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Old 30-12-2009, 12:08   #21
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Oh how scary
I think I have an irregular heart beat, mine feels like it slows down skips a beat and then speeds right up.
Faysh says it always feels fine when he checks it, midwife said my heart beat was slow and then seemed to go quickly and she kept an eye on it while doing the nightly monitoring on the ward when I was in but it never did what feels like a skipped beat.
I hate it when it happens, not happened for a couple of months but when I'm sure stress and anxiety kick starts mine!!

Hope he's feeling a lot better and that your all over the scare now?
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Old 31-12-2009, 15:39   #22
Princess Griff
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Jesus Marie! Hope James is ok, its always scary when things like that happen...glad things are looking up though! xxx
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Old 31-12-2009, 18:16   #23
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On a slightly related note:

Had a phone call around 6:30 from my sister-in-law telling me her husband was being taken to hospital in an ambulance from his work place, and could Kari and I go baby sit the nieces for her until the mother-in-law was back from wherever she was and could take over. Rushed over and had so much fund dealing with an excitable 6 and 3 year old, and their 7 month old puppy. So much fun, esp after a tiring day at work

S-I-L arrived at the hospital and point blank refused to walk in with her baby, describing it as "filthy", and although she does keep the house clean she's not fastidious about other places. For her to complain it must have been pretty nasty. She tried to persuade her husband that they should go to another hospital, but he "didn't think he could make it".
The final prognosis we heard last night was he had food poisoning, and a few hours later she updated facebook status to say "why are men such wimps when they're ill?"
Mal: Define "interesting"?
Wash: "Oh, God, oh, God, we're all gonna die"?
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Old 01-01-2010, 05:09   #24
Vodka Martini
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That's scary especially with it being so confusing.
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