake and I reckon it will be genius! FS says it's superb so yeh, a big thumbs up this side of the world!
i didn't even spot that on the list!
another vote for transformers - it's reeeeeeally good!
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Old 04-11-2007, 11:22   #6
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Transformers is great They kept the 1980s "man can save the world as long as he works together" cheese that was in the cartoon

Other than that I've only seen The X-Men from that list (thats a great "leave brain by the side of the sofa" movie too)
The look on your face when a toddler rips out your heart and shows it to you? Priceless.... For everything else, there's FWOOSH!

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Old 04-11-2007, 12:40   #7
Stan, Stan the FLASHER MAN!
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Thanks for the suggestions guys.

Pheeeeeeeeeeebs, thanks for uber hooooge helpness. I think I'll watch Transformers this afternoon whilst on shift as it seems to be a popular choice and silent hill tonight, in darkness, in my room since it should be scary and let you know what it's like.

Please keep the suggestions coming folks, there's a good chance I'll be in the same situation for a few days yet.

I saw one of the X-Men films but can't remember which one it was I thought it was a bit naff but good mindless fun nonetheless so I'll prolly watch that at some point. I quite fancy Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind so I may give that a look some evening when I can concentrate on it. Still not sure about the others so keep the help coming guys.

Anybody else noticed that it's only girlies replied so far - come on blokes, help me out

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Old 04-11-2007, 12:48   #8
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Eternal Sunshine is an awesome crazy film, some excellent performances and a freaky story made me love it.

Ghost Rider was ok, but it did have the fantastic option of being able to go "NICHOLAS CAGE'S FACE IS ON FIRE!!! THAT IS AMAZING!" which I liked

Hollow Man is actually quite a good translation of the Invisible Man story, the FX are good and Kevin Bacon does crazy pretty well. The scene with the dog made my ex hate Kevin Bacon forever Then I made her watch Stir of Echos

Transformers. That is all.

Usual Suspects is quite possibly one of the best films ever made and has one of the best performances from Kevin Spacey I've ever seen, he rocks, completely.

Every Jackie Chan film in the world is brilliant

The Last Stand is a good continuation of the world created by the first two films. The only requirement during this film is to enjoy it and to point and laugh at Vinnie Jones

Khef, Ka and Ka-Tet....
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Old 04-11-2007, 13:29   #9
Stan, Stan the FLASHER MAN!
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Never realised Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind had Jim Carey in it I'll try it but if he hasn't broadened his repertoire from pulling stupid faces and making daft noises, I'll switch it off.

Thanks Dym. From your brief description of Ghost Rider, I've seen it - thought it was a bit WTF in places but not as bad as it could have been (not as good as it could have been either). I've quite liked Kevin Bacon in the films (must stop calling them movies - that's what happens when you work with Americans for too long) I've seen him in so I'll probably give Hollow Man a whirl at some point.

Usual suspects has been getting quite a few mentions so that may be worth a look.

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Old 04-11-2007, 15:30   #10
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I would suggest the new fantasy ones (transformers, x-men, F4) as they're all pretty good and easy to watch, but my favourite out of that list is definately The Usual Suspects, only you may need to concentrate on it.
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