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Old 04-01-2008, 14:05   #1
ex SAS
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Angry I never thought it happened, but it does! Postman rant. Gah.

I've read many tales of delivery drivers and postmen carding when the house is occupied and I've often thought that was just gunk. A driver or postie wouldn't deliberately leave a card without even trying to knock, I've even discussed this with God and he's thoroughly in agreement, aren't you, Leon?

This morning I was in the kitchen putting stuff away when the letterbox opened and a load of stuff dropped through, I looked around and saw it and thought to myself that I'd grab it when I'm done.

Ten minutes later I wander to the letterbox (all of 6 yards away) and along with the letters and one small package there's a card.

This card says that the postie tried to deliver a package that's too big for the letterbox and there was nobody at home to accept it.


There was no knock, I was close enough that if he'd farted then I'd have heard it.

So I leaped in the Feekmobile and went looking.

Found the postman a couple of streets away.

*brandishes card*

"Is this one of yours?"

"Could be, what number?"

I told him my address


He took out a package and gave it to me in exchange for the card. Here was my chance.

"Why didn't you knock?"




"No really, I was 5 yards from the front door, why didn't you knock?"


"Didn't you see the notice on the front door to try next door if no answer?"


The grunts were literally that, a sort of uhhh type noise accompanied by a shrug.

He turned and walked away, ignoring me.

I was stunned.

We used to have a really good Postman, Jennifer. he was great, he'd talk to the kids, we never had any problems with him and he did the rounds for years but this wasn't him, I'd never seen him before. I don't know if Jennifer retired, or quit, or what but the postie seems to change all the time now, it's never the same person.

It's just frustrating. Monkeys like that shouldn't be doing the job.

*cracks knuckles to write strongly worded letter to The Times*
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Old 04-01-2008, 14:09   #2
Combat Spanker
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You had a male postman called Jennifer?

Oh, and you should have chinned him
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Old 04-01-2008, 14:12   #3
The Mouse King of Denmark
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Can you get female postmen?!

I love how you jumped to it like the Feek signal had just gone up in the sky! Down the Feekpole to the Feekcave to right another wrong in the world...
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Old 04-01-2008, 14:15   #4
ex SAS
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I think you can get female postmen, it's like female binmen. There's one of those I see most days as I drive through the next village.

When the kids were young, LMF went through a phase of asking everyone their names. The postie replied with "Jennifer" and it stuck

Belmit, can my imagine me dressed as Captain Chaos, bursting through a door with a Dun dun DUNNNN!! and standing there in the pose? I can
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Old 04-01-2008, 14:18   #5
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Yes I can, and the tights disturb me. Why did I imagine them? Why?!
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Old 04-01-2008, 14:21   #6
ex SAS
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The Captain doesn't wear tights - Grey chino type troggs IIRC
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Old 04-01-2008, 14:30   #7
Reverse SuBo
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Hahhahahahaha!!! Belmit you are so funny!!!

Poor Mr Feek... not having too much luck this month so far?

Good on you though!!! I would have right nutted him one!

BB x
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Old 04-01-2008, 15:12   #8
Old Git
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one of the issues is that agency posties are not allowed to deliver special delivery items ( not sure re recorded ) , so they will just leave a card without knocking ( they won't even have the item with them )

disgraceful isn't it ?
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Old 04-01-2008, 15:17   #9
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I've got a delivery thats supposed to be arriving at work. Work is the most hassle free place to get stuff delivered to, there are always at least one and usually two people on the front desk between 9-6, and one person at all other times 24x7.

So what happened to yesterdays delivery?

"17:08 Thursday, January 3, 2008 Delivery point closed (Carded)"

Bull****. I'd popped down to speak to someone in IT around that time and there was definitely both the receptionist and the security guy down in that area, so the delivery driver just didn't even bother.
Mal: Define "interesting"?
Wash: "Oh, God, oh, God, we're all gonna die"?
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Old 04-01-2008, 15:37   #10
Deep Throat
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Aww feeky! Same thing happened to me, except I ran to the door and caught him trolloping down the stairs!

I played dumb and said "Oh did you ring the doorbell? Sometimes it sticks you see. It must have stuck because I didn't hear it ring nor a knock. Did you knock?"

Postie: "Gruntygruntgrunt"

Me: "O RLY? Okie, thanks for the package, if the doorbell doesn't ring next time just knock!"

*I iz too nice*

Heh, Belmit, all I got stuck in my head now is...

Der ner ner ner ner ner ner ner Der ner ner ner ner ner ner ner BAT FEEK... BAAAT FEEEEEK... Der ner ner ner ner ner ner ner Der ner ner ner ner ner ner ner BAT FEEK... BAT FEEEK!

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