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Old 08-07-2009, 20:33   #11
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I would have hung up.

The ones that hang round outside West Quay are the worst. You pretty much have to tell them that you hate children/old people/AIDS victums etc to get rid.

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Old 08-07-2009, 20:38   #12
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Originally Posted by Chuckles View Post
I would have hung up.

The ones that hang round outside West Quay are the worst. You pretty much have to tell them that you hate children/old people/AIDS victums etc to get rid.
It was them that got me as i was stood waiting for someone, so I couldn't pretend to be busy as I very clearly wasn't
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Old 08-07-2009, 22:29   #13
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to be honest, CRUK were like that last year when we all did the RFL. I remember all of us girlies getting phone calls after the race and several saying that they were really pushy and funny about it. I didn't speak to them but I know some that did were unhappy about their approach. Any one else remember?

I almost had an argument with a guy who stopped me in Preston and said 'DO YOU LIKE CHILDREN' and I said 'No, not really - in fact I can't stand the little bastards; (this isn't true btw ) and he looked completely shocked and just said 'Oh' and watched me walk past him with a look of disgust on his face . I just tell the street ones that it'll be a cold day in hell that I sign up for something by giving my bank details to a stranger in the street. As if!
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Old 08-07-2009, 22:37   #14
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It might go against the grain as most people don't like to be seen to be mean but I don't donate to any of the large charities, they have simply gotten too big and will only end up wasting a large part of whatever gets donated on overheads. The fact that some of them pay people commision to raise funds only goes to reinforce this view. Before giving to any charity you should ask yourself how much of this money will actually go to doing good and how much is simply keeping someone in a job.

Cancer charities are a particular gripe of mine as there are so bloody many of them and for all the money that has been donated and spent in the belief that it'll help find some great cure you know damned well that any actual cure will be owned by some drugs company who will hold the world to ransom for it.

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Old 09-07-2009, 07:47   #15
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I hate pushy charity people. Recently, I was collared into doing Christian Aid down my street (getting on the good side of the vicar and all for wedding in advance) and I hated it. Door calling really is a pants thing to do. I tried my best to be friendly and have a joke and then tell them they didn't have to donate at all or now even, but if they wouldn't mind taking the leaflet and envelope that'd be grand.

But. The lady who asked me to do it... I thought she was quite a nice lady until I knocked on this old old old old dears door up the road from me. When I say old... OOoooooooold! She was absolutely delighted to have a visitor and was so kind and polite and chatty. When I said about Christian Aid and that the lady from the church sent me she explained that she'd already been spoken to about it. I was like "Oh excellent! I didn't mean to bother you again about it then!" and then she said "well, the lady from the church found out I needed to go to the doctors. I asked her if she wouldn't mind booking me a taxi but she said she'd take me instead if I made a £5 donation to Christian Aid".

Now... the doctors she's speaking about is literally (for an able bodied person) 3-4mins walk away. So 1min in the car, maybe 2? What the HELL was this church lady thinking?! Seriously!? I was absolutely disgusted. The old lady obviously is in need of much help and support herself... why the hell make her do that?

Completely flabbergasted and entirely disgusted.

Reminds me, I need to go up there and say hi to her again as I know it would make her happy.

Originally Posted by kaiowas View Post
Cancer charities are a particular gripe of mine as there are so bloody many of them and for all the money that has been donated and spent in the belief that it'll help find some great cure you know damned well that any actual cure will be owned by some drugs company who will hold the world to ransom for it.
My Brother is involved in some veeeeeeery very amazing research stuff right now which is partially funded by Cancer Research, the government and other such people. If they can pull off what they're setting out to achieve, cancer treatment will be revolutionised and many MANY more people will survive and chemo therapy will be a thing of the past. No more losing hair, feeling ill, no more tiredness, drowsiness, lethargy etc. Looks like he and his colleagues are in standing for a nobel prize with it. I think it's unrealistic to believe they're searching for an overall cure - just different methods to eradicate certain types of cancers and or prolong cancer victims lives and comfort.

But... knowing that... knowing that money I am donating will be actively going towards people dedicating their time into helping find these different methods or to support staff to help the motion of it all... I don't mind at all. Of course though, all organisations have their flaws and expenditure which isn't necessary but that cannot be helped. So I really don't have a problem with donating to larger causes and after seeing what Cancer Research did for my Nanny... well like I said. No problem what so ever. They're doing a grand job and if it wasn't for all the staff and people willing to help they wouldn't be as far ahead as they are now.
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Old 09-07-2009, 08:37   #16
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I avoid chuggers like the plague.

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Old 09-07-2009, 08:47   #17
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I am with Kitten. I remember getting a phonecall from CRUK about the RFL.

Erm, excuse ME???? We raised, what, over 2k between us didnt we? (I forget) and you have the cheek to call me with that snotty attitude to ask for more? Bite me.

I have a DD set up to donate to a charity of my choosing every month. Thats enough for me.
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Old 09-07-2009, 09:00   #18
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Originally Posted by BBx View Post
I avoid chuggers like the plague.
Me too, I got caught once, "only £3 a month", then got hassled almost weekly for more. In the end I stopped the DD. I'll make donations in person now.

I also avoid clichés like the plague.

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Old 09-07-2009, 09:27   #19
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There is enough people always running 5Ks/10Ks and marathons for people to pledge. lol

Also I am the Charity of the year co-ordinator so am always fundraising.

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Old 09-07-2009, 14:32   #20
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I've raised money, donated and worked with the charity CRYSIS in order to help people who live on the streets to have something of a more bearable life and offer oppurtunities to help themselves out of such horrible situations.

Having done so, my details are on their database and I was quite disappointed to receive what I label as a 'guilt call' just after Christmas.

I understand post-xmas is a time when the charity is financially at a low and voluntary cold callers are utilised to attempt to bring in maximum donations but I object to the way that they structure their calls:

CRYSIS Chap: "Following your generous donations of the past, will you be willing to setup a direct debit of the same amount each month please?"

Me: "Sorry, I'm not always in a position to help out every month, so the one off donations system I'm sticking to suits me much better thank you."

CRYSIS Chap: "OK thanks, how about a monthly direct debit of a lesser amount?"

etc. etc.

It was after the 3rd attempt that I had to rush off the call- they were being very polite and are not paid to help with these calls, so I responded with courtesy and interest; but not listening to me at all and following their no-doubt enforced call-structure resulted in me losing a bit of respect to the company -albeit not their overall aim.

I'm disgusted at the attitude of the person you spoke to Divine - give them a phonecall/email stating your number and time/date of call as that person deserves a royal kick up the arse.
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