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Old 09-09-2008, 09:12   #11
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Originally Posted by Will View Post
/me bitch slaps Pheebs.

Leo - yeah that's the joy of it *anyone* can do it! It's all about using one person's aggression to your advantage.
aye though there is one simple technique which if performed incorrectly you can potentially kill someone
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Old 09-09-2008, 09:13   #12
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My Bro-in-law has his own Thai Boxing gym. I've had to give up all punching and padwork because of my tendonitis. Bah.
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Old 09-09-2008, 09:20   #13
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I go to Kickboxing now and again, its a really good workout... last monday I made a buddy (we were the only girls in the class) the first time I went to the kickboxing class some poor bloke got lumbered with me... I felt sorry for him because I wasn't strong enough to absorb his punches.. but now I have a bud all should be well!

Got me own gloves aswell as the ones they provide are stinky smelly.

I think doing the classes at the gym are a good taster, I was looking at joining a club (where you pay membership, insurance and the like and can do you gradings) and I would like to do that eventually, but at the moment this is (free) and less hardcore.

I also did Judo when I was ten

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Old 09-09-2008, 12:57   #14
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I did karate from 12 to 16 - got to black belt and started teaching too Really enjoyed it but gave it up when I moved up here
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Old 09-09-2008, 13:29   #15
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I'm a brown belt in Wada Ryu karate. Didn't advance to black and regret letting it slide.

I may pick it back up again one day.
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Old 09-09-2008, 13:32   #16
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I am a Ro-Sham-Bo grand master.
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Old 09-09-2008, 13:37   #17
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Aikido is still one of my favourite martial arts, highly effective as a self-defence form, against all sorts of fighting and disciplines regardless of size. If I get back into martial arts, that'd be the discipline of choice.

I still have a soft spot for Judo after doing it for several years, but I've never been any good at the actual fighting aspects of it. Technically near perfect, fighting I'm utterly useless. Was a fantastic way to keep fit though. My Sensai insisted on very strict discipline in the school, none of the pratting around that seems to take place in many dojos. Occasionally we would go out to do demonstrations at various events and other clubs (we had a large number of Dan grades, much higher than any other dojo in the area) On one occasion we turned up, got changed, and went and did our warm up routine. We got to the end of it and received a massive round of applause That's how atrocious their discipline was, that we could just do arm stretches and so on together and get applauded!

Martial arts made a big difference to me, changing me from a wimp that could be (and was) pushed around by everyone and anyone to someone who had a sense of self belief, who'd actually stand up for himself and insult people back who ripped the piss out of him.
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Old 09-09-2008, 14:51   #18
Joe 90
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my mate's all just started Ju Jitsu so i've picked up a few moves from them and i've got well into UFC so lovin MMA \o/

personally though i am tempted to start Aikido when the sports fair comes around again in a few weeks, we'll see :/
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Old 09-09-2008, 15:24   #19
semi-pro waster
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Originally Posted by Pheebs View Post
Currently I'm intrigued by both Taekwondo and Kick Boxing. Down the road they do taster sessions and I'm tempted to pop along and see what they're all about.

Never ever done anything like this before. Any thoughts anyone?
Most obvious question for me would be what do you want to learn the martial art for? Is it self defence, fitness, flexibility, competition, relaxation or something else?

Depending on your answer the martial arts that would be most suited to you will vary. Also try to get recommendations about the local teachers because that makes a massive difference to both what you will learn and how much you enjoy it.

I've done Aikido and Karate for a year or two each, tried Tae Kwan Do, Judo and Kung Fu. My dad does Tai Chi Chuan and has done for quite a few years.
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Old 09-09-2008, 15:27   #20
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So generally, this kind of thing is a mahoosive positive thumbs up from all?

May just give it a bash then! Will ring up for more details and poop myself into going along!

*edit* just saw your post SPW!

I'm really looking for something which does the following:

1. Works me hard but not to the extent I become a mound of muscle! I just want to be fitter and more toned.
2. Is varied. I think this is another reason I fizzle at the gym. Running on a machine bores the life out of me - I realise I'm knackered - and then I don't want to do anymore.
3. Gives me a push when I need it (so ideally have something to train to/people to train with/instructors yelling at me. If I have to do grades or competitions then I guess I will have to work blooming hard to save myself being KO'd )
4. Something I won't get bored of easily
5. Something that will help me relax. But me relaxing isn't necessarily talking a stroll/chilling out on a bed. I need to vent

I'm not looking for much really..... *giggles*

Last edited by Pheebs; 09-09-2008 at 15:33.
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