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Old 16-08-2009, 17:33   #1071
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Mega shark vs giant octopus
When two enormous prehistoric creatures contend for supremacy of the sea, the California coast becomes the setting for a showdown that's been centuries in the making. Lorenzo Lamas and Deborah Gibson star.
I like this review (not mine)
Guess what this film's about?

Surely the title enough should encourage you to take a look, but if that's not enough to convince you - the lead role of a marine biologist trying to uncover where the mega shark and giant octopus come from is none other than Debbie Gibson!

Orginally I thought the tagline of 'enormous prehistoric creatures from the sea' was a reference to her, but no.

Debbie's on hand to save us from these giant beasts that devour such landmarks as the Golden Gate bridge - and even the shark manages to eat a aeroplane.

Brilliant B movie action though....
The cgi is rubbish, many parts are cringe worthy and the other parts are cheesy. Yet I still found it sort of enjoyable.

If you have ever watched the low budget films on sci-fi channel about the world ending. Be it a hurricane, sun spot or a earthquake that is heading for a nuclear power plant. Then you will know what to expect from this film.

I had to watch it due to the name.
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Old 16-08-2009, 17:51   #1072
Princess Griff
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HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA this is hilarious!!
I especially love the last 3 seconds...with the flying giant shark munching the plane!!!!
BRILLIANT!! This will keep me chuckling for hours!!
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Old 16-08-2009, 18:01   #1073
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Originally Posted by AcidHell2 View Post
Mega shark vs giant octopus
If this available on Blu-ray, I'm buying a Blu-ray player and bigger telly just for this film.

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Old 16-08-2009, 18:29   #1074
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The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
Wasn't looking forward to this but Mrs DL wanted to watch it and I couldn't be arsed to move off the sofa. I remember it being a bit of a flop at the cinema which to be honest is a bit of a surprise as the first one did well and with Disney as a backer it should have done well so you can image my trepidation at hitting the play button.

It's a long film at 2hour 20 mins which means that it may do better in the home environment where you can pause it for a wee/tea/beer and it does take a while to get going with the first 50 minutes dragging a bit. Still if you sit through that you end up with a rather good film. The cinematography is fantastic, the special effects look very good and the action sequences well choreographed and fast paced. The story does grate rather a lot but then I guess I'm not really the target market and I can't help but see (and object to) the religious subtext of the story.

The cast play their parts well and I was pleased that Lucy seemed to talk far less in this film as her voice makes me want to stick sharp things through my eardrums. The film gets a bonus point because the actress playing Susan (Anna Popplewell) has a set of BJ lips to rival Angelina and after a quick google to confirm I wasn't risking a stint on the Sex Offenders register (19 at the time of filming) I spent the boring parts of the film perving at them to keep myself interested.


Last edited by Del Lardo; 16-08-2009 at 18:32.
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Old 16-08-2009, 18:42   #1075
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Originally Posted by Del Lardo View Post
The story does grate rather a lot but then I guess I'm not really the target market and I can't help but see (and object to) the religious subtext of the story.
It's hardly subtle and the author was unapologetically, and rather famously, Christian. Rather a prolific writer of christian books for that matter ('Mere Christianity','Screwtape letters' et al.) So why object to the religious subtext of a story written by a Christian... if you didn't want it, don't watch/read it.
It's worth pointing out that there is also a some influence of Greek and Roman mythology along with traditional fairy tales as well in the series.
Mal: Define "interesting"?
Wash: "Oh, God, oh, God, we're all gonna die"?
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Old 16-08-2009, 18:53   #1076
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The Brave One

Saw this on sky movies last week. Stars Jodie Foster as a woman who is beaten up and left for dead, and her boyfriend killed by thugs whilst they are out walking their dog. She recovers and sets out on a mission to hunt down those who killed her fiance. On the way she becomes a bit of a vigilante and ends up killing a few other criminals as she is there when they are committing their crimes. She does eventually track down those who hurt her.

Was a good film, bit grisly but not unnecessarily, and whilst I would never condone killing people, I did like how she was trying to put right the wrongs in this world (even if she was killing people to do it )

7/10, a good watch.
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I'm still madly in love with my Dolly
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Old 16-08-2009, 23:19   #1077
Vodka Martini
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I Love You Man

Paul Rudd stars as the lead who's just successfully proposed to his girlfriend of eight months. All is dandy until when over dinner with his family, they comment on the fact that he's devoted so much into his partners, he hasn't held any real friendships. Later on, he overhears a conversation between his fiancée and her friends and realises that this is perhaps a bit weird. Fair play though - he goes out there and tries to change this. A few funny "friend dates" leaves him somewhat bewildered until he randomly meets Thomas Lennon.

Lennon plays the funny guy out of the pair while Rudd is more serious and nervous. Their acting is good, and the strong cast makes this film passable, just. The script is weak though, bar a few hilarious moments, there's nothing really in it that makes it worth recommending. It's very watered down and predictable. It's not even a turn your brain off Sunday evening movie.

I've always used imdb's rating and have found it fairly akin to my own opinion. 7.6 from 22,000 votes is a very good score and I don't think this film deserves anywhere near that.

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Old 16-08-2009, 23:53   #1078
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Originally Posted by Garp View Post
It's hardly subtle and the author was unapologetically, and rather famously, Christian. Rather a prolific writer of christian books for that matter ('Mere Christianity','Screwtape letters' et al.) So why object to the religious subtext of a story written by a Christian... if you didn't want it, don't watch/read it.
It's worth pointing out that there is also a some influence of Greek and Roman mythology along with traditional fairy tales as well in the series.
I didn't want to watch it but it happened to be on the screen and it wouldn't be the first time that overtly religious themes in a book hadn't made it to the big screen. It is my opinion that religious themes have no place in a film targeted at the youth market and this comes through in my review, if you have seen the film then I would be genuinely interested in reading your review as I guess that your opinion will differ. I don't think that we have to agree with each other but understanding it a very good bridge, if you really want to go into it then feel free to ping me a PM or start another thread
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Old 17-08-2009, 21:53   #1079
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Just finished watching Slumdog Millionaire.

Staggering cinematography, really tight direction and gorgeous acting.

One of those films one will remember. Exceptional.

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Old 18-08-2009, 09:30   #1080
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