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Old 10-08-2009, 13:22   #1041
The Mouse King of Denmark
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Prince Caspian

Not bad. Bleaker than the last for obvious reasons if you know anything of the book/film plot, but worse off for it. The physical fighting was great - well choreographed and made the kids look stronger than they are, which was necessary. Lacks the true whimsy of the first but was good for a couple of laughs. Eddie Izzard especially added a voice of much-needed comic relief. Solid story (natch) and well made.

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Old 10-08-2009, 16:53   #1042
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The Godfather - The Epic - 1901-1959

Take Godfather and Godfather Part II - edit to chronological order, add previously unseen footage and create perfection in Godfather form.

I've just spent over 6 hours watching it.

Sadly, only available on VHS... and was originally done for TV so is only in 4:3 - but I really didn't care about that. It's called The Epic, and it's right. Two of the finest movies ever made, made into the finest movie ever made.

My video editing skills may be getting a workout soon. VHS -> PC - closely followed by DVD/Bluray -> PC - then a step by step recreation using the best footage I can using the VHS video as a guide track.

I have the space, the computing power and the time to do it... I've got nothing else to do at the moment.

Track down a copy and watch it. It's superb!

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Old 11-08-2009, 13:35   #1043
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Originally Posted by Wossi View Post
The Mist

An okay horror film, the writing isn't brilliant at times but the idea is a good one. A mist rolls in and in it contain monsters. Pretty much everyone who goes out in it dies. The story centres around a bunch of people stuck in a supermarket in a small rural town in America and how they react to what is going on outside. Some of the monsters you see are pretty cool, especially towards the end. Which brings me to the ending. I laughed my ass off at the final scene, can't say anything as it will spoil it for those that want to watch it.

So it's like The Fog...only more misty...
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Old 11-08-2009, 14:07   #1044
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Interesting psycho-thriller starring Stellan Skarsgard, Melissa George and Selma Blair (and a rather good cameo from British comic Paul Kaye!).

The theme feels a little laboured at times, as though the writers came up with that first and tried to write a thriller around it, but on the whole the film delivers an extremely grimy, dangerous-feeling piece heavy on both the psychology and thriller aspects. A little more character development rather than continuous detective work wouldn't have gone astray but the characters are at least as downbeat as they ought to be, given the frankly hideous depiction of the city they live in and police.

The torture violence is up there with the likes of Hostel and Saw but has an intense blanket of mind****ery that makes it that much worse, and the grittiness of the piece adds to the realism.

Worth a watch but not if you're squeamish or feeling particularly depressed!

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Old 11-08-2009, 16:21   #1045
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yeah that was a bit weird ^^
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Old 12-08-2009, 10:49   #1046
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Awesome, even better than the nightmare before christmas, i was particularly impressed with the voice acting. The storyline was actually quite scary in places (even i got a bit twitchy, i'd love to see how a 10yr old would react for the lulz) which was great, i miss the days when kids movies used to scare the crap out of em.


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Old 12-08-2009, 12:38   #1047
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did you see it in 3D? It was magic!

My friend at work, his brother was the Head of Storyboards on Coraline. I may have mentioned that already, I can't remember
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Old 12-08-2009, 13:25   #1048
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Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

I liked this, probably the best of the series so far and also the darkest content wise and I don't just mean the big secret, the whole movie is dark but it also has the most love interest with both Ron and Harry finally getting their girls and setting up the last book (2 films)

I liked the way the plot twists were handled, its not a massively complex plot and the film could have been boring but the set pieces keep coming and are well directed even the battle at the Weasly's despite being a minor plot point its done well.

I heard some snivelling in the audience as I left although I'm not sure why the end scenes aren't overblown and emotional they are hard and show Harry's development into the hero he needs to be for the coming episodes.

I've heard some reviews where people say they are confused by Harry's actions at the end why doesn't he get involved (including Mr Kermode's review) but it seems obvious to me that at this point he is still has total trust in Dumbledore and as he trusts the HBP so does Harry

The way the final book is done will be interesting, I'm looking forward to it

Was it worth paying to see at the cinema over watching it on the projector at home, no not really but I'm glad I saw it and if you only have a little telly its probably worth an Orange Wednesday of your time.



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Last edited by Matblack; 12-08-2009 at 13:42.
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Old 12-08-2009, 13:47   #1049
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Originally Posted by Streeteh View Post

Awesome, even better than the nightmare before christmas, i was particularly impressed with the voice acting. The storyline was actually quite scary in places (even i got a bit twitchy, i'd love to see how a 10yr old would react for the lulz)
My 10 year old didn't flinch, but then his favourite film at 2 was Nightmare BC and he always brought home black paintings from school. Bloody goth. Don't know where he gets it from.
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Old 12-08-2009, 13:50   #1050
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Re Harry not getting involved at the end

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In the book Dumbledore paralyses him behind the door as Malfoy bursts in, preventing him from interfering. Not sure why this was taken out.

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