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Old 02-02-2009, 19:44   #321
BBx woz 'ere :P
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I wish you wouldn't call me a gym though
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Old 08-02-2009, 21:40   #322
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Went to the gym for the first time in a week and a half, strangely felt even stronger than usual - perhaps because of the rest. Didn't quite work up to a full run speed yet as I am still unsure about my abs, should be fine in a few days though. Looking forward to interval training over local parks.

Shame my local gym doesn't have a punch bag.
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Old 09-02-2009, 00:05   #323
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Was talking to Will the other day and we both agreed that you mojo (so to speak) is in your head really. Sometimes I go and I convince myself that I'm not on form, so I end up weeding out and lowering my weights etc. Other days, for no reason at all, I'll get in there all pumped up with a positive attitude and absolutely blast it.

Getting annoyed with not being able to run outside at the moment, so I'm doing my exercise DVD instead as I find running on the treadmill mind-numbingly boring, especially when the gym is packed to the rafters.

Oooooh Cecil, what have you done?
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Old 09-02-2009, 13:02   #324
Admiral Huddy
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My new routine seems to making a noticable difference although I'm having a problem with my damaged rot-cuf..

My arms, chest and back feel bigger and my trousers are falling down!

Less sets, more stabilty moves.. tighter core.. and plenty of cardio..

I just got lost in thought.. It was very unfamiliar territory.
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Old 12-02-2009, 11:10   #325
The Last Airbender
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I got my first proper gym injury last night

Doing deadlifts and wanted to put on some extra weight compared to last week so grabbed what I thought was an extra 10kg a side. Turns out they were 35lb so really an extra 15kg a side. On my first lift I realised my mistake but carried on and did my set of 8 without too many problems. Struggled a bit more on my second set but completed them fine. Then realised my left arm felt hot....looked down and the inside of my forearm had a massive purple patch appear. I reckon I burst a few vessels or something. It's a light'ish red this morning so I don't think it's anything major.
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Old 12-02-2009, 11:19   #326
BBx woz 'ere :P
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Ouch! I sometimes get rashes on the inside of my arms when DL'ing as it sometimes rubs on my hips/thighs on the way up.

Still, good effort! Kinda cool injury! But I'm weird like that.
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Old 12-02-2009, 11:55   #327
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I'm pretty sure it wasn't rubbing on anything as it just seemed to appear suddenly. It felt quite hot as well.

Was kinda cool though

Will do the proper intended weight next week and build up more slowly
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Old 12-02-2009, 13:29   #328
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Went on the pole yesterday and my strength is far better than it was! Managed to impress the kid's dad with a few new moves that are purely strength based! Will have to get around to videoing that!

I'm teaching 5 classes today. Have taught toning and yoga already and have 2 circuit classes followed by a spin class to go! Am trying to save my energy for spin cos I love it!
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Old 12-02-2009, 18:43   #329
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I dont go to the gym anymore but I am cycling 10 miles a day, just bought a new cycle computer, I lost my other one and racked up 16 in 2 days and hit a top speed of 30.8 MPH
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Old 13-02-2009, 10:44   #330
BBx woz 'ere :P
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Default Should women train differently to men?

AKA....."I want to tone up but not get bulky"

I have seen these two questions posted in some form or other more times than I can count.

So I thought I'd put up something for any ladies lurking in this thread.

The answer is simply that unless a woman takes anabolic steroids (AAS) her natural testosterone levels are something like one 10th that of a man i.e. a man has 10 times as much testosterone! So ladies it is impossible for you to get big and bulky and end up looking like Arnie!
If you are carrying a lot of body fat you may go through a stage where you look a bit bigger as you put on muscle but haven't yet begun to lose fat.
That lean and sleek look, that toned look you are so desperately searching for while running on treadmills or pounding the stairmaster and quite probably burning away your muscle, is achieved by a lower body fat revealing the lines of your muscles and some resistance training to improve said muscle!

I found a really nice article on the subject here.
Here it is in full:

Should Females Train Differently Than Males?

by Joe DeFranco, Owner, Performance Enhancement Specialist
DeFranco’s Training Systems

When people ask me what are the biggest differences between designing strength-training programs for females compared to males, my answer usually surprises them. That is because the basic principles should be the same for both genders: train bodyweight exercises before using external resistance, train the core (abs & low back), favor multiple-joint exercises instead of isolation movements, and focus a good deal of their training on the “posterior chain” (hamstrings, gluteals and low back).

Despite the many similarities of male and female strength training, there are subtle differences to consider. First of all, females mature earlier than males. Therefore, in general, females can begin strength training earlier than males. Also, since females have less muscle mass, on average, than males, they are also more susceptible to deconditioning. That is why a female strength-training program should have the athlete continue to train during the competitive season. This is because the drop-off in strength is more dramatic for females when strength training is stopped.

Overall, strength training offers female athletes the same benefits that it offers male athletes! Regardless of their sport or gender, any athlete can benefit from increased sprinting speed, strength, balance, decreased body fat levels and a reduced incidence of injuries – all of which a properly designed strength-training program can provide. Also, studies have proven that strength training can have a positive effect on bone density, which will decrease your risk of osteoporosis later in life.

Even with all of the positive research out there with regards to strength training and female athletes, I still get asked the same question all of the time, “Will I end up looking like a man if I lift weights?” The answer is, “Absolutely not!” Much of the difference in muscle mass between males and females is attributed to hormones, specifically, testosterone. On average, men produce ten times more testosterone than females. Unless you’re a female who is taking anabolic steroids or other male hormones, lifting weights will NOT make you look like a man! Also, there is a difference in muscle mass distribution between men and women, especially in the upper body. So it is important to remember that male hormones and muscle mass distribution are the two main reasons that men usually carry more muscle than woman. These are 2 of the main factors why men who strength-train look more “bulky” than females who strength-train.

Females can still train like Tarzan, yet look like Jane!
So there you go.
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