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Old 28-05-2009, 23:55   #11
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Well from what I can tell, whilst they all seem to come with HDMI connections these days, only the Elite actually comes with the cable.
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Old 29-05-2009, 00:02   #12
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Yeah sounds about right. The past two 360 Pros/Premiums I've seen new haven't included HDMI cables.
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Old 29-05-2009, 13:19   #13
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Really? Total cheapskates!

What's the bulk price on an HDMI cable? $3? Less?
MS are just taking the pi$$.

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Old 30-05-2009, 12:13   #14
Vodka Martini
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Originally Posted by Pumpkinstew View Post
Really? Total cheapskates!

What's the bulk price on an HDMI cable? $3? Less?
MS are just taking the pi$$.
To be fair it still comes with a HD component cable and in comparison the £300 PS3 only comes with a composite!
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Old 31-05-2009, 17:38   #15
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Well it arrived on Friday (it's also a Falcon, judging by the 175W PSU, but then they probably all are now).

Managed to pick up PGR4 brand new for a tenner so been having some fun with that, now wondering what else I should procure.

I'm wondering how much I'll actually use it tbh as many of the games I play are either PC only and wouldn't really work on a console anyway (e.g. SupCom) or are games which, whilst available on the xbox, I'll feel much more comfortable playing on a PC (L4D, COD4/5).

Racing style games are great on a console and work much better than on a PC but what else do people think I'd enjoy playing on a console?
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Old 31-05-2009, 23:58   #16
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see post #2


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Old 01-06-2009, 08:21   #17
Vodka Martini
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Originally Posted by Vertigo1 View Post
Well it arrived on Friday (it's also a Falcon, judging by the 175W PSU, but then they probably all are now).

Managed to pick up PGR4 brand new for a tenner so been having some fun with that, now wondering what else I should procure.

I'm wondering how much I'll actually use it tbh as many of the games I play are either PC only and wouldn't really work on a console anyway (e.g. SupCom) or are games which, whilst available on the xbox, I'll feel much more comfortable playing on a PC (L4D, COD4/5).

Racing style games are great on a console and work much better than on a PC but what else do people think I'd enjoy playing on a console?
I like many here have fully transitioned from fps on keyboard/mouse to controller and find it perfectly fine (I for one actually prefer it now). In my opinion it woluld be definately worth your time to get used to playing fps on a console if it's only to come join us from time to time. I'd recommend getting COD2, put it on veteran, lock yourself away and persevere. By the end you'll hate me but you'll have cracked it.

I'd also suggest diving into some of the 360 sandbox exclusives. Dead Rising, Crackdown and Fable II and also getting into XBLA with Pac Man: CE, Braid, Geo Wars 2 and Peggle as a minimum. Hey, there's also free demo of everything so get downloading!

If you're into rpgs there's also Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey which can both be had for peanuts.
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Old 01-06-2009, 08:58   #18
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Psymonkee: The RB/GH type games have never really appealed to me tbh. They get played a lot at the (mainly PC) LANs I attend but I've never really seen the appeal.

Aboobie: Thanks for the recommendations, will look at giving some of those a try. The GF is more into the RPG type stuff than I am - she loved the Dungeon Siege games on the PC - is there something similar to that we could look at getting?

Have downloaded a couple of demos already, can see my 60GB drive filling up fast 20Mb cable is very handy for that Also just grabbed a used copy of Mass Effect so we'll see how I get on with that.
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Old 01-06-2009, 10:40   #19
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Dead Rising is absolutely awesome, as is Crackdown. You can buy them both 2nd hand for about a fiver each now so it would be absolutely criminal to not own them.

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Old 01-06-2009, 10:49   #20
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Cool thanks will have a look at those too.

Couple of other general questions:

1. How loud is this thing!? Quite surprised at the racket it makes, even more so when there's a disc in there spinning. Is this normal?

2. I notice that it says HDD against my profile in the settings section, presumably this means all my save game info etc is stored on the local disk? I've seen you can get memory cards for the xbox but how do these work - does that give me the option of storing personal data on the card rather than the disk? If so, was wondering whether this would be a more secure way of doing it as it would protect me against the machine dying?
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