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Old 31-07-2008, 14:30   #101
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Originally Posted by killerkebab View Post
Here's a quick question - I'm currently doing cash tables a lot and breaking even after a major bad run the last couple weeks. I've noticed when I raise 3/4BB with AK and get called by one or two players I'm stuck on the flop (when I miss). Ideas?

I recently started betting about 3/4 of the pot and getting a lot of folds, but I know eventually it will blow up in my face when I get called - is it a good play to bet when you miss? (assuming I am OOP, or if I have position, that it is checked to me)
Thats the crunch with poker, if you get called with a decent drawing hand but you miss you either take it on the chin and fold or you put up the money and see if you hit on the next card, sometimes its going to happen, people do get delt good hands at the same time you do. Always be aware that people can come in with a small pair and flop a set, many of us play tight and don't get this happen but you will get called and if you are playing a non pair then you have to decide if you want to see the turn and river or if its easier to just fold it.

I tend to play a lot of sit and gos so I usually have the chance to come back if this happens to me but with a cash game you are going to take swings. I have been known to go in over the top of a flop call or raise but thats a lot easier when you have a limited loss like in a sit and go.


"we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two"
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Old 01-08-2008, 18:40   #102
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A raise with AK and 1-2 callers is what you want

After a missed flop I will usually fire out a continuation bet of 2/3 to 3/4 of pot, this will often take the pot there and then and produce good value compared to the times you lose

Don't do this on a 3 suited board, if doing it on a 2 suited or obvious straighting board then the bet needs to be higher

If a decent size bet is made in front of you then your options are a bluff re raise or fold, with fold being by far the thing you should do most

always remember AK is ony Ace high
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Old 14-08-2008, 23:39   #103
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Got a game at my house Sat afternoon/night

Normally use a fold out table top

Missus is going to go Radio Rental when she sees what I have in the garage

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Old 04-11-2008, 12:53   #104
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Busy Poker time coming up

£75+10 f/o at DTD Friday

East midlands poker final at Gala Saturday

then off to Atlantic City ( leave home about 4am to get flight ) for anywhere between 4 and 10 tournaments ( the less the better ) getting back next Friday
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Old 19-04-2009, 13:09   #105
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Played in pokerdownthepub national final yesterday

you start with a league format played in over 100 venues with 4000+ people entering

the top folks go through to a number of regional finals, the top 9 from each region go to the national final

so the last 134 played the national final yesterday, after 11hrs I finished 2nd

only downer was that just before the event the gaming commission stuck their oar in and limited the prize fund because the first levels had been played in pubs, I won £1094 but it would have been much more
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Old 20-04-2009, 14:54   #106
Vodka Martini
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Still pretty good mate, well played
Are you going to the DTD event in June?
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Old 20-04-2009, 16:12   #107
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Originally Posted by killerkebab View Post
Still pretty good mate, well played
Are you going to the DTD event in June?
which one? the Sky poker tour ?

that's a qualifier only one for players on Sky poker, have a couple of mates qualified but it's not a site I use

in the Great Britain and Ireland team championships in August, got a good team for this, me ( well the others can carry me ) , my brother and 2 mates who have already won $60k this year
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Old 20-04-2009, 16:22   #108
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Old 20-04-2009, 21:28   #109
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Grandad, I hope that's not your typical poker face in those pics

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Old 21-04-2009, 22:04   #110
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I do hate poker sometimes. Decided to play my first MTT for a while, a 460 player 3 Euro tourney, with 345 Euros to the winner. Played my usual tight but aggressive game, came close to going out with around 300 players left in, but a few good all-ins let me double up and I ended up hovering around middle position for about 2 hours.

Only 43 players left, and the antes and blinds were starting to eat into my stack as I was getting crap cards. I finally got a decent hand, KQ suited, and a guy before me went all in with about 20k chips (I had 8k). He'd done it the previous 3 hands, bullying people and getting easy wins. I couldn't lay my first decent hand in about 30 mins down, so called him. He turned over JJ, and the community cards were no help. I went out in 42nd place, with the top 40 getting money

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
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