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Old 18-10-2008, 10:54   #41
Long Island Iced Tea
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My comments in another forum regarding online play.

To say online is top priority is a an over-statement and an insult to people who paid their hard earned money for this game.

I read from a post where the poster mentioned something along the lines of "oh it is early days, give konami a chance". Oh please, give me a motherfunky break for crying out loud. If I pay to buy a lambo, I expect the clutch to work, the aircon to come on when I want and the car to reacch the 0-62mph times as stipulated in the book.

Konami have so far failed in my opinion to deliver on their big promises. It is silly really, they [konami] are becoming like our politicians! They tell us something to get in there then do nothing about what they promise - all nothing but empty talk.

Why is it acceptable to allow the online issue to continue? Didnt seabass claimed they tested the online connection from half way round the globe and anyone with a low internet connection should have a lag free game? Well am with BE - one of the best ISP in the UK [just ask anyone] and am on 24meg connection, yet the claim by Seabass was nothing but lies.

If I go to a concert to see, MJ I expect him to entertain me, grab his crouch, scream eeeeeehhhheeeee and do a moon walk - it is what we have known MJ for - So why the heck Konami cannot deliver on their product I am paying for? Bear in mind that they failed to deliver good online play last year as well.
"Never ignore fools in large numbers."
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Old 18-10-2008, 11:04   #42
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And the year before...
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Old 26-10-2008, 19:41   #43
Vodka Martini
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Well I took the punt(Kind of) and bought Pro Evo 2009. I thought that I had heard so many mixed reports about it compared to FIFA so I went for the half way house of getting it on PC at £16.00 before I got it on console next week. I really can't think this is all down to it being a console port but here goes.

After comparing the two I think that Fifa does indeed have the edge over Pro Evo at the moment. After what took almost 45 minutes to get registered with a Konami ID, Konami Game ID, Konami Inside leg size ID we were up and running.

Myself and my mate got set up with a game pretty easy and the first game was Argentina vs Portugal. Dribble, Dribble, Pass, Pass, Tackle red card. Hang on that wasn't in the script. Never in my life have I seen so many poor decisions. It was like a Liverpool home game in the 80's And so this continued for nearly five games. Any half decent challenge lead to a red card and the AI spoils it from becoming a good gaming spectacle.

It's hard to conceptualise but I still maintain that Pro Evo still plays a little better than Pro Evo but in there lies it's downfall. Pick a side like Portugal who have pacy players and 99/100 they will always beat the defender, always. So the recipe for success is an easy one. With FIFA, your shots have to be precise whereas in Pro Evo it's kind of generally hit it in the direction of the goal and you will generally score.

I still prefer the feel of Pro Evo but it's going to have to do something with a decent patch to sway me into parting with some green to get in on PS3(Or Xbox should I get one) Upto now I have to reluctantly give it 4/10

PC & Console LAN 9th-11th July
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Old 26-10-2008, 21:22   #44
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Some guy was playing this at the LAN over the weekend and the lowest score I saw was 6-3.
The highest was 12-0.
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